Chapter 223: Debate between love and beauty

Naturally, several people couldn't turn a blind eye to Bulubland's almost nonsense. After some dispute, the conflict was inevitable, but the strange thief didn't intend to play in person. He snapped his fingers, and there was a shock on the ground.
"The Devil Island puppet in the dark age... seems to be the guardian of this ruin." The thief carelessly wiped his white gloves, "You can dance with him who just woke up."
Estil and Sherazad were in a tacit understanding, and they had already moved flexibly. One opened the distance to drive the guided force to sweep the battlefield magically, while the other wielded a long stick to tease, while leading the opponent to an open place.
Olivier was of course unwilling to be lonely, and the princess herself was not idle. One broke the balance with continuous bursts of fire, and the other took out the magic diamond star at the time of Fantasia, trying to repeat the old tricks, causing the huge and cumbersome guy in front of him to fall.
Bulubland did not participate in the war, but stood still and watched the battle with interest. He who can fix this kind of puppet is also considered a lover of science and machinery, so it is also a pleasure for him to observe the performance of his own work.
"Aren't you going to help?" Bulubland's tone was flat looking at Heliga and Fei, who were alert to themselves.
"It's enough to give them that kind of big idiot without threat." Heliga curled his lips.
"You are the most dangerous one." Fei has already pulled out a double spear blade.
"You should trust a gentleman's promise." Bulubland didn't mean to be angry.
"Heh... I'm not that kind to the members of the association." Heliga curled his lips. "Can you please tell me the purpose of this experiment?"
"That won't work... After all, this is also a confidential matter." This kind of direct inquiry is naturally useless. "There is no need to talk to people who don't know how to appreciate beauty."
"Really?" Heliga chuckled, "Then you can look forward to it later. In our team, there is also a person whose purpose is to pursue beauty."
"Oh?" Bulubland was interested. During the conversation, under the siege of the four people, the huge heavy machinery was finally destroyed by Estir with one stick.
"Lack of elegant combat..." Blubland shook his head dissatisfiedly, "Let me show it..."
"What—" Helija's expression changed, and he just wanted to stop what his opponent was doing, but he didn't know how to be entangled by any force and couldn't move.
"It's a step late..." The spear blade in Fei's hand was just raised halfway, and she was also trapped by the same force. Not only that, but everyone who had just fought fiercely with the ancient relics was also so trapped and unable to move.
"...Please don't underestimate me, even if you can imprison my body, you will definitely not restrain my heart!" At this point, the target of the strange thief, Kross, not only did not show the slightest timidity, on the contrary, he was brave. Look at each other.
"That's right~! That's the look! Elegant and beautiful, eyes that won't bow to anyone! This brilliance and arrogance is what I want most!" Bulubland's tone became frenzied.
"Hmph..." At this moment, there was a harsh laughter, and Olivier looked at Bulublan with disdain.
"Huh?" Feeling the atmosphere is wrong, Bulubland looked at Olivier.
"Oh, it's rude. It's just such a superficial truth, but your Excellency has interpreted it as such, and I couldn't help but make me laugh."
"Oh?" Boulublan's curiosity was aroused, "I have something to explain, please give me some advice."
"Of course, I don't have any criticism about the beauty of the princess..." Olivier's tone was flat, and his tone changed randomly: "But this is not what your petty aesthetics can measure. I advise you to wash your face well, and then Let's get a new understanding!"
"...Huh! Kuangyan! A mere traveler, what right do you have to comment on my aesthetics?" Bulubland's tone was angry, and he was really angry. "Please explain, please. Otherwise, it won't be resolved so easily at this time!"
"Huh... Then, please answer me-what is beauty?"
"I thought you would say something, but it turned out to be such a pedantic question!" Bulublan shook his nose disdainfully. "Beauty, elegant! Even the unattainable brilliance! Other than that, is it possible? Are there any other answers?"
"Huh! It's so ridiculous!" Olivier responded loudly, "...True beauty-that is love!"
"What?" Bulublan was startled.
"Because of love, people feel the arrival of beauty! If there is no love, then beauty is just the existence of nothingness and emptiness! Whether it is a person with noble temperament or a humble person, as long as there is true love in mind, then everyone is without exception , Are the incarnation of beauty!"
"This kind of cleverness..." Bulubland murmured, and immediately responded: "However, for me, love is the empty fantasy! Beauty does not need to be infiltrated by people's feelings, and it can still radiate its charm. The brilliance! Yes! Just like the snow lotus blooming on the mountain, even if it doesn't catch anyone's eyes, it is still so beautiful!"
"Beauty..." Heliga was infected by this strange atmosphere, and remembered the most obscure and difficult philosophical readings he had seen in his father's study: "Aesthetic sense is the pure world of intentions, and disputes over the views of beauty. It's actually a collision of two outlooks on life..."
"The young man over there has something to say?" The two changed their conversation after hearing this.
"No, no... I didn't say anything." Heliga negated in a flustered manner, not wanting to be treated as a lunatic.
"Puff..." Fei couldn't help laughing when he said this.
"I didn't expect to meet a rival who discusses aesthetics here. Performer-report your name!" There is no more contempt or underestimation in Blubland's tone.
Olivier also showed a look of sympathy, "Olivier Langheim, this is the wandering poet and hunter who hesitated in the pursuit of love."
"Well, you guys should have talked enough... shall we continue to fight?" Heliga's leisurely voice sounded.
"What?" Bulublan was taken aback, and then he saw a thunder and lightning ball the size of a watermelon suddenly appeared in the hands of the young man, and immediately burst open. The thunder was everywhere, the shadow no longer existed, and the "Shadow Seam" skill that the strange thief was proud of was naturally nowhere to be used.
"Isn't it driven by a force guide, but a force generated out of thin air... You are a bit like that..." Bulublan said with obvious interest and regret, "Unfortunately, the experiment ends here. There is no reason to stay here anymore." While speaking, Blubland took off the imitation "Gospel" on the instrument.
"Where to go!" Esther was about to move forward, but suddenly there was a light around the strange thief, and his figure gradually disappeared.
"The plan has just begun... It is worthy of being the former companion of "Black Tooth", as well as the teenager whom Levi specifically mentioned... I want to get to know you again. The plan has just begun, please don't relax and slack off, waiting for my next challenge. "The light disappeared, leaving only the pleasant voice of the strange thief reverberating in the huge space.
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