Vol 2 Chapter 1131: Unexpected gain (two in one)

Heliga did not comment on the vicious declaration that Helmut finally said. This is his family affair, and he can naturally express his opinions according to his own preferences. Heilija is more concerned than Helmut's now almost undisguised disgust towards Rufas. What is the more direct purpose of the Duke of Elbarea telling himself this matter?
Although he did seem to be reflecting on what Euses said, Heliga didn’t think his progress in ideological transformation would be so fast, and he would provide himself with such a share in less than a month. It is the heavyweight intelligence of his ugly family.
When Heliga asked Helmut this way, the latter laughed—he just pointed out his purpose for doing so indifferently.
"The reason is very simple... The second son I had always despised before was the one who cared about me, and the eldest son I had been entrusted with was such a traitor." Helmut said softly. " Since I have lost the power of the duke, if it is to avenge his humiliation to me-then I might as well leave it to you."
"So that's the case." Heilija probably understood-even if he is now behind bars and there is almost no hope of turning over, Helmut still retains the pride in the bones of every imperial nobleman. Helmut originally educates Rufas with a carefully cultivated attitude, but he didn't expect Rufas to be so ignorant to cheat him, so Helmut would naturally be the same as this originally unjustifiable The illegitimate child draws a line. Because now Helmut has lost power, his first thought is to use external forces to help him achieve this goal.
It was obviously impossible to tell Juss. In a sense, how much Helmut hated Euses earlier, the more it explains the nature of Euses. At that time, the Duke of Helmut was arrogant and domineering, and he maintained a sense of absolute superiority over his noble lineage. Naturally, Juss, whose thought and identity were completely opposite to his own at that time, was regarded as a thorn in his eyes. Therefore, he deeply understood that if it were Uses, he would not be willing to turn his face against Rufas. Not only because of Juss's character, but also because Rufas is not a qualified son, but at least a good brother. Juss would not be willing to be hostile to Rufas, who raised himself, cultivated his own thinking, and taught himself swordsmanship.
Therefore, after weighing it up, he decided that Heliga would consider such a request. Because in his opinion, Heilija is essentially an egoist. Although Heilija has made many compromises and concessions on Euses’s issue, they are only necessary for the greater good. It's just accommodation. He told Heliga the news because he felt that Heliga should also be suspicious of the logic behind Rufas' actions at this time, and the secret he possessed should be the key to unlocking the mystery.
"It's a pity...I can't agree to you now, because I don't have a specific idea about how to treat Rufas." Heliga thought for a while, and felt it necessary to tell Helmut some inside information, "You I don't know this either."
"What's the matter?" Seeing the words in Heliga's words, Helmut couldn't help being curious.
"Actually, Rufas... he was from the "Prime Minister" Gillies Osborne from the beginning. "Heliga said, ignoring Helmut's brain that was initially down. "Everything he did to you in this civil war was actually at the direction of the prime minister... "Certainly weaken the power of the nobility." "At that time, you had almost unconditional trust in him. If you take your hand, you are absolutely invincible. "
"This...how..." In normal times, Helmut would never believe such a ridiculous thing. However, since Heliga told him this, he couldn't help but believe it, "But this is basically... his position in the Noble Alliance..."
Halfway through the conversation, Helmut stopped abruptly.
"Well... probably that's it." Heliga sighed lightly-if others want to refute this, the most direct evidence is actually that Lufas, as the scheduled successor of the El Barrea family, will have What kind of huge benefits can attract him to go to the opposite side of the nobility? This is simply impossible. However, Helmut knew the real life experience of Rufas.
"But... it shouldn't be." Helmut's gaze had less hatred, and replaced it with more puzzlement. "Even if he wasn't my own... I asked myself the heirs who had done to him. The necessary education, whether it is intellectual or psychological, I have not lost at all. Even if it is my real son, I never let him come to the Ducal Palace until Rufas strongly persuaded me to take Juss. Come here..."
"Maybe the problem lies here. Your education to him may not be what he wants to accept... You regard him as the face of the nobility, the future glory of the El Barea family, and thus ignore the importance of being a father. The most basic concern of the son made him take a crooked path in the process of growing up, but you didn't realize it...maybe it was like this. The "iron and blood prime minister" might use this gap to hook up with him. "
"Even so... even if he is really like you said, it was the too much expectation I placed on him that overwhelmed him... I don't think he will be on the side of the prime minister." Helmut naturally understood Heilija's meaning-history is not without the kind of noble heirs who received high-intensity education prematurely, which led to psychological distortions and even mental breakdown, and as a great noble, he was even more familiar with such stories. It’s too familiar to be familiar anymore, "But Rufas... I remember that in the early years, he tried to test Osborne, who was just emerging at the time, through my hands. With that incident, I feel like Spence is unlikely to trust him."
"Really?" Heliga asked dismissively.
"Um... I think about it. About seven or eight years ago." Helmut recalled. "At that time, Osborne had just emerged as a rising star in politics, and it touched a lot of our interests... …So at the leading state conference that year, someone proposed that we should use our methods to give Osborne a good start, and let him see how we are."
"..." Heliga did not speak, but quietly listened to Helmut's follow-up. He suddenly felt that this seemed to be able to have a necessary connection with something he had tracked down a long time ago-that was the few who had racked their brains to track down but had no clue at all.
Vulcan, the former hunter, is the real messenger behind the attack on the prime minister by "Cadre V".
