Vol 2 Chapter 1203: Headhunter Action (2 in 1)

If a colonel from the regular army of the Empire was asked to evaluate the guarding of the guards around the "Niederhogg" training ground, he would probably not be able to fault it. Several dark whistles close to the environment ensure that they will hardly be seen by people with telescopes, and the special force conductors on their bodies can also shield the infrared detection device from snooping. In the event of an attack, they could have issued an alarm quickly, awakened the soldiers in the camp, and quickly organized forces to repel the enemy. It's just that all of this doesn't have any value after a "halo whisper". With the help of Dragon Roar's power, Heliga cleared the secret guard and easily found the place where the "War Secretary" was located by judging the structure of the house.
Judging from the news that Arios received during that imperfect battle a few years ago, he has always believed that the highest commander of "Nid Hogg" should have a world that can be justified in a normal human world. With this identity, he even had contact with them as the representative of the guerrillas at that time. This is not out of evil taste, but a kind of disguise, but also a kind of protection-a long professional hunting career will give people an indelible murderousness, and they will be easily seen when encountering a master like Arios. ; The only solution is to have some of the fireworks that people in daily life have, so that they can confuse the other person in the in-depth communication.
However, when the crisis of the bioterrorism attack was lifted and the Principality Army also maintained domestic order under the command of the Archduke, Archduke Balmut, who did not want to further intensify the contradictions of the ruling class, also issued an order to calm down the situation and no longer pursue this matter. Deeper behind the matter. Arios had to leave Remi Filia with this regret. He understands the truth very well and understands the painstaking efforts of his friends. He will not bring a war that may lead to greater disasters and turmoil for his own desire and curiosity; therefore, the goal of revealing the true face of the "War Secretary" is also I had to bury it in my heart. If it hadn't been specifically mentioned by Heliga, he would have forgotten because other tasks were too busy.
"Although I didn't plan to put down the work at hand to catch him... But privately, I also spent a little free time to conceive a portrait of the true face of the "War Secretary"... Don't look at me like that. "Alios looked at Heliga's squint with a subtle expression, a little uncomfortable, "Ah...In short, I started thinking from the "Ned Hogg" operating model. You see, their soldiers are actually from refugees and orphans who have suffered war-torn across the mainland, as well as some... cultists who are afflicted with organizations such as the "religion." Taking into account the speed of their recruitment and training...I think his news must be quite well-informed. "
"So you think he should have someone in the world of normal people who can quickly obtain the identity of these gossips?" Heliga understood what Arios meant. "For example, a guerrilla... reporter or something?" said, The leader of "Der Hogg" was actually a guerrilla, and it would be too funny to be so. "
"That should be impossible... but your idea is correct." Arios coughed slightly, "I thought about it carefully, I think there is one person who should be suspicious. That is Remi Filia. Capital, a reporter from the Adante News Agency-although it is difficult to tell, I found that he seemed to be very interested in a certain commission we were investigating. In fact, it was his attitude that made me feel wrong. ."
"is it?"
"Yeah... At that time, Remi Filia was panicked. Therefore, it is normal for many people to be very worried about this matter. Many local residents would also inquire about something when they met us. So that they can feel at ease." Arios said, "Therefore, if you are from the standpoint of the people at the time, you can actually understand what you want to learn from the guerrillas on the front line of the investigation."
"I understand... this kind of worry itself has quite legitimate reasons, there is no need to hide one's intentions... For the local people. In this case, if you deliberately use your tone and sense of distance, pretend to be An attitude that is actually not interested, and doesn't care, but a manifestation of a ghost in his heart?"
"Yes." Arios nodded. "The reporter named Arthur... I don't think he is right now. I think he and "Nid Hogg" also made a lot of things in Crossbell at that time. In the event, I have been quite worried for a while that they would engage in large-scale sabotage actions against Crossbell, especially considering the problems between the Empire and the Republic at that time..."
"But after that, the "Red Constellation" did those good things. "Heliga sighed, recalling the broken scene of Krossberg at that time.
"Not bad." Arios apparently also remembered what happened at the time, and was a little silent. "However, my attention to "Nidhogg" has not changed because of this. Since you said you were retaliating for their attack on your territory... I think it's okay to provide a little help. What's more, the Duke of El Barrea and the "War Ghosts" seem to have told you a lot of information. "
"Well... I almost know their family history and the areas where they are mainly active in the western part of the empire... Their headquarters seems to be located in Remi Filia." Heliga nodded, "But if I insist, I I don’t know where their main base is. The life signal I got from the hunter captain I let go before seems to be in a place west of the capital, Adante..."
"West...Is it?" Arios thought for a moment, then gladly, "This makes sense... The Sigon Forest in the west of Adante, where was the secret base used by the "DG Order" in the past. . Because of the culture of the Principality, the locals seem to be very reluctant to go to that forest...so 80% of them are used as a new base by "Ned Hogg". In addition, I heard that they also have a large spacecraft, the manufacturer is unknown...It seems to be equipped with a stealth function, I don't know if it is true.
"Isn't the stealth warship a patent of the church?" Helija felt something was wrong, "Okay... this is almost the case. As for the rumors, and whether the true identity of the "War Secretary" is really as you think, I will Find it out by yourself. To be on the safe side, I took Levi with me. The "Golden Cavalry God" would definitely be able to deal with that warship and prevent it from causing too many problems. "
"After you have done this, tell me the details. I will tell the guerrilla headquarters again...Although the procedures are a bit irregular, if you can pull out the nail of "Ned Hogg", I think this continent The vast majority of people will thank you. The same is true for the association that has damaged dozens of regular guerrillas in their hands... For this reason, they may be willing to provide the convenience you need. "

