Vol 2 Chapter 1094: Regular army action

After obtaining a certain degree of intelligence and assurance, the military of the regular army went down to prepare their own action plans. Heliga was not prepared to interfere more in this regard. After all, the opponents were all professional soldiers, so they were naturally able to make reasonable and correct choices. I only need to wait for the time to give play to my strength, and at the same time find a way to ensure the safety of the imperial capital—after all, Vita also mentioned that the emergence of the magic city will inevitably bring some unexpected surprises to the imperial capital-everywhere The Eudemons and Mohuang Soldiers that appeared might be coming one after another at that time. Therefore, if there is a strong force deployed around then, it may be able to solve this problem.
After that, Heliga and Reckett exchanged information separately-Lloyd did have something they asked them to do before they did their own thing, and something they gave to Lloyd before-similar to what he had in Hame before. The kind of token placed in the soil in front of Karing's grave in Ercun—something Heliga wanted to see was also coming. This is a bit similar to Ling's big data analysis, but Heliga can't do quantitative analysis, and can only guess about it based on experience. The current "Big Tree of Blue" is undoubtedly a stronger existence than the "Enchantment" that shrouded the autonomous prefecture before, which means that Qi Ya's power has been further strengthened. However, the good news is that all the support from the "association" has been evacuated at this time, and the big tree, whether it is according to Vita's statement or his own guess, will probably not exist for long. Therefore, Heliga asked Rekert not to pay too much attention to this aspect-although the latter seemed to have that meaning.
By now, Heliga didn't know much about Reckett's abilities yet—heliga who had thought of this suddenly asked tentatively. Later, Reckett gave an explanation that didn’t know the truth or not: He has the ability to see through cause and effect and logic to find the truth directly, which is more like a certain kind of intelligence analysis than Clea’s. The same ability as prediction. It was impossible for Heliga to accept such nonsense, but he always felt that what Reckett said might be the truth in a certain sense.
However, in the current situation of Clos Bell, Recht's original task-to talk secretly with the representative of the Republic on the follow-up matters after the occupation of Clos Bell-can only be temporarily shelved. According to Wuxiang, the immigration problem within the Republic has evolved to an extremely serious level. Even the parliamentarian who took the most severe stance on Clos Bell no longer believed that the Republic’s army could be sent to Clos Bell instead of staying. The local battle is decisive. What's more, although the shield over Clos Bell has been lifted, the deep fear left by the purple magic machine to the Republican army still remains; and the newly-emerged Big Green Tree is better than before. A more transcending thing, so that the Republic will not be able to act rashly before getting further information.
In other words, the current situation is that who can end the internal conflicts faster and integrate the forces, who can send troops to occupy Clos Bell first-considering this, Recht temporarily decided to interrupt the mission there. It is understandable to return to the empire to operate.
As for Heliga-he is not entirely in favor of the aggressive nature of the empire. But now, it is an indisputable fact that the empire and the Republic are about to start a certain degree of foreseeable fierce competition after the treasure fades. Since this trend cannot be reversed, we can only use this as a prerequisite to carry out maximum activities to guarantee the follow-up-Heliga quickly accepted this point, and he is already thinking about the subsequent occupation of Closbell by the empire. How to protect your own interests to the utmost extent, and appropriately help Lloyd and Arios.
The function of the token given to Lloyd before is just like that-the information it sends back can clarify when Heliga needs to take key actions. In this way, he was able to progress to a critical moment in the empire, and he still controlled a part of Crossbell's actions.
Therefore, Closbell himself does not need to pay too much attention for the time being-after completing the two tasks entrusted by the emperor himself, Heliga decided to go to the west in person to assist Olibat and his regular army division on the battlefield. They. Although I don't know if Alleria can catch up with this battle, the existence of Vores is enough for this regular army to feel a little pressure. Besides, after hitting the nail at Rognahou, Kane’s ill-fated anger may also want to appear on the battlefield-maybe he will put all the elite of Lamar State on the front line of the battlefield.
The southern part of Lamar State can act together with the 6th and 7th Mecha Divisions. As for the fate of the 9th and 12th Mecha Divisions trapped in Juno, it depends entirely on their actions here. If they can't bite Olibat, but break two teeth, then they dare not continue to press the troops too close-keep the vitality to operate near the imperial capital, take down the Kane is very superstitious of its power The "weapon" is the top priority.
However, Heilijia also thought that it seems that the collaborators of the noble coalition did not know the plan of Kane in the imperial capital. Although the existence of "The Scarlet Horse God" may not be kept secret, Kane may not keep it secret. "City" is just the news that Weita brought him. If the abnormal changes in the imperial capital become too much trouble at that time, it is not possible that the aristocratic coalition forces will directly stop the war with the regular army after seeing this completely unreasonable thing.
Thinking of this, Heliga felt something strange again-in the process, the reaction of the noble coalition seemed to be too flat. There are many things that can clearly be tried to see if they can open a breakthrough, but the aristocratic coalition did not even have the idea of ​​trying, but directly and simply changed the strategy. Although this kind of strategy transformation is very clever, but sometimes, in actual combat, it is not necessary to wait for absolute opportunities to act-the ability to create possibilities from the impossible through continuous actions is the charm of those famous players. As for the aristocratic coalition, neither Alleria nor Voles seemed to have demonstrated such ability. This does not seem to match their prestigious reputation.
"No..." Heliga thought of a certain possibility, and he couldn't help but laugh-it seemed that there was someone in the aristocratic coalition, which was restricting the potential of the aristocratic coalition, but it was so. Haven't been noticed for a long time?
Maybe it's better to talk to Olibat-Heliga thought so.
However, for now - let's deal with a target that I have been staring at for a long time.
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