Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Heart-belly rally (middle

Prime Minister Osborne's meaning is actually very simple-that is, the regular army was instantly disrupted after being attacked, and the real reason why many soldiers seemed at a loss after that was insufficient military expenditure.
This reason sounds ridiculous. Since the Prime Minister came to power, the regular army of the Empire has expanded nearly 1.5 times in just ten years, and the number of guided tanks and heavy artillery has also increased significantly. The annual military expenditures announced by the imperial government are also the reason why the arch-enemy Kalvard followed suit to expand his armaments. It is also the focus of criticism by pacifists from all walks of life on the mainland.
In this case, Prime Minister Osborne actually said that the budget of the regular army of the Empire was insufficient-even the reformists seemed to think that this view was too much.
In this regard, the reason given by Prime Minister Osborne is that although the military expenditures of the Imperial Army are increasing, the number of corresponding personnel is also increasing in roughly the same proportion. Therefore, the individual cost of each soldier has not changed much in fact. However, the noble soldiers in charge of the main front in the western region were not only equipped with new weapons such as mecha soldiers, but also maintained a much higher military expenditure than the regular army in the same period.
Of course, this excess investment cannot be sustained for a long time. But Prime Minister Osborne’s
deficiency in military expenditure
meant that the regular army of the Empire had limited back-hands-even with the help of President Tiskal, a large amount of financing was used to purchase a large number of the
for the regular army, but the civil war began. Previously, only the first, second, and fourth three mecha divisions had completed full assembly. The performance of the first and second divisions in guarding the imperial capital after the outbreak of the Civil War was a disaster, and only the 4th Mecha Division, the ace of the Imperial Army, really took advantage of its firepower. Prime Minister Osborne believed that the assembly of the "18" by the Imperial Army should have been expected to be completed in early 1205. However, the fact is that by the end of 1204, the Empire’s 16 mech divisions had only three divisions. Completed the update.
Without a unified organization, there is no way to promote large-scale training. In this era of rapid technological development and rapid military equipment update and iteration, one step is wrong, one step is wrong. This is the worry of Prime Minister Osborne and he The real concern lies.
This group of reformists heard that this is just to make them believe that "the ambition of the Prime Minister" is really great, and it deepens the impression. But Heliga heard another meaning-what Prime Minister Osborne wanted to build was a powerful force capable of dealing with various emergencies, with explosive lethality and resilience. The 4th Mech Division performed perfectly during the Civil War, but in the eyes of Prime Minister Osborne, this is just the average level that his ideal regular army should achieve.
So, what is he going to do? On the whole continent, even the rival of Kalvard Republic, the training quality of its army is far from the prime minister's requirements. If the current Imperial Army wants to invade Libel again, copying the "Hundred Days Campaign" ten years ago, I am afraid that it is possible to do so now when the importance of the air force is already understood. Regardless of the number of heavy tanks, the number of soldiers, or "Mecha Soldiers", which will soon be assembled on a large scale in the regular army, the empire has the advantage. If Prime Minister Osborne is still far from satisfied in this situation, then... doesn't it mean...
Osborn seems to be determined to let Heliga think about this-he himself has continued this topic calmly: the imperial army's military expenditure comes from the reforms implemented by the prime minister since he took office, and the newly annexed places Tax. And now, on the one hand, they want to grab the part of the cake after the nobles were badly injured in the civil war, and on the other hand, they also want to take the opportunity to promote the reform of the tax system-for this reason, the prime minister put forward an amazing plan, he said temporarily This is the "urban plan"-this plan aims to establish a comprehensive tax system centered on the existing metropolises of the empire and the Clos Bell that will soon be annexed-this is for the nobles To say that is tantamount to drawing a salary from the bottom of the tank.