Facts have proved that Alios's inference is indeed not bad. This man named Arthur Guteng is the "Secretary of War"... and indeed a reporter for the Adante newspaper. As for whether the name was true or false, Heliga didn't care, he was just a corpse anyway.
Before killing him, Heliga used a little mind-reading technique, and read from his mind some things he wanted-Niederhogg’s troop allocation, training plan, current list of assets, in The interpersonal resources that can be used in the underground world... As for the "war secretary"'s own bank account password and some of his ridiculous "delusions" that will disrupt the world order in the future, he is not so much. What you care about.
Mind reading-is a very dangerous illusion magic. According to Bernardo’s memory, when using this spell formally, the caster and the caster should first drink the designated alchemy potion, relax the body, empty the brain, and ignore the hallucinations caused when the memory is read Otherwise, the caster may be backlashed by magic, and there will be some horrible memories that can't be forgotten in his mind. Once he closes his eyes, he will have terrible dreams, or even become a madman. In addition, this kind of spell is quite advanced, so even as a means of torture, it is usually not considered as a preference.
Although Bernardo has experienced anti-illusion training centered on resisting this kind of magic, he, as the owner of the dragon soul, originally has super resistance to various mental attacks. Even he might not be able to understand this. The pain of being pulled apart and split apart. But when I saw "Qing Qing"'s nose and tears streaming down, the blood vessels on his forehead and neck all protruding and turning black, and blood began to ooze from the bags under his eyes and the corners of his mouth, he probably understood. While letting go of the idea that he could use this spell more in the future, he gave him a happy one-it seemed that he was driving him crazy.
Although the opponent is a heinous lunatic who made a fortune in war, Heliga himself does not want to have too flexible a moral bottom line. Seeing this, if it is not absolutely necessary in the future, he still doesn't want to make others into such a miserable situation. Unlike many spells, the mental damage caused by mind reading cannot be relieved, because the source of this magic comes from the "crazy lord" Sergera. It is one of his pleasures to watch the mortal's sanity disappear, and his The terrifying island of annihilation is made up of absurd and illogical things. Even the curse that Shaliduo couldn't break with all his might, the chief priests of the Saiike cult would never touch this kind of thing.
After that, things are much simpler. As Heliga caused a lot of disturbance during the experiment, several of Arthur's bodyguards were awakened. Heliga settled them swiftly and swiftly-he understood that these people cannot easily be persuaded by himself and sacrificed their lives for themselves. Besides, as the planners of various plans, the crimes they carried on their bodies were not as bad as that of the others. Give them one It's a pleasure to let them die well.
As for the recruits of "Ned Hogg" and the elite hunters of the "Fist" brigade, they reacted in this scene. They immediately divided into two factions: one of them was a person who had a good relationship with the commander who had fought Heliga, who had heard him talk about the ins and outs of this matter and believed in it; they noticed his actions and maintained In order to be calm and restrained, they stood aside and watched. Those who did not believe in this matter, did not connect the two things together, or hadn’t heard of them at all, showed up after a little hesitation. The battle formation rushed up.
"It's useless." Heliga dropped Arthur's head and allowed it to roll funny on the ground. There was wind in the vacant hand--almost for an instant, a whirling air current formed a "cyclone cloak" enveloped in it. Around him, the soldiers who rushed up directly swept up and down, and the formation of the battle formation could be self-defeating. And some of the more courageous is that the infantry anti-tank gun in the hand is aimed at the "Golden Cavalry God" not far away-the latter completely stepped on the wreckage of a guided airship, and then a vertical He jumped to the soldier carrying the rocket launcher. Looking at this huge humanoid weapon with a height of 8 subdimensions, he seemed to be staring at him.
""Riding God"...? "It was also at this time that those hunters who had battled in Ereponia realized what was in front of them was unusual. Some of them had seen Chloe driving the "Blue Horse God" fighting scenes. , And those scenes also left a deep impression on them; and the big golden guy in front of him looks more oppressive than "Cang". As long as they are not stupid, these people's minds have turned to a similar angle, and they understand what the existence of this thing means.
At this moment, Heilijia almost felt that it was time to stop; he stopped his magic, and then he held the sword in both hands, posing a posture with the hilt close to the ribs and the sword body slightly raised; immediately, there was a light blue. The magic light of color flashed-the big swords, axe guns, and saw guns in the hands of a dozen hunters were all divided into two; and those who rushed forward, even the metal armor on their bodies was also smashed. Shred. However, no one was injured as a result.
"Stop resisting. Although I am here for revenge, I only punish my head this time, and do not intend to kill you. Put down your weapons and listen to my suggestions. What do you think?"

"Kemparella? Do we really need to worry about it?" Not far away, on a cliff that can be condescending—a red-haired, wild girl, who is looking at the person in front of him with complicated eyes. There was a blazing fire, "Remi Filia's regular army must have been alarmed. It would be a pity that "Nid Hogg" was gone like this. "
"Shelly..." Kemparela listened, but spread her hands helplessly, "Don't forget the instructions we got. Just watch this happen quietly.",
"Um... Although it was Miss Maria Bell's order that was correct." Xie Li spread her hands, "But... is there really no way? Call the "Saint of Steel" and the big brother playing with fire. We are not without the strength of the first battle, right? "
"No... you didn't understand what Miss Maria meant." Camparella still shook her head, "Anyway... keep watching. Then we can see if her statement is true..."
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