Vol 2 Chapter 1168: The expansion of the black land (two in one)

Cai Te is the source of the family of the gods and wolves, and the holy beast that guards Crossbell-Heliga didn't think that his actions could be hidden from him. However, although he was mentally prepared for Zeit's appearance, the core members of the "Secret Service Division" were brought here by him, which even Heliga hadn't expected. In the final analysis, it was because Cait remained on the sidelines during the entire "Big Tree of Blue" incident and did not help. What long-term plans Heiligar had for the latter.
Obviously, Lloyd and others have the same idea. Seeing his incredible look, Heliga guessed that Zeit should have found them suddenly, and then brought them here without any explanation. However, the current Zeit is not the appearance of a police dog when he usually shrinks, but the appearance of a giant wolf when Heilijia first saw him in a cave on the outskirts of Closbell.
Because of this, Zeit now is a bit like Regunat back then, with a kind of courage naturally exuding from all over his body. He came, and Heliga had no choice but to stop and look over there.
"This is... Is this Zeit?" Guy stared at him for a long time before he said in disbelief. Arios on the side had a calm expression. Either he had guessed it early, or he had seen Zet's body like Heiligar.
"It is his body as the "sacred beast of illusion." "Arios on the side said, "I originally thought, you didn't plan to show up..."
"It was originally intended to wait until all the dust settles." Zeit's voice naturally sounded in everyone's mind, "It depends on your choice. But..." He lowered his posture and asked the fourth of the support department. Man was able to jump off his back and said, "What you did just now is surprising...how did you know?"
"Did you say "Golden" hiding place? Heiligar paused, "I want to keep it secret for the time being... but I think you should be able to guess it." "
"...Okay." Cait hesitated for a while, and did not continue to ask, "However, according to my previous thoughts, the "ambience" is not yet in place, and you are probably in vain if you do it now. "
"I know... However, the civil war on the empire has not ended 24 hours, and there should be some noble forces in the western region who are not willing to surrender sporadically fighting with the regular army..." Heliga nodded, " So I think it's enough. I can make up for the lack of magic power. As for the nearby field...that's why I called them." Heliga looked at Arios and others on the side, and then looked at one. Lloyd with a blank face, "But it's okay if you are here... I should be able to help a little bit."
"Heliga...? This is?" Lloyd stepped forward with a suspicious expression on his face.
"You probably also heard that during the civil war of the empire, the noble coalition invented a humanoid mecha weapon." Heliga sighed. "Although it is said to be the invention of Dr. Schmidt, it is actually the doctor who passed the ancient times. It is transformed from the crystallization of human wisdom. One of the most precious fragments of the empire, named "riding god", can be summoned from the land under your feet. "
"It turns out that... wait a minute." Lloyd suddenly realized what was wrong, "Since it is the manifestation of the ancient legend of the empire... then why is there such a thing in Closbell?"
"Because the concept of "Black Land" will expand. "A clear voice sounded, coming from the other side of Cait's direction - it was actually the "Sage of Steel." However, she was dressed in casual clothes and came alone, without weapons or subordinates.
"Hey..." Now, the situation is more complicated. Heliga sighed as he watched Arios and the others treat Arian Hurd as enemies-but he knew why she was here: the last one among the "riding gods" that has not yet appeared. For the time being, her movement is also of interest to her, the initiator of "silver".
"Don’t be hostile, I’m not here to fight you." Arian Hurd watched Arios’s hand on the handle of the sword, as if he didn’t care at all, "I’m here, yes. Want to witness the awakening of "Gold". Although I am also a little wondering if you can do it..." She looked at Heliga, whose expression remained unchanged, and finally she turned her gaze away.
"You haven't answered my question yet, Heliga." Seeing that Arian Hurd really didn't mean to fight, and seeing Heliga's Kevin who belonged to the Seven Lights Church was not as tense as them, Royd and others People are no longer vigilant, "And it seems that "The Saint of Steel" also knows...? "
"Um... Although it is my own guess." Arian Hurd sighed and said, ""The Land of Black"...This is the name of the Ereponia Empire in ancient books. Although there are many literary works such as fantasy novels that will use this term... but few people know that "the land of the black" is a word that has its own meaning. "
"In general... the land considered to be the "Land of Darkness" is not only the territory of the empire, but also places that are entangled with the empire through various means. "Heliga said, "Although I don't know if the source of my conclusion is the same as that of the Holy Woman... In the middle and late periods of the "Lion Heart Emperor" rule, the empire has launched several expansion wars, bringing the western and northern parts of the empire together. Part of the territory was annexed, including the famous Zaxon Iron Mine... and along with the expansion of the empire's territory, the "Black Land" also expanded with it-almost like this. "
"Hmm... The hiding places of the "God of Riding" are almost all built by the ancient race of the "Goblin" empire... They are not all in this real world, but hidden in the high-dimensional space... Or according to the church. In professional terms, in the "phase space". "Arian Hurd nodded," And only when many harsh conditions are met, the entrance of the "riding god", that is, the type of building we call "spiritual cave", will appear in the world we know— -After that, people who are confident in their bravery and obsession can go deep into it to complete the trial and try to become a master recognized by the "riding god". "
"So..." The other members of the Support Section were basically in a state of downtime and could not understand the conversation between the two. Only Tio could understand the content of the two people’s words. Ereponia is connected, so here can also be used to summon that kind of "spiritual cave"? "
"Indeed." Arian Hurd nodded, "It's great that I don't need to explain further."
