Vol 2 Chapter 1076: Take it for granted (two in one)

"...There are naturally scums in any kind of people. Of course I know a lot about the kind of people you are talking about, and I have dealt with many things related to them... But it is not eradicable." After a pause for a few seconds, he slowly said, "Using individual cases does not..."
"This is not an individual case, but an inevitable trend." Heliga shook his head. "You don't really think that nobility can last forever? Maybe those who seem to be flattering on the surface, but in fact, they are not people who do not have real talents. , Can better be used for you in some special situations, I can understand this. However, you can’t deny that more and more worms and wine sacs are appearing under the noble system. Maybe you are usually wise and diligent. , Can deal with such problems in Lamar State very well... but not all nobles are like this. The earls and marquis you appoint are completely likely to commit some crimes like the former Duke of Helmut Unreasonable mistakes—according to traditional aristocratic thinking, responsibilities and obligations are equal—how many lives do you think he has enough to perform all this completely?"
"..." Duke Kane didn't know what to say for a while. How did he think that Heliga would talk to him about these things so seriously? So it was completely out of ideas for a while. I had to dazed and said, "Then... what do you think?"
"What do I think? In fact, the answer is very simple. To put it bluntly, the so-called martial art is nothing more than a tightrope-like game. Participants need to keep a good balance in all aspects and try to maintain them; at the same time, leave to themselves From this point of view, the empire’s class-oppressive structure under the aristocracy will severely restrict the development of the country’s potential. I think, even if you hate Lord Osborne and hate your teeth, you can’t Don't admit that he has a group of capable men and women. It is yours, or the leaders of the other "four famous sects" have to admit that they are very envious, right? "
"This... indeed." Kane thought for a while when he lost to Prime Minister Osborne in the previous political struggle. Although he gritted his teeth, he still had to admit that he had to admit that he was like the Imperial Military Commission, Imperial Political Department, and Railway Gendarmerie. The organizations and some of their core members that were unearthed and promoted by the prime ministers of the Intelligence Bureau do have very powerful capabilities. Regardless of the position, Kane may also praise them a lot.
"Therefore, this is a very obvious problem. If you stick to the traditions of the empire, it means that these people will never get a chance to comeback. Although there are some cases in the history of the empire, people of civilian origin have become countries. But that was not a stable output after all. The aristocratic system of the year was formed because the overall production capacity of the country was limited at that time, and the entire country had only individual resources, so it must be intensively cultivated to ensure the overall efficient operation ...But with the advent of the leadership revolution, the overall productivity of society has been improved. Under such circumstances, it is naturally unrealistic to allow excess resources to train a small number of people. If you insist on maintaining the original In some systems, even if you have defeated Prime Minister Osborne and won the civil war, the next reformist leader will be ushered in to represent those who see the big pie in society and want to share it. Maybe. You are confident that you will control the empire while you are alive, but no one can say for the future."
"..." Kane had to admit that what Heliga said was reasonable. But the problem is that even if he understands these principles, it doesn’t mean that he will give up what he originally wanted to do-but he seems to understand a little bit too-even so, Heliga does not support it and seems to be doing it right. Things reformists. He expressed this question, and the latter just sighed: "Just like what I said earlier, the aristocracy has brought a lot of rotten and backward things to the empire, and the reformists are not pure and untainted. Prime Minister Osborne’s expansionary policy has made the empire’s international image plummet, and the image of the Ereponians, who once valued honor, was enthusiastic and peace-loving, has been trampled on; the former allies of the empire have turned their guns to guard the empire. Possibly, various forms of invasion; also because of this, the empire has maintained a strong military force for a long time, which has caused the treasury to be tight, and Prime Minister Osborne has to sacrifice one policy after another to fill the same-you say, a blood loss Too many patients, how can they ensure that they do not die from excessive blood loss?"
"That is naturally... through an external blood transfusion." Father Kane replied without thinking.
"Yes... but the problem is that the empire is so scarred, it's entirely because the reformists themselves always manipulate the huge body of the empire, launching various forms of aggression against the surrounding countries and autonomous states that he regards as their prey. Therefore. No one would kindly give blood to the empire to make up for the loss of the empire during active aggression.
Heliga spread his hands.
Therefore, his only way is to invade more countries by sucking blood on these new prey. Skinning the meat to maintain this balance. To put it bluntly, it means fighting to feed the war. If it goes on, I don’t know what the result will be."
"But now he is dead. The empire will no longer go on like he imagined." Kane said.