According to the prime minister’s vision, once this plan is implemented, the imperial government’s ability to accumulate money will be quickly improved in the short term-these white-and-white Mira will be transformed into food for the imperial army, quickly maintaining the current scale. Replace the latest advanced equipment, and conduct unified training based on this, establish a complete command system, and consider the simultaneous development of the air force and the navy. The prime minister did not say what to do afterwards, but the result was obviously self-evident.
Those mentioned above are not a big deal—because whether it is the follow-up treatment of the rebellious nobles or the disposal of the parliament, the prime minister himself may have made up his mind long before the beginning of the civil war and put it here for discussion. Cutscenes. Only this establishment of a new tax system centered on metropolises is something that only exists in the head of the prime minister, and it is also something that cannot be achieved without the help of everyone here. Therefore, he needs everyone to finalize a practical plan in various details based on the ideas he gave.
After nearly an hour of related discussions on this topic, it was almost evening. The prime minister politely stated that he would take Heliga to see the emperor at 5:45 in the afternoon, and then refused everyone's stay and took Heliga and left.
"Speaking of... After the daytime battle, can Balfram Palace really be able to be used normally?" Heliga asked curiously-although the Prime Minister promised that the "Magic City" would be available for several hours before leaving. The inside disappeared, but the damage left by the battle between the various levels of the VII class and the cooperators was also real.
"The magic city and the imperial city were created by the "goblins" according to their methods. They are similar to Tolz's old school buildings, and they are of a type that do not interfere with each other... The current imperial palace is probably the same as it was when the civil war broke out two months ago. No different. "The prime minister answered Heliga's question, "Compared to that... did you understand the hint I was there just now?" "
"If you let the media hear it, I'm afraid there will be another time of turmoil." Heliga snorted, "His Royal Highness will definitely not be satisfied. As for myself, I have reservations for now."
"Really..." Osborn smiled without saying a word, "I thought you would be the one resolutely opposed."
"To be honest, I just think it is ridiculous..." Heliga smiled bitterly. "But if you mean to make the cake bigger, rather than tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall, then it doesn't matter. However, the regular army will be replaced with a new tank. This thing seems to be a bit slower indeed. Even your direct line of Lieutenant General Varta used old goods from the past."
"This is also a balancing act... It stands to reason that Valta can not only be permanently stationed in a key area like Galeria Fortress, but he also has the launch button of the train cannon. If this is the case, The new tanks are given priority to them, and other division leaders will also want to come to me to discuss something." Osborne sighed lightly, "It's just that the "train cannon" destroyed you, the fifth mecha The strategic value of the division has also been greatly reduced. "
"Isn't this a good thing? The "Train Cannon" can be rebuilt. If he really ordered the cannon at the critical moment at that time, the white magic machine of Clos Bell would probably be dispatched. Maybe the whole of Galeria Fortress would be deployed. Be destroyed. How can we spend more money if we rebuild the fortress? "Hailijia said half earnestly, half mockingly.
"That's not wrong... but I think when you did that, you definitely didn't think about it." Prime Minister Osborne did not refute, and admitted this generously. "But... if Rufas goes well If you take control of Krossberg, Garelia Fortress will no longer be the front line... then you will have to spend money to renovate the Tangulam Gate on the border of the Republic."
"I'm afraid it's not that simple...Although Locksmith is having a headache from the armed forces from all over the country, he is almost ready to clean up. At that time, the Republic's airship division will certainly come to invade from time to time... It will be cleaned up in such a short time."
"Yeah...so it needs something like mechas to deal with them over there." Prime Minister Osborne nodded his head deeply, "The Gray Knight will naturally appear on the battlefield at that time," Act as a hero...Of course, as for you, I can't command you. "
"Hey..." Haili sighed heavily-only this point, he didn't understand what was going on after thinking about it for a long time. The prime minister is Li En's biological father, which is already strong enough. But compared to this so-called truth, Heliga cared more about what happened behind it.