""Our method"... is it... the hunting regiment? "Heliga asked unnaturally.
"Yeah, that's right." Helmut looked at Heliga somewhat unexpectedly, and then remembered that he seemed to have switched to the free "North Hunters" after the war in Kruchen State, unlike those Mixing with His Royal Highness Olibate, she dismissed it, pretending to be silly, and continued: "Of course... because His Majesty supported the Prime Minister at that time, so he killed the Prime Minister directly or passed the council. Impeachment forcibly forcing him to step down should be impossible. Our plan at the time was to let a hunting regiment go to kidnap him-to make him scared for a few days without actually hurting his life. This is both. It can frustrate his spirit, and it won't be difficult to explain to your majesty."
"You don't seem to know... When Osborne was in the regular army for quite a while, he was a martial arts expert who practiced the "Hundred-style saber technique" in the Imperial Army to the extreme? "Heliga frowned. "Erengomu" is just an ordinary hunting regiment, and Gillies Osborne's strength is not even weaker than that of the "Swordsman of Light" in Heliga's eyes. . If the rookies were hired to attack the prime minister, the prime minister might be able to pay the price of a small injury and kill all the attackers.
Although the "Hundred-style Sabre Technique" is not like the traditional martial arts school, it has strict regulations and restrictions on the personal fighting spirit and breathing techniques of the martial artist, but it only pays attention to the use of the moves themselves absorbed from the major schools of the empire-but even In this way, the personal strength of Prime Minister Osborne cannot be underestimated. It may be possible to dispatch a hunting regiment such as "West Wind" or "Red Constellation", but "Ehrengam" is definitely not.
Besides, Heilija clearly remembered what Vulcan said at that time—they just needed to scare the prime minister a little bit, and then retreat—he didn't expect to encounter an ambush set by the prime minister on the way.
"Really? There is still this matter?" Helmut was surprised-of course he knew about Osborne Prime Minister's resume in the regular army, but he was essentially ignorant of martial arts and did not understand Osborne's combat capabilities. What it means. Heliga carefully observed his expression and didn't think he was disguising.
"Are you going to say... this matter, you commissioned Rufas to do it?" Heliga calmed down and continued to ask.
"Yes... That was also the first time Rufas used such things as hunting soldiers." Helmu nodded his head peculiarly. "Although he was young at that time, he had just graduated from the military academy... But I thought of these. Things must be understood after he becomes a duke, so it doesn’t hurt even if he gets in touch early."
"The result must have failed."
"That's right...Although the previous plan did not show any deviation, we too underestimated the ability of the "Intelligence Bureau" and "Railway Gendarmerie" that were formed by Osborne at that time. Helmut sighed, "They got the news and stopped the hunting regiment sent by Lufas. However, fortunately, it was not revealed who did this, so they couldn't find out. After that, these two organizations were... even more an eye-catcher in Duke Kane and me. "
"You really dare to say it. If this matter is stabbed out after the war, it is a very serious accusation." Heliga pretended to be calm, and resisted the urge to take a closer look in his heart. Teasing with temperament.
"Yes... But this thing was essentially done by Rufas-although he told me the ins and outs of the matter, he used his own funding and intelligence channels to recruit the hunting corps." Ermu nodded characteristically, "I didn't quite understand it at the time...I think about it now, probably since then, he has been thinking of deviating from me, so avoid being caught by me and this kind of evidence that is not good for him."
"Probably so." Heliga nodded-although Helmut said so, it is true that all the relevant possible evidence is actually on Rufas's side. According to the current situation, the prime minister said Uncertainty has long told Rufas to be careful about himself who is related to "Erengemu", so this evidence may have been destroyed by him long ago. Although Heilija didn't feel that Helmut would lie to himself on this issue-he had neither the ability nor the position.
"But, anyway, I don’t think anyone will pursue this matter. Since Osborn is dead, even if Rufas really is like you said, he fell to the reformists very early. It should be—"
"No... Your Excellency Helmut, Prime Minister Osborne is not dead." Heligal interrupted Helmut coldly.
"How can... I saw him with my own eyes on the eyeliner of the Imperial Capital"
"I received a sniper bullet and fell down with a big hole in my chest...Is it?" Heliga said, "Yes, but he did not die. Moreover, the prime minister and the emperor have long colluded... …That’s why your Majesty dared to stay in the Li Palace freely, without doing anything, and without direct instructions to the "Thunder God" and others. "
"..." Helmut was speechless.
"So, he should be waiting for his return right now to clean up the aftermath of the civil war." Heliga nodded, "You probably also want to understand... I think you should make some targeted preparations to avoid further progress in the future. Accountability is what. For this, I hope you can think about what other channels are available to get the relevant evidence of what you just said. It doesn’t need very directional evidence, it’s just that it may be relevant... …There are some things I want to confirm, and the resulting consequences should be what you like to see."
"...As I said just now, direct evidence is probably impossible." Helmut sighed, "But...maybe you may ask the dealer in some intermediary to keep relevant records. Yes. Although the records themselves are the things of the underground world, they have almost no value on the surface..."
"Middleman?" Heliga repeated Helmut's statement.
"Well... it is the public intelligence source of the early hunting regiments... They existed as a separate underground world intelligence agency at the time, but in recent years they have been annexed by some hunting regiments of a certain size. I see you use it. The barbarians in the north have used hunting soldiers for the first time, so they should be unfamiliar with these.
Helmu nodded his head, and then - he explained in detail what the early hunting mode was.
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