Chapter 310: Dazzling the capital city, the arrival of reinforcements

When the plan of the executors was troubled unexpectedly, the hunters who were in charge of disrupting the mission in the capital were almost cleared.
Before Heliga left, he cleared several blocks of Red Lotus Hunters, not only to help Kenona lighten the burden, but more importantly, this sudden change completely disrupted the combat deployment of the Hunters.
Originally, apart from the soldier's personal qualities, the most important ability for hunters was the ability to cooperate with tactics. The hunters loyal to the association are drawn from the third-rate eliminated hunters from all over the world, which has shown that they are not people who have made achievements in their personal talents. Although the strengthening procedures of the association have made up for this defect in a sense, the most important improvement is the tactical system implanted in their brains-through learning the advanced tactics possessed by the association, plus the current equipment under special circumstances Advantages, they can suppress the Liber Kingdom Army, which is known for its soldier quality.
Heliga's actions were not only as simple as cutting off three pieces of the hunting patrol area, but also cutting off the originally good circulation of the Red Lotus hunters. They have not had too much experience as a winner. They were originally only infected by the ghostly fighting performance of their own "executors". To put it bluntly, it was three minutes of heat, and their original mission was also It's just bullying and bullying the unarmed civilians. However, the emergence of the original spy forces, who are good at close combat and do not rely on guided weapons, disrupted their original vision, and Richard's horror performance on the battlefield made them finally promoted by the executors. Morale slowly dropped again. Under the influence of these multiple factors, the hunters began to lose ground gradually, and the commanders tried to save the defeat, but it did not help.
At this very moment, the last straw that overwhelmed the camel came as expected—a male officer with short dark hair and a haggard face, who seemed to have not slept well for many days, carrying a group of elites in the kingdom army. Arrived. Lieutenant Colonel Sid originally led a part of the Kingdom Army to intercept guided weapons and scattered hunting soldiers on the periphery of the Royal City. Now they have finally been cleared away. After the civilians have been placed to escape the disaster, he immediately turned around and drove to the Royal Capital.
Today, the two are facing each other on the battlefield, and their hearts are mixed. Lieutenant Colonel Sid is okay. He has long learned the news that Richard has been given the opportunity to commit crimes, and Richard was in a trance at that moment.
"Sid..." Richard looked complicated. In the previous coup he launched, he used the relatives of Lieutenant Colonel Sid as a bargaining chip to force him to do something he didn't want to do. Seeing you now is extremely ashamed.
"Colonel Richard... Uh, sir." Lieutenant Colonel Sid blurted out, and it took a moment to remember that the opponent is no longer a soldier-that sassy and heroic figure on the battlefield will always be contacted by him and the pearl of the Kingdom Army. Get up, "The mopping work in the neighborhood is over. We will leave it to our soldiers. Let's go to the royal capital."
"Lieutenant Colonel Sid, I..."
"This is not the time to say these things." Lieutenant Colonel Sid knew what Richard wanted to say, but the situation is really urgent now. "At present, the only people rushing to the royal city are Heiligar...The guerrillas have passed. , I wonder if we can have time to support."
"What...?" Richard was taken aback, "Is he alone?"
" seems to be a person who has withstood the assault of the four executors by no means. It is really powerful. But I am afraid that this kind of thing will not last long, let's go quickly."

When Estiel and others saw the broken door, they knew that something was wrong. At a glance, Jin pointed out that this is a masterpiece of the profound meaning of "Cun Jin" of the Tai Dou Liu. From this it can be seen that Valut and others have been in the palace for a long time. Everyone immediately entered the palace without stopping, thinking that there would be a few fierce battles waiting for them, but they didn't expect that they would see such a scene.
The first floor of the palace has long been a mess. The original luxurious carpet was burned and torn, and the marble pillars and floor were covered with traces of frost and charred. The queen and Kross, who had been staying on the second floor, were nervously watching the confrontation below, but their eyes suddenly lit up when Estir and the others came in.
The four executors were dragged in the hall within ten minutes after they entered the king's city, and did not move half a step forward-by an unknown child.
The five confronting each other seemed a little tired. Ling's beautiful dress was wiped off by the flames, and the delicate lace was burned into coke; Luciola was hit by a thunder light. Although Shikigami helped to offset most of the damage, she was still severely affected. It was paralyzed; although Bulublan was not injured, he had a shattered mask on his feet and a new one on his face.
All three have varying degrees of damage, but they are far from being able to continue fighting. In fact, they didn’t get involved too much at all—because the other two people’s participation was too intense.
There are dozens of large and small blood stains on Varut's body, all with a trace of cold air. Since he has long abandoned the "Dragon God Art" of "Tai Dou Liu", he can't use his true energy to drive away the cold. Support, he is already out of breath at the moment. Although Heliga was able to use this newly acquired power to suppress Varut in the early days, the time was delayed for a long time, and after the opponent got the rhythm, it seemed a bit difficult to resist. However, due to the fact that the "Dragon Skin Technique" was too hard, Heliga did not suffer much damage, but when the magic power was driven again, there was tingling in his brain as a protest.
"Almost meant... Um." Heliga was a little upset. When he was fighting with Varut just now, the other executors basically did not enter the center of the battle. This was originally a good opportunity to severely damage Varut. Originally, I wanted to directly suppress the executors, so that the queen and princess had a chance to move to a safe place. However, after the real war, Heilijia realized that he took it for granted. He inherited Dragonborn's sword skills, but he didn't get all his "intention", so in close combat, he only won the advantage of strength. Although spells can produce very good results, they cannot use powerful spells, otherwise they may accidentally injure friendly forces and even collapse the castle. In this state of restraint, there is not only no way to win the transfer of the queen and the princess. Opportunity, it is difficult to cause real harm to the executors.
What's more, he originally had several chances to end the battle with Varut. After several fights, Varut's offense was blocked by "Dragon Skin" for a short period of time, but these were a flash. I missed all the opportunities I had passed. Otherwise, Varut would have fallen under his own cold sword.
Heliga originally planned that if the problem could not be solved by dragging it down, he would risk liberating further power-but the appearance of Estiel and others finally gave him a sigh of relief and dispelled this idea.
"Huh..." He exhaled a sigh of breath, looked at with a smile or surprised, or at ease, or the expressions of his thoughtful companions, smiled and said: "Should I say...well, long time no see ?"
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