Chapter 242: Tea Party farce (3)

"You little buddies...reliable?" Kiku made a beautiful track in the air, and everyone on the ground ran at full speed to keep up. In the crowd, Kevin let out a surprise, not only surprised at the appearance of the bird, but also at the reaction of his companions.
"No problem." It was Agath who answered him, "This bird has a much better vision than a human."
"After all, Agat had seen it. When he was in Luan a few months ago." Even though the situation was severe, Estir still couldn't hide his smile when he remembered what happened a few months ago.
"It can be seen that it is running towards the pier." Heliga looked at the gliding path of the white falcon, "There may be enemies... everybody, get ready to fight."

As soon as they entered the area of ​​the pier, everyone saw the watchdog who greeted them—just as the real watchdog literally said. Several well-trained military beasts showed their fangs and rushed forward, but at this moment everyone was already impatient, there was no hesitation, they easily killed the beasts.
"Love and the glory of the Intelligence Department will last forever..." After opening the door of the warehouse and easily eliminating the secret agents inside, the latter passed out after leaving such a sentence. Looking at the unusually empty warehouse, Estelle frowned: "It seems that something is missing..."
"What's that?" Olivier pointed to a huge shelf with a symmetrical structure at the back of the warehouse, one side of which was placed with complicated-looking mechanical equipment. "It looks like equipment for tanks..."
"This is a high-performance guided force engine developed for the "El Cyiu"!" Koros' pupils suddenly shrank, "I remember there should be two here."
"It looks like one was stolen. That's awkward--" Jin's voice was interrupted by a loud noise before his words fell. It was the sound of the main gun, accompanied by the rumbling and cracking sound, which was especially harsh in the silent night.
"It may be the kind of thing I saw with Yanilas before...what is it called Olgeyo..." Agat frowned and recalled forcefully, "Girl, do you know what it is?"
"That, that is a newly developed military guided chariot...The performance in all aspects is top-notch, but because the cost is too high to be mass-produced, it has always been left in the warehouse..." Tida frowned He said, "And I remember that for the convenience of design, the engine interface that Grandpa designed on the tank and the Elseo is exactly the same..."
"Then the matter is very obvious." Shelazard said in a deep voice, "The remnant party of the Intelligence Department created this incident. They want to use panic to threaten something!"
"Stop them!"

The behemoth covered in steel, at this moment, is advancing on the freight road in the center of the pier as if it had entered the land of no one. Whether it is concrete walls or scattered containers stacked randomly in the corners, they are all crushed under this absolute power. Olivier and other pursuers with long-range attack methods have not tried to block the advancement of the tank, but whether it is guided magic or bullets, they only have no effect after leaving a slight scratch on the surface of the tank. . It seemed to mock their efforts in vain. The guided chariot, which has acquired the latest airship engine, is also astonishingly fast, and is about to rush out of the port and into the area where the residents are.
"Suck..." Esther ran as hard as he could, but how could his feet run over the metal track? Just as everyone was upset, the arrival of reinforcements brought the winning scale back.
A special shell for the tank landed exactly on the track on Olgeiu's side. Even if it is a steel behemoth that is tightly wrapped up and down, the track part is inevitably fragile. The track on one side was beaten off. Although it did not affect the firepower of the tank, it was enough to make the tank lose its mobility.
Of course, if you are a highly skilled driver, you may be able to maintain a higher speed in this situation and break through the newly constructed line of defense-but obviously the people who are currently driving the tank do not have that advanced technology. The center of gravity of the tank changed obviously, and when he couldn't turn the corner, he slammed the Olgeyo into a nearby building in a panic.
"Captain Yulia!" The chariot stopped, and after the crowd caught up panting, they finally saw the identity of the reinforcements, "Why are you here?"
"Long time no see. Your Highness still has everyone." Yulia said hello, and commanded the formation of the Guards with a saber with a serious expression, her eyes didn't dare to move away from the chariot for a moment, "We got it. Lieutenant Colonel Sid’s urgent request... He sensed that there might be an abnormal change in Gransell Street, so we rushed back on the "Elceiu"."
The driver, who knew he could no longer rely on speed and performance to crush his opponent, decisively adopted a desperate fighting method. Above the chariot, a support frame suddenly opened, and the weird object on it was exactly the gospel imitation that everyone had seen in previous investigations—the purple weird light had already lit up, and the guards had set up the line of defense. The team members, the guerrillas and companions who have just caught up with them are all within its effective range!
"What..." Yulia was taken aback. She saw that the guiding lights on the street and the equipment running on the side stopped working in an instant. "Is it a "conduction stop phenomenon"!? ...But if this happens, then the tank should also..."
However, unexpectedly, instead of turning off the flame, the tank turned on its headlights and slowly turned to Yulia's side.
"Damn..." As the machine gun shot above the top of the tank, the anti-tank weapon that hit the track just now was completely destroyed. "So there is no way to deal with it..."
"It's not good... it seems that I can only use my trick." Kevin was dark and cold, and his left hand was about to reach the lining of his clothes, but Heliga reached out to stop it.
"Wuld!" Just as Kevin wanted to ask to understand what was going on, the young man beside him suddenly yelled out an inexplicable text—almost at the same time he was making a sound, Heliga had already crossed the distance of more than ten meters. , Ran to the head of the chariot-the power conductor emitting a weird purple light was kicked to the ground by the boy with a stand, immediately losing its light. Following the boy's actions, the surrounding street lights light up faintly.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) Creeping, desperately trying to escape. I saw him hiding behind Estiel and the others at an amazing crawl speed, shaking and saying, "They will take me away without saying a word, it's terrible." Everyone was speechless.
"...Ling, are you playing enough? It's almost time to show up too?" Heliga, who was standing on top of the chariot, shouted at the people who should have been around except for his companions.
"Haha...good evening everyone." On the roof of a house near the sea, the purple-haired girl who had been concerned by everyone appeared gracefully, with a moving smile on her mouth.
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