Chapter 265: Encounter Regunat Again (Part 1)

"I still don't understand why I have to climb over the cliff with bad conditions with bare hands... Isn't it good for the Royal Army's patrol airship to take a ride?" Heliga complained while lying on the steep rock wall.
Dragonborn wants to see Regunat, and he knows this. After the time of the dragon attack, the air force of the Royal Army entered a state of high alert and arranged a large number of cruise routes in various main streets and mountainous areas. Heliga originally wanted to discuss with Cassius and ask one of the spacecraft to send himself to a place very close to Regunat’s residence, and then walked slowly over, but Bernardo said that in ancient times In the dragon tradition, the younger generations of the dragon need to be respectful when they first meet the elders, and walk to see the elder’s lair step by step instead of flying. If the younger generation can complete this process sincerely, then the elder will be rewarded with a valuable knowledge.
Of course, dragon descendants can't fly-even if the soul is a dragon in nature, the body is still a human body. As for Bernardo, who seemed to care less about rules and traditions, he insisted on performing such an ancient ceremony this time, which still puzzled Heliga.
Of course, complaints belong to complaints, and the actual operation is a little tired, and it is not that difficult. After the persuasion failed, he prepared a lot of potions to restore his strength and energy, poured a large bottle when he was tired, and then went on. With the dragon roar as the hole card, there is no need to worry about a slip and fall down the cliff or something, so although there are many discomforts, he still walked into the cave of the legendary ancient dragon.
"Huh? This do you feel that there are some strange marks on it..." At the corner of the cave, there were a few stones with obvious burnt marks, and they looked very new, which attracted the attention of the teenager.
"That's probably what I did..." Regunat's voice did not ring in his mind, but from the depths of the cave. "When the silver-haired swordsman and the professor in his mouth came before... There have been fierce battles here."
"... Is that professor so strong?" Heliga looked a little surprised, "I've seen Levi's strength... He may not be afraid of your chase, but he can't subdue you, and then put you on that strange The stuff..."
"Hehe, yeah. But the weapon in that weird man's hand was too targeted at me... I caught up with me and fell asleep for nearly twenty years. I just woke up, unsuspecting, so I was successfully attacked and caused you. Such a devastation." Heliga approached the talking dragon, and found that the latter was looking at him piercingly.
"Don't mind... the obvious responsibility for that matter lies with the association. By the way... Didn't you say that you don't have a vocal organ, so you can only communicate by speaking? What is going on now?"
"Hehe... That's the rhetoric in front of them. In fact, the dragons have a language, but the way they communicate with each other is to vomit... If you use it directly against mortals..."
"I understand...but I..."
"You...or he is the Dragonborn...Although the essence of the soul is the same, the way of existence is different. Human beings have a unique way of thinking and understanding, so humans...the dragonborn can'speak' out of the dragon Language, but dragons can’t...Of course, the powerful and wise men among them might also be able to do it...such as Alduin and Patunax."
"Do you even know their names?" Heliga asked curiously. "Are you not the dragon here?"
"Well... my origin is the same as them... both are part of Akatosh... but that doesn't mean that we have to stay on the land our father created. There will be. Outside gods interfere with these things. For example, Duneville was forever imprisoned in a desolate place like the soul stone mound... and a hapless dragon was captured by the demon Molag Barr."
"So you are similar to them, given by the goddess of the sky..."
"Well, you can understand it this way, but that's another story." said the dragon, "but you can understand it like this. At the same time, because of the blessings of my father and Gina Laise, I can no longer use the one like you Roaring... Actually I am curious, how did you do it?"
"Let him tell you that in a while." Heliga scratched his head. He himself didn't understand these things very well. He even suspected that even the Dragonborn might not know what was going on. "Compared to that, I There are still some questions for you."
"Hehe, the young man is just so handsome. You are a bit similar to that Cassius Bright." The dragon showed a wry smile very humanely, although it looks a little horrified, "All right, you ask. , I will tell you if I can answer."
"First of all... the purpose of the association is to seize the ring of glory... Then how do the purposes of these experiments work?" This is Heliga's biggest concern. If the dragon knows something, then it will prevent trouble before it happens. Still helpful.
"The Ring of Radiance was once sealed by the sons of humans on this land. It was done under the leadership of the current Liber royal family and the Oscelles family. I also participated in this. Those experiments were probably for understanding These seals."
"They used to manipulate Richard to use the gospel to launch a coup and release the dormant state of Fantasia... Now they are using these experiments to test the performance of the gospel... Then can it be understood that they are about to use these tested gospels to carry out The second seal is lifted?"
"Yes... your understanding ability is excellent." The dragon nodded, "This second seal is related to the "Four Wheels Tower" all over the kingdom. I have never participated in this aspect, so I can't give you more tips. "
"Okay, okay... Then the second question. What does the association want to do with the ring of glory? What kind of existence is that leader?"
"Association has been active many years ago, and their ultimate goal has always been to collect the Seven Treasures." Gu Long replied, "As for the "Leader"...I'm sorry, I can't say that. That involves the core secrets of the ancient covenant. "
"Ancient covenant? What is that?"
"A covenant initiated by a goddess with the participation of guardian beasts in various regions. The specific content cannot be disclosed. Probably, the holy beasts, as guardians and observers, monitor but do not participate in any action concerning the treasure of mankind..."
"Wait...that is, the ones you answered me just now..."
"Well, although they are the content of the covenant, they are not important information, so I think it doesn't matter to disclose some to you. If you just asked why humans should seal it, I won't answer you."
"Heh, do you still have to ask about this? It must be because the power of the treasure is too strong, and the benefits brought by it in turn engulf the human beings, so that there will be wise people who realize this, fight against all opinions, and seal the treasure, I Are you right?"
"Hehe...I can't say it." Looking at the sharp eyes of the young man, Regunat Gujing shook his head without wave.
"Call... forget it. Then the last question..."
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