"Look, this is your narrow vision under the aristocracy-I say this, don’t be upset. In fact, not many aristocratic authorities can understand this...because in your and their eyes, the aristocracy Our power is born with the traditional system of the empire, but those emerging classes-those who have taken up a large amount of interest in the force revolution, cannot accept such a situation. They It was the real reason why Prime Minister Osborne was able to assemble a political force called the "reformist". Large groups like RF and capital groups like the Kleist Chamber of Commerce all hope to occupy the dominant position of the future empire. This is their ultimate goal. When the ultimate goals conflict with each other and core interests conflict with each other, the situation is inevitable. Therefore, even if Prime Minister Osborne has been killed by your design, it still cannot change the facts. "
"So...According to your opinion, the aristocracy really can't continue?" Gong Kane frowned. Before talking to Heliga, he had already obtained some information from someone he had dug up by himself before. Since he successfully instigated the war, and the control of the imperial capital belonged to him, he has rescued members of the "Imperial Liberation Front" who were secretly detained and interrogated by the Railway Gendarmerie. Of course, this is not because Kane’s purpose is to thank them for their dedication-both sides know that they are just a short-term overlap of their interests with each other, they are just business partners, not any friendship-just because Kane He still needs Crowe, the leader of the former organization, as his core fighter. Therefore, in order to prevent Crowe from reaching his goal and getting a grievance, he can paddle at will, he must find a way to please Crowe. . Although Prime Minister Osborne hates him very much, under his auspices, the city of Julai, the hometown of Klow, a small country that was forcibly conquered by Prime Minister Osborne through diplomatic and political means, is becoming an economy directly under the imperial government. After the SAR, the development is still quite good, so Kane is also quite greedy. Therefore, while defeating the biggest opponent, Kane also intends to steal the opponent's fruit by the way, and incorporate the Julet District into his own, so as to better control the situation of the empire.
Therefore, Zhu Lai's ownership is regarded as his core interest as a noble leader, and naturally he cannot give up. But at least for a short time to sell a face to Crowe, the fate of these terrorist leaders is also sufficient. They and Crowe have also cultivated some revolutionary feelings. Using the relationship between them and Crowe, they can temporarily let Crowe work for him more actively for a while. At least according to his plan, it should be no problem to survive the middle and late stages of the civil war.
However, if this is just Kane’s own thoughts, then it was a surprise that one of the cadres succeeded in getting Kane’s love with his outstanding political qualities. After several conversations by chance, Duke Kane was very impressed by the former terrorist leader named Kidion. This professor of political science who was simply dismissed from his post because he made comments that were not conducive to the reformists when he was teaching at the Imperial Academy. He has implemented his quality as a political activist very well and was placed in the aristocratic coalition by the aristocratic coalition. In the base camp of Lamar State, Ordis, the capital of Lamar State, he once made General Kane suspiciously implement several of his views and plans with just a few words. Afterwards, Duke Kane clearly saw the improvement of some stubborn diseases in his territory, so he suddenly gained a lot of goodwill and trust in Kidion. Moreover, unlike pure thugs like Crowe, Kidion’s political wisdom can play a very long-term role if he is under his command and is trustworthy, and Crowe’s final value is only used to shape it into The heroes in the civil war were gradually refined when they divided the cake. The so-called cunning rabbit death, running dog cooking, said about this-and Kidion, the political star loved by Kane, specially warned the other party before-although the boy's father is a noble, but in academic He was quite successful in the above, even with Heliga. His understanding of modern political models far exceeds that of ordinary people and even some nobles. Therefore, Duke Kane must treat him cautiously-trying to pass politics The concept of the above fools him, it is basically impossible. Duke Kane was still skeptical about this, but now, he finally understands what Kidion said-when talking about these issues, he can't even find a way to refute him.
Therefore, Duke Kane decisively put aside his original arrogance and followed Gideon's opinion. According to Gideon's analysis, Heliga obviously does not agree with the nobility or reformist ideas, but he Not a completely idealized person like Olibat, he would be willing to cooperate with others for short-term benefits, instead of keeping everything away. This means that he and Olibate are not completely the same-in other words, even if they have the same goal, in order to achieve this goal, in the process, the two will use different paths. Olibate definitely won't make a brief alliance with either the nobility or the reformists, but Heilija may not necessarily reject this proposal-as long as Kane publicly makes a sufficient price.
So, what is a person like Heliga that will have a strong attraction to him? Kane was well prepared for this. He believes that in this world, no man can resist the temptation of power and beauty — if there is, it must be that power is not enough, and women are not beautiful enough. Therefore, driven by this kind of thinking, he made a decision that made Heliga smile in secret.
Of course, Heliga was not mocking Kane’s ideas. In fact, that is indeed the pursuit and purpose of many people-but that is only for ordinary people. For Heliga, why did he change his original insistence for the things that he didn't lack in his side? What's more, he is not a person who can be determined by common sense at all-even Prime Minister Osborne is so talented and rough, yet he has not seen the position and meaning that Heilijia can really represent, so he just chose to wait and see instead of starting from Ollie. Bart robbed people around, and Kane had already misunderstood Gideon's advice to him.
When Duke Kane finally expressed his thoughts euphemistically, Heliga felt strange at first, and then snickered inwardly—he didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly. Of course, he didn't intend to really accept Duke Kane's courtesy; Rufas also seemed to have a ghost in his heart, and was not very loyal to Duke Kane. He was even indifferent to the fire in the backyard caused by his father's death in this way, indicating that he naturally has greater interests, so what can be greater than the assets of the four famous doors? Heliga didn't know, but he thought that Duke Kane would definitely not be able to give it-this must be Rufas's own small calculation. So, Kane used this set of things to himself, and he wouldn't easily believe it.
Of course, even so, but for the sake of the plan, Heliga refused and hesitated. He pretended to think for a long time, and finally opened his mouth in Duke Kane’s eyes mixed with expectation and pride: "In that case... Your Excellency, let me observe the Noble Alliance for the time being? I will give you an answer within three days."
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