Prime Minister Osborne’s personal resume was destroyed by his original military affiliation after he became Prime Minister, and it is difficult for anyone to find out—the Intelligence Bureau has also been doing confidential work in this regard. Therefore, unless it is a good relationship with Prime Minister Osborne, or people who have worked with him, few people know the specific details of Prime Minister Osborne's previous service in the army.
However, Heliga knew that—because Ling used to be a lawless super hacker who broke through the firewall of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, she also remembered some of the information inside. Ling judged that these might be useful to Heliga, so she sorted it out for herself in the previous meeting. As for whether it will be known by Liber and other countries... don't worry about this. Richard, as the head of the original intelligence department, was naturally a professional intelligence officer without being controlled by Wiseman, and the prime minister was his biggest imaginary enemy at that time. For the prime minister’s resume, Richard must It is very clear, just for various considerations, there is no need to tell myself. Republics, churches, associations, and other other forces are more or less the same.
Therefore, after synthesizing all kinds of information, as well as the past of the prime minister learned during the last conversation with the emperor, plus some occasional rumors about the prime minister, it seems that Heliga can roughly sort out Gillies Oss Ben's life. Except for some of the details that are unknown.
According to the existing intelligence judgment-Gillies Osborne was admitted to Thorz when he was young, and after that he graduated with honors and joined the 4th Mech Division. He has excellent abilities and has a good relationship with his colleagues. He has also mastered the "hundred-style saber technique" that is circulated within the Imperial Army. He and Marshal Van Dyke, who was at the peak of fashion, can both compete equally in the competition. So won the appreciation of the marshal. In the army, the prime minister who was favored by his superiors and his subordinates at the same time was promoted to brigadier general in his early thirties. This was the fourth mecha division of the empire's regular army, not those who were very moist. Promotion in the leading army. It can be said that Osborne at this time has an extremely bright future as a soldier.
Moreover, it is inferred from Li En's age-probably at this time, the prime minister met Li En's mother and gave birth to Li En. However, the prime minister who was enjoying the double harvest of his career and family was interrupted by the sudden bad news after not having a good life for a few years. The hunters attacked the prime minister’s mansion on the outskirts of the imperial capital, and the prime minister’s wife died because of it. It was later discovered that this was a threat made by the empire’s protagonists in order to silence Osborne because of At this time, I have been trying my best to persuade the main combatants in the army not to start a war of aggression.
The prime minister is missing-with his four-year-old child, missing. No one knows where he is-the "Hamel Incident" led to the outbreak of the Hundred Days War. During the hundred days of the imperial army and the Liber army fighting, the new star among the regular army, Gillies Osborne, disappeared Up. Subsequently, Cassius Bright was born. While the imperial army was defeated and retreated steadily, it also received diplomatic protests from the Qiyao Church and the Kalvard Republic demanding the imperial withdrawal. At this time, the prime minister who suddenly appeared again, under the recommendation of Marshal Van Dijk, met the emperor directly, and was subsequently appointed to handle the aftermath of the Hundred Days War. After cleaning up this series of messes, the prime minister's ability to show emperor Ukent made a decision to formally promote him to the imperial prime minister under one person and above ten thousand people-after that, everyone was familiar with it. story.
However, from the perspective of Li En's affairs this time, the whole process is still full of doubts. Regardless of the special relationship between the Prime Minister and Baron Teo for the time being-for Heliga, the thing he wants to know most is that during the hundred days of the "Hundred Days War", the prime minister What is going on and what have you done? Was it something that happened during this period that caused the prime minister to completely change? Although this kind of thing is enough to blacken the originally gentle Brigadier General Osborn into a reformer Osborn who is not afraid of all difficulties and obstacles-but Heilijia always feels that it is not that simple.
Maybe-a visit to Baron Teo Schwarzer would be a good choice. Helika made up his mind.
Because Heliga didn't continue talking with the prime minister, the latter closed his mouth thoughtfully. The two, the old and the young, soon came to the Balfram Palace, which had returned to normal, in silence.
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