Vol 2 Chapter 1154: Battle of the Magic City (7)

Three hunters, a guerrilla--when the last stumbling blocker was left behind, the people of Class VII who continued to move towards the top of the "Brilliant Devil City" began to feel that their previously restless heart calmed down.
They probably knew before the war that when the mutation in this magic city ended, the civil war was likely to come to an end. In this sense, Heliga also reminded them-maybe in the process, the small group of "Class VII" may be used by some people.
But even so-they hope to pass this test and find the answers most needed in the short term.
The helpers invited from the "Association" were foreign aid arranged by Heliga and Olibate. They only need to solve one problem-that is to win Crowe, and then ask the answer to that question from his mouth.
What does he think about "Class VII"?
Despite their high hopes, in the short term, they still hope to be able to position themselves as students who find their self-worth in the Civil War. Being given more symbolic meaning too early may mean getting a lot of trouble in the future. This is the consensus reached by Heliga and Olibat: For the time being, it may be better not to push them prematurely on the front line in various senses.
From this perspective, Crowe can indeed be regarded as their predecessor. As the "Knight of the Blue," Crowe might have accepted his destiny as a puppet used by Lord Kane to consolidate his rule after the war. According to Kane’s own vision, he could really win the civil war.
"Leave this to their own thinking... he said so." Fei repeated what Heliga had left behind. At this time everyone understood what Heliga did before making these decisions. thinking. He did not act entirely from the standpoint of fighting for a stronger position for Oribart; and Oribart himself did not even think so.
"So... after this civil war, he probably won't return to school, will he?" Alyssa looked complicated.
"It's not clear... but he seems to have any plans to do." Fei shrugged, "As for me, I haven't figured out what to do next...Compared to following in his footsteps like before. , I also want to do something that I completely decide by myself. Speaking of... His Highness Alfin seems to have mentioned one thing to me before... Forget it, I'll talk about that later." One thing, because I felt the elevator leading to the uppermost platform of the "Magic City" began to slow down and stopped, "Let's go."

"The Crimson Throne"-I don't know if it is the emperor or the saint, or the leader of the two, Rossi, has used this name since some time. Therefore, at the top of the "Huang Devil City", the high platform sealed with the "Riding God of Scarlet" is called this.
Although the master of this magic city, the huge existence in the center of the seal, is still tightly bound and unable to escape, its own power has begun to follow the ground veins, and radiate to the entire imperial capital by virtue of its condescending advantage at the top of the tower. And even some suburban towns around. Residents in Torresta, Rivers, and other farms and small towns around the imperial capital were somewhat awakened by the movement from the center of the capital. They got up from their sleep, came to the street in twos and threes, and then looked at the wonder in front of them with interest and awe.
Compared with them, at this moment, Lord Kane is very satisfied. He glanced at the crown prince Cedric, who had just fallen into a coma due to the witch’s technique, and was tied to a chair. He then looked at the "Blue Riding God" who was sitting next to him in a squatting position under the high platform. ".
"..." Crowe stood quietly beside the riding god, seeming to be thinking about something in a daze, staring at the entrance of this magic city with some careless eyes. I don’t know how long it took—he suddenly spit out, "Hey."
"Ha ha... the end of the story... is it about to open." And while Cloe was there alone in a daze, Vita was thinking about something. She perceives the visitor's visit faster than Crowe, and at this time she also stopped the action just now and looked at the man with sunglasses next to her.
"What's the matter?" The man-"Skinny Wolf" Varut asked impatiently in the smoke while fiddling with half of the cigarette in his hand.
"You should remember what I said to you just now?" Vita showed a somewhat disgusting expression, and then gently actuated the spell to disperse the smoke, "I mean to prevent that guy from running away." When she said this, Valut's voice was low.
"Ah... you have said it so many times, I will remember it anyway." Varut watched as half of the cigarette in his hand had been extinguished-but given that the person who did this was " The apostle of "Association" is not easy to have an attack, so he has to spread his hands, "I will be optimistic about that man and will not let him do anything indiscriminately... However, compared to this matter, I am actually more curious about your attitude. .Why is your "Abyss" so cautious this time? "
"It has something to do with the follow-up plan... Some apostles originally had certain doubts about this plan." Weita thought for a while and decided to reveal this matter to Varut. "And now I will also start. I don't have much confidence in the current situation... It seems that we need to discuss with the "seventh pillar" further. But before that..." She turned around, "Let's solve the unpleasant matter in front of her. "
"..." Accompanied by the bang of the elevator, the door of the prison where the "Crimson Devil" was imprisoned was pushed open. Tolz Sergeant Academy, almost all the members of Class VII are here. Although some of the people were amazed at the wonders around the throne, while others looked at Duke Kane with an arrogant expression on his face, with complicated expressions, Li En only had Chloe in his eyes. Looking at the expression in front of him that seemed to have never changed-Li En took a deep breath, took the Tachi from his waist, and then strode towards the somewhat nasty senior who had entangled him.
"Yo." Looking at Li En's expression with a little grievance, but with a more determined expression, Cloe seemed to feel that the burden seemed to be not as heavy as he had thought before. He tried to say hello to Li En like this.
However, the latter did not respond to his meaning at all. Li En walked to a dozen square feet in front of Cloe and stopped, and then - simply and neatly, he drew out his tachi, and put on the second type of "Eight Leaves and One Sword Style", the "Heat Wind" posture.
"Make a move, Crowe." Li En said in a deep voice, "I thought about what I wanted to say to you before... but at this point, I don't think there is a better way of communication than now."
"..." Everyone in Class Seven showed a surprised expression. Li En had never told them about his plan before. Vita, Varut, and even Duke Kane, who had planned to say something arrogant, were stunned when they saw this scene.
"Hehe... then all right." Crowe was startled slightly, and then he understood what was the same, chuckled lightly-and then showed a double-headed sword, "Compared to the reunion of tender feelings... Maybe this kind of collision is more suitable for us. maybe."
In the next second, Li En's figure disappeared, and the wind surged.
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