Vol 2 Chapter 1171: Witch's Homecoming (2 in 1)

"..." He knew clearly that he was awake, but deceived that he was not awake yet. Opening his eyes and staring at the dark ceiling, Li En felt that his heart had been completely numb, as if he had lost the ability to react to many things.
I don't remember how I was taken out of the imperial capital and back to the school-when other students held a banquet to celebrate the end of the civil war and the country finally restored peace, I am the only one who was probably the only one who was embarrassed. There is no other reason, just because of the extremely impactful facts. Li En wanted to accept it, but was surprised to find it extremely difficult. It's a pity that the tingling sensation that swept through with the fragments of the memory ruthlessly told Li En that he didn't even have the qualifications to deny these.
"Li En...Are you awake?" At this moment, a voice sounded abruptly. Li En was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood the reason for this sudden feeling: This was Heliga's voice.
Without thinking about it, Li En took three steps and two steps, and after jumping off the bed, he went straight to the door. After pushing the door abruptly, Heliga was looking at him with a helpless expression.
"Hmm... Is that true?" Heliga looked at Lien-even though the light was not good, Heliga could see his exhaustion, and naturally understood what he was worrying and entangled with, "Nothing...I This time, I mainly want to explain something to you as appropriate. This is also a very serious matter, and I hope you can think carefully."
"Sure enough... those questions about my life experience... did you know it a long time ago?" Li En was not surprised at all. Heliga walked into Lien's room, turned on the light, and looked around, as if looking for something.
"No... I only learned about it recently. With the help of some people." Heliga shook his head, "I have always been able to get all kinds of fragmented information...but I'm lucky, this information They all have a strong connection, and my mind is good for the time being. Therefore, it is not difficult to connect them together. However, after knowing those, I have to mention... the so-called coincidence and Fate is just inevitable in many cases."
"How do you say?" Heliga's statement aroused Li En's strong curiosity. All of a sudden, he wrote and forgot his previous entanglement.
"Well... then listen to me from the boyhood of Gillies Osborne..."

The Ismia Forest in the southwestern part of the empire is a place full of mysterious legends since the founding of the empire. Even after the Guidance Revolution, large-scale urbanization and industrialization began in various parts of the empire, this virgin forest, which covers an area of ​​3 million square Sel's moments, still maintains its original appearance. However, since ancient times, various cities and settlements have spontaneously far away from the periphery of the city for unknown reasons, so they have no effect on their own.
In fact, in this forest, there is a mysterious place in the true sense-that is the secret hiding place of the witches hidden here by special techniques, the secret hiding place of the "witch" clan of the empire. With the help of an ancient technique, people from the outside world will unconsciously not want to have more contact with this forest when they approach this forest-not only do not want to be closer to the depths of the forest, It also includes when carrying out various investment and construction plans, we will try our best to eliminate interference here.
In modern times, the Erebonian government officially announced in a certain year that this forest would be preserved as a natural park like the Lunarria Forest in the Kručín State in the southeast, and after all development activities were banned. , Many people have cut off even the most basic connections here. However, for someone who has lived in this forest for eight hundred years, none of this is different. It has never been.
Even when I was tasting the small snacks brought to me from the outside world by the people in the village, I choked on this kind of thing because of an unknown premonition, it seems...
No, this seems like you can't ignore it.
"That... mother-in-law?" The little the side looked at the girl who kept clearing her throat with a timid look, and the figure was actually about the same as her own... mother-in-law. Rosalia Millsteen—at least, she, who is regarded as the witch elder, has such an official name. However, for some unknown reasons, this person should have a noble status and show human existence with dignity, but he has always maintained such a childlike appearance.
Therefore, this funny picture was born, a little girl who might be thirteen or fourteen years old, using this name for a little girl who looks younger than her age in front of her. However, although this scene may seem quite funny to outsiders, the awe of the little girl named Nina in front of Rosalia is also genuine. Among other things, she is now very worried that her mother-in-law will lose her temper because the snacks do not match her taste, although the appearance of Roussey's temper is not terrible.
"It's nothing..." While taking the handkerchief and wiping her mouth, Roussie murmured, reluctantly put down the snack bag in her hand, and looked at the other room next to her-there is a small room in the center. There is a small platform like an altar, on which is placed a water basin full of magical power, which is shining with different magical light spots, which represents that the witch family is monitoring the spiritual veins of this land. Since ancient times, the witch family has the right to supervise the "Black Land." Even in today's era, this habit has not changed.
With a wave of her hand, Nina, who was a little apprehensive, went down to rest on her own. Roussey walked quickly to the side of the magical water basin and stared at the large and small photoelectric lights in different colors for a long time. After thinking for a while, she suddenly understood what was coming.
"No... this is not what I thought before... wait a minute." After she realized that something was wrong, she took out her magic wand and began to construct a calculation formula-if she had not felt wrong just now... …
"Yes... Although she is usually lazy and lazy, the mother-in-law is still very keen." A lazy, peaceful and a little seductive, very sweet voice suddenly sounded, and the temper gradually became a child with the body. Rossi was startled. Rossi, who turned around, stared dissatisfiedly at the opera costume in front of him, and smiled at his tearful beauty.
"Vita...you slutty girl..." Rousey murmured-and she didn't say the second half of the sentence, that is, Vita directly moved to the room where she was using the witch's transfer technique, but she didn't. Let yourself be aware of this, it means that her ability has improved in these years, "how at this time..."
"Obviously, I haven't seen it in many years... The mother-in-law is really cold." Wei Ta sighed pretentiously, then looked at the table aside, picked up the snack bag that had already eaten more than half of the snack bag, and a little disgusted He took out one from the inside—it seemed to be a mushroom-shaped dessert made of chocolate and finger cakes.
After so many years, the mother-in-law still likes to eat this kind of sweet to greasy food like a child.