"So..." Lloyd on the side listened to Tio's explanation and understood - but in this way, it can be regarded as an answer to a little doubt he had before, "When I met in the wetland before, I It seems that you don't simply admire the spiritual power of this land like a "doctor"... but have other ideas. "
"Well...it's a habit. Whenever I go to such a place, I will pay a little attention." Arian Hurd admitted, "I thought that this place may be used to awaken the "Golden Riding God" in the future. It's just that I can't do it myself...I'm not good at occultism, and I need the assistance of the "second pillar". "
"Besides, you didn't find a suitable starter either." Heliga chuckled, "After all, you already have the "Silver Riding God" yourself. "
"Yes...Although I was surprised, you know it." Arian Hurd said calmly without a trace of surprise, and then gently waved his hand-a phantom flashed behind her abruptly.
Similar to the Riding God owned by Li En, a giant with a height of 7-8 subdimensions-however, compared to the monotonous Valima, this exclusive machine of the saint looks more gorgeous. It seems that the power of "silver" is inherently stronger and it is not a false statement.
"Silver" slowly landed behind Lianna, without showing up-it just disappeared in the dumbfounded eyes of everyone.
"Is it an ancient legend about "giants" in the empire? "Arios' expression on the side was very unnatural, "Although the information of the association has already mentioned...but I didn't expect..."
"On this point, I also want to get rid of your secrets for the time being like Helija. However, it won't be too long... I think in two years, you will also hear about it from other channels." Arian He De looked at Arios, who looked at the former with complicated eyes.
"Okay... I agree." Arios took a deep breath. "I heard Kia say that during the time when Dita was messing up, you were paying attention to Aya, Xiaodi, and Cecil. Excuse me. I believe in what you are, and I believe that your request is not meaningless."
"Oh yes... there's this thing." Lloyd and Guy on the side also reacted. Kia did tell them this before, so she hurriedly thanked them.
"You don't have to be polite." Arian Hurd just nodded slightly and looked at Heliga, "In that case, why don't you continue? Whether it is the goddess's holy beast, or the church knights seem to have acquiesced?"
"Okay." Helija nodded, and then suddenly remembered something--"By the way, since you are here too...Although I think it is enough to have Arios and them, it is always good to have one more person. You How about coming to help?"
"That's right... I wanted to ask just now." Arios patted his head, "It means, you called us to..."
"Hmm... In order to summon the hiding place of the "Golden Riding God", the concept of "struggle" needs to be reproduced in this land. The civil war of the empire itself can be counted as a part, but this civil war was not originally a complete "competition", plus it has basically been announced that the war has ceased... Therefore, the missing part can only be I think of a solution. "
"That's what Zeit guessed just now." Heliga didn't intend to hide it. "In order to create a fighting atmosphere later, I will tear the gap in the world a little bit...well, but the problem is, Doing so will cause many things like phantom beasts and demons to emerge..."
"Wait, wait a minute!" Kevin on the side heard this and couldn't help but screamed, "Heliga, you just said--"
"I can't let you really fight here... But if it's just a normal battle, it won't work." Heliga motioned to Kevin to calm down, "So, it's better to call for something that you don't need to worry about. . They can’t run far anyway..."
"But...this must be a heresy not allowed in the scriptures..." Kevin muttered.
"Yeah... so you can say at that time, I will let the "Sword Saint of Wind" and "Sword Emperor" threaten you to agree, so that you can be exempted from responsibility. "Heliga saw Kevin's difficulties, "As for how to explain to the church... I think your Lord His Holiness will not be as pedantic as the cardinal below. "
"...Okay, then." Kevin downcast, "Forget it...I had an unclear premonition that it was this. But..." He raised his head and looked at it. "I also think it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. ...There are so many masters."
"Haha... don't worry. As the goddess of the holy beast, coupled with years of experience in activities around here, I can guarantee that this will not lead to any long-term serious consequences." Cait also spoke at this time, "if not If you can rest assured, you can also report my judgment together."
"Oh... nothing." Kevin had nothing to say anymore, so he raised his hand and surrendered. He also knew in his heart that Heliga would not make any troubles to entrap him, but he, a former "heretical hunter" who had an occupational disease for so many years, would not be healed in a short while.
"That's it... Then, if everything goes well, Levi will go inside to deal with the trial. You kill those monsters outside, and I will maintain the magic around here... But I don't think it will take long." Heliga made a decision. .
"Before that, I have to ask a question too." Arian Hurd looked at Levi, "Levi, do you understand what this is doing?"
"I know... On the side of the empire before, His Majesty Ukent told me a lot of things I didn't know before." Levi's eyes were firm and his tone was flat. It’s better than before without even having a chance."
"...Okay." "The Saint of Steel" and Levi looked at each other for a long time before finally saying with admiration, "Your heart knot has been untied... In this way, even if you are alone, it may not be Can't wake up the "golden" riding god. However, what I want to remind you is that there is a so-called affinity between the "riding god" and the "activator". I don't know what "Gold" has for selecting a starter... but it is a very good riding god. You have to be mentally prepared. "
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