Chapter 259: resonance

"You guy who doesn't know anything, don't give me nonsense over there!" Agat yelled, before his words fell, when the heavy sword was cutting. This is exactly Agath's proud combat skill, the epee slash "Flame Smash" full of wild power. As soon as he came up, he used his full strength, and even Levi didn't dare to take the sword that heavier three points because of his anger. The latter leaped back, and the red vindictiveness of the sword tip brushed Levi's cheek.
Agat's subsequent performance surprised the two onlookers. He didn't wait for his moves to grow old, he turned around one and a half times, followed by a move of "Spiral Blade", the blade turned and slashed to the side. Armed with an epee that emphasizes instant destructive power and attack range, but sacrifices flexibility and control capabilities, weapons that can change moves so flexibly, it can be seen how much hard work Agat has experienced during this time.
"Not bad." This time Levi didn't dodge anymore, and he brought up the golden sword to stand in the air, blocking Agat's fierce offensive. Agat was shaken back for half a step without saying a word. He exerted his hind feet and used the power of the earth to wrap him around Levi again, only to see the lightning flashes, and several rounds of time passed.
The heavy sword is heavy, while the golden sword is light and agile, but the two fight with the sword at the same speed and range. The difference in the degree of physical exertion can be seen by the panthers, not to mention that Levy originally occupied In view of his superiority in realm, although many of Agat's movements have improved a lot, he still sees too much effortless work. Under the common suppression of the two-phase superiority, within a few minutes, Agat felt his hands limp. Even so, he gritted his teeth and rushed up again and again.
"Enough." Finally, Levi snorted and leaped back after the two swords collided again. Agat could see it clearly, and jumped up to make a slash. This move was full of ten percent of his power. Before the move, his power had spread all around. Levi responded calmly, the long sword circling quickly, forming a golden sword mist. Agat only felt that he was smashed into a vast ocean, his whole body lost gravity and his body leaned forward. Levi's long sword lifted back, holding the heavy sword firmly.
"... You should have understood the difference in strength between you and me the last time I played against you. What's more, I had dragons as a helper this time. You know that you have no chance of winning, so why do you still have to chase after you?"
"I don't care about the odds of winning or not... I just see you upset... it's that simple!" In the face of desperate situation and powerful enemies, Agat glared without fear.
"Heh, is it only this level?" Levi let out a sneer, which sounded particularly harsh to Agat, "...Is that seems I overestimated you before... There is no need for anything."
"What?" Agat was taken aback, and the sword skill that had been pressing on the Sword Emperor was also weakened by a half. Just like drawing a salary from the bottom of the cauldron, Agath's strength seemed to have penetrated the boundless sea.
Levi suddenly pulled the long sword and let go of the heavy sword. Before Agath could come back to his senses, a golden sword mist had already slashed towards him. In a hurry, he could only use the epee one step, but the sword emperor’s skills were not so easy to pick up. Agat only felt the strength of the sword to overwhelm the sea, and the whole body was completely unbearable, and he could only retreat blindly. Back.
"Woo..." Agat roared out in pain, and in an instant, the pros and cons were reversed. Agat was forced back by the sword aura from Levi for more than ten steps before barely stabilizing his figure. The horror in his heart could not be added for a while. Among the masters he encountered in his life, only Cassius had such a strong kendo training. But in terms of being ruthless and unfeeling, Cassius could hardly be compared with the silver-haired youth in front of him. Levi's sword spirit was not taken away, but he could have been chasing after him but suddenly stopped. The dark red eyes stared at Agath coldly.
"Although there are similar experiences...but I and you are decisively different, and that is the reason for each other's swords. I wield my swords to abandon humanity and become Shura. But you only wield swords to fill the emptiness of yourself. That's it. Waving a heavy iron block makes the sorrowful emptiness full of passion... When the anger stuns the soul, you can escape from the sadness. However, this is just self-deception." Levi's tone is flat, but every word heart.
"No... don't say it..." Agat closed his eyes in pain, his face showing an unprecedentedly weak expression.
"It is impossible for a self-deceiving person to move forward. Not to say that it is to comprehend the realm of "reason", even falling into the way of "Sura" is a delusion. Going on like will always be just a half-hearted person." Levi revealed With a decisive expression, he continued to tell the truth that he had already noticed, as if he wanted to push Agat into the abyss.
"Shut up your mouth!" Agath was completely desperate at this moment. He desperately threw down his weapon and was about to rush towards this grim male youth. He had never been so panicked and angered in his life. At the moment, he wanted to rush over and smash that pretending calm face--
There was a flash of thunder, and the unsuspecting Agat was in the middle of the moment. The feeling of discomfort and numbness from all over his body rushed to his brain, like a kite with a broken wire. Agat was a little embarrassed, a little funny, and just stood up. When he came, he fell heavily to the ground again.
"You calm me down. You are not his opponent, don't go up and die." Bernardo slowly put down his choking hand, and turned to Levi: "How do you say, you just said too much, right? "
"Huh... It just happened to resonate with his experience. If it weren't, I didn't want to do it with you from the beginning." Levi finally calmed down and turned around coldly. He was also a little dazzled by the blood just now.
"What does he know! What do you know!" Agat concentrated his anger on Heliga again.
"I don't know what you have experienced, but I know what he has experienced." Bernardo said concisely, "No matter what kind of tragedy you have seen, what kind of powerlessness you have experienced... He has seen the real hell. And Hamel has long since been erased from the map... even completely erased from history."
"Hamel?" Agat was taken aback. "Isn't that the mountain village on the empire? What happened there?"
"...I can’t tell you the details. Although that guy always pretends to be indifferent and pretends to be cold and inaccessible, at least some things are true. If his experience is really similar to yours, Then you shouldn't take his words to ears."
"Some parts of what you said are unnecessary." Levi said angrily, "Forget it..." After he finished speaking, he was about to jump on top of the dragon's head, turning around and saying: "This time Just spare your life, Agath Korosna. But don’t forget...As long as you are still deceiving yourself, you are just a waste of no weather, let alone protecting your important people."
"Ah, I forgot to tell you." As if there was a plan, Bernardo suddenly showed a tricky smile, "This dragon is no longer under your control."
"What—" Levi froze for a moment, and hurriedly lowered his head to observe—I saw the gospel of the indestructible black power guide on the ancient dragon's head, which had already been swept by unknown forces and destroyed most of it.
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