Vol 2 Chapter 1102: Win over the marquis

"How?" Seeing that the face of the Marquis of Haines remained unchanged, Heliga couldn't help but admire in her heart-this one was really calm. After knowing the secret behind such a royal family, he turned out to still look like he had expected.
Except for Duke Kane, any nobleman seems to be unaware of this matter. Both the Marquis of Logna and the Duke of El Barrea gave a negative answer in this regard-therefore, it does not seem logical to expect the Marquis of Haynes to know this in advance. The only possibility is that the Marquis of Haynes is indeed calm, and after knowing such a major event, he is still quite calm.
"This is a joint statement made by His Highness Olibat and His Highness Alfin... But in fact, does it mean the instruction of His Majesty." The Marquis of Haynes has already understood what Heiligar meant-to make such a royal family When the scandal came to light, it was not Olibat and Alfin's right to make a decision at this moment. Therefore, it was the emperor Ukent who acquiesced to this.
"You are so smart, you should also know who the person behind instructed me to do this is." Helijia nodded, "Although there are some details, Your Majesty also asked me not to disclose it... But I want to use your determination , There shouldn’t be any deviations."
"What?" The Marquis of Haynes didn't expect it. I originally thought that the connection between Duke Kane and the royal family was the greatest sincerity that the other party showed in this meeting.
"Yes... His Majesty the Emperor told me that all that happened in the Civil War was just a test given by Gillies Osborne to his "Iron-Blooded Sons" to see how much they can do in their respective positions. . "Heliga decided to tell the Marquis of Haines, "He not only has control over the situation, but also avoided Crowe's assassination. He is still alive in the world, waiting for the defeat of the Noble Alliance to be settled. Endgame. "This incident shocked the Marquis of Haynes even more than what Heliga said just now-even Juss on the side showed a surprised look, "Your Majesty only revealed this to me not long ago... So you should understand the current situation. "
"All of this is under his control...Is it." The Marquis of Haynes smiled wryly, "It seems, indeed..."
"Wait a minute—" Juss was anxious, "Heliga, this is—"
"I also heard the confirmation from Your Majesty not long ago." Heliga said, "Although before that, I thought it was impossible for the Prime Minister to be killed so easily. But the inference I told you at that time was not like you. Believe it."
"But... he was indeed shot through the chest by Crowe's shot." Juses forced himself to calm down. "You and I can see clearly."
"Yes... but the problem is that people in this world who should have died are alive. This is not the first time or even the second time I have seen this." Heliga sighed lightly-Lianna Sandro The fact that Te and Luca Clausel were still alive, he knew very well, and because of this, he didn't particularly entangle the specific reasons behind it-those things would have the opportunity to understand later. The important thing right now is how to a piece of fat from the Prime Minister's mouth before he can react, so that the Prime Minister won't make a lot of money.
"I believe you will not deceive me on this kind of issue..." The Marquis of Haynes calmed down much faster than Eusis. Because of this, he began to think early on what he should do under this premise, "but it is not clear whether he expected the actions of you and His Royal Highness Oribat. But now it is true...the noble coalition has shown defeat. If it's not... well, wait a minute." The Marquis of Haynes wanted to say something, but after looking at Jusses, he hurriedly stopped the car, and continued to say, thinking, "Anyway... I understand what you mean. Although you have always been an enemy of the noble alliance before, it is because you want to work with His Royal Highness Olibate to avoid the imperial political system from being completely controlled by the nobles and going back hundreds of years. And destroy all the positive reform results of these years."
"Yes..." Helija nodded-the Marquis of Haynes had an excellent understanding ability, which saved him a lot of trouble, "but now we already know that someone is behind the mantis catching the cicada or oriole-if it is true According to his envisioned outcome, the aristocratic faction will probably suffer a huge blow after the war. Prime Minister Osborne will unify the resources of the entire empire with unprecedented strength. At that time, the empire will become his dominance. A word of speech."
"So you and His Royal Highness turned to me for cooperation... I hope I can take measures during the last period of the Civil War to at least save a part of the situation in Sasha Rand." The Marquis of Haines helped Heliga finish. " That's it... So, do you have any ideas?"
"At present, only you have the value of this cooperation... Duke Kane is the culprit and will be liquidated after the war, so it is impossible to find him to cooperate anyway. The big mistake committed by the Duke of El Barrea is also In the same way...As for the Marquis of Logner, their struggle with the Ryanforte Agency has become fierce. If you want to cooperate with any of them, you have to show great sincerity... The chaos there is the best. Leave it to them to solve it. Therefore, you are the only one who maintains the most unhurried situation so far and has the most value of cooperation."
"In that case... I won't hide it from you." Marquis of Haynes thought for a while, and decided to agree to Heliga's request. "I'll give you a confession... The four regular troops in Sacharant State. The divisions are currently in their defense zone. You should also know that the leading army under my command did not engage in long-term battles and siege with them, but instead focused on containment."
"And the decisive battle between the aristocratic coalition and the regular army will be fought within this period of time... If you can give the regular army a boost at that time, I think it should have a very good effect." Heliga said, "but after all, your Majesty the Emperor He and the prince are still in the hands of Kane... I think if you do too much, it may cause Kane’s dog to jump over the wall, it is not the good result we can expect. Therefore, I think What I want you to do is actually the same as the reason why His Highness Olibate was with the Marquis of Logna."
"I mean...I still keep in touch with the noble coalition army, but secretly let the regular army retreat, so that they can appear in the designated place in the final battle." The Marquis of Haynes sighed, "So after the war, I will face the least controversy."
"Olibate and I will try our best to intercede for you, and strive to preserve most of the power of Sassarand." Heliga stood up, and the conversation went smoothly. "After that, His Highness seems to be still There are additional commissions to hand to you."
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