Chapter 246: Revealed (plus more)

"Hey, so sneaky, what are you doing?" On the regular boat heading to the Perth area, when the airship reached the floating stage and the airflow was stable, the companions in the group walked out of the cabin to relax. Although I said so, but in fact Bacheng was here to comfort Estir. Ever since seeing the photo that Dorosy handed her, she has always looked blank. When she learned that there was something to help in the Perth area, she made an impatient request. Request to Perth area.
Heliga originally wanted to squint for a while while on the regular boat, but seeing everyone leaving the cabin, Olivier pulled Heliga up and ran to the lowest level warehouse.
"Shhh, don't ask first." Olivier stopped Heliga's mutter, "show you something."
"Huh?" Heliga was curious to see Olivier take out something that looked a bit like a small black box, "What is this?"
"You'll know right away." Olivier gently turned the upper black and called Heliga to his side. Not long after, a familiar voice suddenly sounded: "How?"
"The royal capital is still the same. Where's your side? Mulla?" Hearing Olivier said this, Heliga finally understood who the other party was.
"There was an accident in the transfer of the airship. In fact, it was Joshua...with the three air pirates who had been arrested, they snatched the reconnaissance ship and slipped away." Mulla said grimly. He is much better than he thought."
"Um... it really is." Olivier nodded in satisfaction.
"Sure enough?" Mulla over there was very puzzled.
"Actually, the reporters have already come to Esther, and her appearance became a little strange after that, I suspected that she heard something...why, the doubts are finally solved." Olivier explained further. Tao.
"Then, this matter will be according to your wishes and will not be pursued anymore?" There was also a sense of sudden realization in what Mulla said over there.
"Well. There is no need to report this to the Kingdom Army... Anyway, it must be under "his" control. "Olivier is very meaningful.
"Okay." Mulla let out a sigh, "but your inference is quite accurate. That Joshua is indeed Hamel's orphan. In fact, I wanted to ask, how did you know?"
"It is speculated based on the existing intelligence... to put it bluntly, it is a guess." Olivier said innocently, "but thanks to him for confirming this fact...Am I right, Heliga?"
"...I always feel like I heard some incredible conversation." Heliga scratched his head and leaned in front of the square box. "It's Mr. Mulla, it's been a long time."
"It's you... it's better to say that I haven't seen him again since that time." Mulla was very impressed with Heliga. After all, he was one of the few people who could let Olivier send himself to find him. I imagine it will be much faster... Looks like this guy has already told you?"
"Yeah... It's a bit like a political alliance?" Heliga shrugged indifferently. "Who knows... Actually, I don't understand the thoughts of the prince. This person is always half-truth, it's difficult. Believe what he said."
"Hey, I also have a deep understanding." A painful voice came from Mulla, "I will teach you a trick. If this guy does anything unusual or strange in the future, you will His clothes are stripped and naked, and hung anywhere."
"Um..." Heliga couldn't laugh or cry, did Mulla and Olivier get along like this before.
"Oh, my dear friend, don't be like this. Have you forgotten those sweet nights we spent together..." Olivier pretended to be twitchy, so he would act like a girl like a baby-if someone just came down and saw In this scene, I don't know how I would feel about the imperial royal family in the future.
"Don't be overwhelmed!" Mulla's stern reprimand came from there, "When did you start to do the things you said last time? Give me a quasi-believe! If you continue to be like this, I will let Yulia take you next time. Hang it under the El Saiyo and take you around the entire lake."
"Well, I know, I know, don't make such a terrible sound." Olivier was very cooperative and trembling, but Heilijia saw that this was just his usual acting skill, "wait for your reply. After the empire, you can start preparing... the two things together."
"The problem is that person." Mulla's voice became tense. "Would you like to test it out through the relationship with my uncle?"
"Um... basically let him take the shot first and keep us the advantage. Ah, but don't do everything at once, leave me some room for maneuver." Olivier nodded, thinking of something again. Same, hurriedly ordered.
"Okay, then it's settled." Mulla said, and then there was a rustling noise. "Oh, it seems that the contact can only go to here. I'll hang up first." After that, over there. The contact signal was hurriedly cut off, and it seemed that the flow of people was relatively noisy where Mula was.
"Is this what you want to show me?" Heliga spread his hands, "show me your intimate relationship with Mr. Mulla?"
" means it, but it's not all." Olivier stroked his smooth chin, "Anyway, you are now one of my allies..."
"I see... let me know your plan too?" Heliga was a little surprised, "I didn't expect it."
"Something I didn't expect... You are very important in my plan." Olivier looked serious, "And anyway, aren't you happy to participate in it?"
"Hehe... you are right." Heliga nodded, "So what are you talking about?"
"There are two." Olivier didn't shy away, and directly told the truth. "The first thing...I think you have also seen Libel's new cruiser, the Elseu?"
"I have seen it." Heliga nodded, and everyone who saw the graceful figure of White Wing gliding in the air would never forget, "Could it be that..."
"Yes... I am also preparing to build a flying ship that belongs to the Empire... belongs to the royal family... But it is still in the preparation of materials. This matter requires not only my own enthusiasm, but also enough The support of... how to put it, even if it is a long line to catch a big fish."
"I see... what about the other thing?"
"The other thing is that I have a long-standing idea... The third path that the empire must take in the radical style of the reformists and the corrupt atmosphere of the nobility... It's you can only think about it from young people." Olivier said solemnly, "My current preliminary plan is... to form a highly targeted "Tecoban" and then..."
Olivier stood with his hand and talked freely. That rigorous and serious look is full of unique charm. If there is a third person present to witness this scene, I am afraid that no one will associate such a person with a bohemian, unscrupulous and unscrupulous preserved egg.
Olibat Lezer Yanor, the name, finally embarked on the first step to show off in imperial politics.
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