"I just like it, what's the problem." Vita's words stinged Roussey a little bit-but I would never admit to maintaining a child's body shape for a long time, so that my personality is close to that of a child. Vita, didn’t you when you were a kid..."
"When I was a child, it is now... alas." Vita waved her hand casually, and the biscuits that Roussey ate were gathered together obediently, and then flew neatly into the trash can at the other end of the room. "In this way, the mother-in-law might as well sleep as she did two hundred years ago, and then wake up every once in a while to confess important things..."
"Okay... okay!" Lou Sai said loudly, "You came here for the first time in six years. You never came here to laugh at me! Or, did you not feel the fluctuation just now?"
"I feel it." Vita raised her eyebrows. "And it doesn't need to be like a mother-in-law. It took a long time to figure it out—"
"Then you should understand the seriousness of the matter!" Roussey yelled, "That thing, logically, shouldn't come up at this time. I don't know how the fellow Zeit did--"
"The words of the God Wolf of Clos Bell knew well. Rather, he was there at the time, witnessing the birth of "El Prado" and "Knight of Gold." "Vita's next sentence directly shut up Roussey, "However, there is no surprise... it's just that the order is wrong, right? "
"It stands to reason that that matter should not be exposed now... Whoever it is, according to the results of previous observations, it should not be until the eve of "Xiang Ke"..." Rossi muttered, "Not even me. Knowing where "Gold" is hiding...the snake will never be behind..."
"No... this matter has nothing to do with the "Leader"... it's not completely irrelevant. But "Jin"'s hiding place is indeed not revealed by the "Association" side..." Weita shook her head, "It was obtained by Heliga Kholzwill through an intelligence source that I did not know. Like my mother-in-law, I used the witch's prophecy, but I got nothing. It is impossible to find where the information was leaked. "
"Huh...you girl, I finally used a prophecy spell on the right occasion." Roussey's expression eased a little-I don't know it was because Vita also seemed to be confused about this matter, which made Roussie think that the former is. I was on the line with her because of a mischievous sense of superiority. "I read Emma's letter saying that you used prophecy to predict the topic and internship of the "grey" kids..."
"Oh... mother-in-law can't figure out the point like this every time." Vita has nothing to do with Rousey's practice of slandering herself as soon as she catches a chance. "I said... mother-in-law, do you understand? I didn’t find any clues in my prophecy. Nothing at all. It seemed like intelligence had run into his mind. Whether it was the coordinate method of locating the phase space where the riding was hiding, or the use of spiritual veins Power restrains and recirculates fluctuations, creating a "field" that allows the passage to be opened...Even if he has vast magical powers, he can't understand it without a teacher. I'm more inclined to be that someone taught him some tricks. "
"Is this important?" Roussie muttered. Obviously, the topic before Vita didn't interact with her hurt her a little bit, "You should also understand his particularity... He can't figure out if he would order the snake. Isn’t it normal for the foreigners to move outside the market."
"But it's always right to know more... Anyway, under the current circumstances, my experiment has failed, and my claim should not be allowed by other "apostles." "Xiang Ke" will eventually happen with real swords and guns... In this case, "Gold", who should have appeared last, ran away in advance..."
"In that case..." Luo Sai squinted her eyes-of course she knew what Vita meant. At the beginning, she and Vita had a quarrel because of this. The purpose of Vita's secret learning of "The Devil's Triumph" turned out to be to detonate the simulation mechanism of "Xiang Ke" in advance and find a way to fight against it. This has always been a conservative strategy. The Lord himself cannot accept it. Compared with this, the reasons why Vita abused prophecy spells are more like excuses. In order to cover up this biggest contradiction, "I am really interested in the identity of that "knight". The temper of "El Prado" is quite weird. "
"Well... as a starter, it is indeed an incredible qualification." Vita nodded, "Jin" has a very demanding standard for picking people. They all know that, "However, I am not surprised at all. It’s. Especially that person is completely out of association this time."
"Well...According to our information, the initiator that "Gold" needs is a desire to pursue eternity...Only when this is met, will he be selected as the initiator. "Vita nodded, "The condition of "Gray" is "a person who has established many bonds." "Cang" pursues "a rebellious and lonely avenger"... "Fei" only confronts Asia after experiencing the accident. The blood of the Knoll family responds, "Purple" refers to the guys defined as "weirds" as the initiators, and "Silver" refers to the "pure girl". "Rosai listed one by one the potential conditions for the "God of Riding" to choose the starter. "But compared to these..."Golden" is a very powerful ride among the Gods of Riding. Therefore, it is not only required to have good appearance, but also to correspond to it. The trial is not something ordinary people can solve..."
""Sword Emperor" Reinhardt. Without losing the skill of "reason", plus the weapon of "outer reason" given by the "leader"... it is very difficult to not succeed. "Vita shrugged, "But... after this incident, he seems to have returned the weapon of "Outer Principle" to the "Leader" through the hands of the "Saint of Steel". The reason is that he has left the "association" and should no longer hold the weapon rewarded by the leader. "
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