Chapter 285: Unexpected parting

"Hehe, I didn't expect the princess to have such a courage." Aboard the El Saiyo, Shelazard exclaimed while doing the final preparations, "In that case, he could still make such a decisive move. Claim."
"Indeed... But what was even more unexpected was that your Majesty actually said that she meant it a long time ago." Estil nodded with deep conviction, "I thought that at this critical juncture, the Elsayus would definitely stay there. Protect your majesty’s safety near the capital."
"Liber's Wings of Hope... After all, the Elseiu is a cruiser rather than a frigate. It is more suitable for a direct attack than a guard over the capital." Captain Yulia smiled. "Only in this way can it exert its greater power... I think it must think so."
"Hmm... Compared to that, Olivier is not here, Sister Shella is a bit lonely, isn't it?" Estil leaned closer to Sherazard and asked curiously.
"What nonsense. Don't start to get overwhelmed just because Joshua is back." Sherazard blamed Estir in an annoyed manner. She didn't have the domineering appearance of the queen at all. Something happened. So"
"what happened?"
"Ah, nothing... By the way, Esther, is Dr. Russell here?"
"Doctor's words will come soon."
"Haha... It seems that my rare vacation can only end here." Seeing Baiyi tracing a beautiful track in the air and gradually disappearing into the sky, Olivier sighed softly, "But it may not be absent. The last chance...huh?"
"The farewell is over?" Olivier walked down the steps thoughtfully, and a warrior with extraordinary temperament was waiting there with a smile-Mulla Vandel.
"Yeah... Basically." Olivier nodded, "Where is your side?"
"My uncle makes sense... Your Prime Minister is naturally happy to see it." Mulla gave a positive answer.
"Hehe, it is his words that would not let go of such an opportunity." Olivier sneered, "As for the teacher...Although I am a little sorry, he can only allow me to make a small joke. "
"Hmph, you guy is still so nasty and funny. But...their surprised expressions, I want to see it." It can make the famous iron-blooded prime minister and one-eyed feel unexpected, to some extent even It can be regarded as an achievement.
"Hey, that's my goal." Olivier smiled triumphantly and looked up at the sky again.
"Heliga also said to help you? I am a little curious what he is going to do."
"He...well, he won't actually take much part in this play... and I don't want to, he himself doesn't want to be exposed to that person so early. So although he will help, this time Don’t count on him. We just do our own thing."
" seems to be busy again." Mulla rubbed his aching temples and turned to the direction Olivier was looking at.
"You can fly in the sky as much as you want, and I will do my best in the back... I just hope that you won't lose to the association..."

"This is..." Looking at the white gelatinous object placed in the box on the table, Tida wanted to touch it curiously, but was pushed away by Fei directly: "Dangerous."
"Is it the equipment used by the hunters?" Agath leaned forward, "Is it a kind of explosive?"
"Well... a plastic gel explosive, multi-purpose... In my personal experience, it is a good choice to blast an immovable door... or like this." Fei skillfully uses insulation The knife cuts it into several small pieces and puts them into a small box with a small amount of black powder at the bottom. There are capsule-shaped items in the box.
"Um... this is done. Let me prepare the amount for one battle. Next, take care of the gun blade." Fei skillfully put away the wrapped box and began to disassemble the gun blade in his hand.
"That black powder seems to be a kind of detonating agent..." Seeing the scene in front of him, Jin also got a hint of curiosity, and came up, "What is that little pill?"
"That's a stopper wrapped in an aluminum spacer." Fei said lightly, "It can be guaranteed that it will not accidentally explode due to reasons other than manual detonation... This is very important. The commander said that there were many The hunters ignored these details when they made their own weapons, which caused them to be killed by bombs they prepared."
"So... what about the remaining spaces?" Jin found another suspicious point. "There seems to be something that can be filled in."
"Yes... Mr. Jin is really keen." Fei was shocked by surprise, apparently she didn't expect anyone to notice, "That is another fuel filling tank... If possible, I want to put some white phosphorus in it. ...Unfortunately, this is not possible in the open air here."
"White phosphorus..." Jin ashamed, "the kind of anti-humanity weapon..."
"Ah... nothing. But if possible, I hope you don't use such dangerous things..."
"Yeah... Heliga also said the same. He said that since I am no longer a hunter, I don't have to keep some of these bad habits... So since I left, I haven't used it much... I broke the ring a month ago."
"You little girls are so dangerous." Agat frantically complained. Ling was not only scheming and resourceful, but also brought a powerful and invincible super robot. Filipina knew all kinds of highly lethal weapons and could not kill anyone. There will be the slightest hesitation; even Tida, who is surprised at Fei's movements, is a technology madman, and I heard that the old man and her mother are developing a new generation of mecha for her...
While talking and laughing, the internal broadcast suddenly sounded.
"Everyone, Dr. Russell has arrived on the ship, please come to the bridge quickly, the doctor has something to tell you."

"According to the intelligence, the Tower of Four Wheels has undergone anomalous changes at the same time... In other words, if we can solve the changes of the four towers at the same time..." Kross glanced over everyone present, "To be honest , I used to think that the danger of dealing with four executors at the same time was a little bit higher... But now, I think everyone can do it."
"The location of the Tower of Four Wheels can be reached very quickly by virtue of the speed and performance of the El Saiyo. The crux of the problem is those who execute it... According to existing intelligence, each tower has a corresponding executor. The guard... The Emerald Tower is Bulublan, the Red Lotus Tower is Valut, the Cyan Tower is Luciola, and the Amber Tower is Ling." A person who can speak so much enemy intelligence fluently Of course, only Joshua is the only one, "The four of them have their own specialties, and they are all dangerous... Therefore, you need to choose carefully in the hands of the opponent."
"So..." After a moment of silence, Jin stood up first, "Please leave it to me the Tower of Red Lotus... I'm going to have a break with Varut."
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