Chapter 322: Remove the "False Stigma" (Part 2)

"Is it necessary to achieve this level? I remember that you have been silent about this matter before?" Seeing Kevin's solemn expression, Heliga felt that he couldn't understand this person.
"This is actually very simple." Kevin said in a very low voice that only Heliga could hear. "Just to show you how it works... For Joshua, how I treat it, the truth On the contrary, it doesn’t matter. Besides, he probably guessed my identity a long time ago."
"Hey... okay." Heliga didn't object, after all, the more Kevin gave, he would naturally relax, "Then the plan is still the same as before?"
"Um... a little bit different." Kevin paused and said, "I hope you can pay more attention to my situation on the basis of the previous plan... If you notice something wrong, I hope you It can be stopped immediately."
"Ah? Oh." Heilijia was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted. Perhaps the use of this "stigmata" also has many restrictions and negative effects, and he immediately agreed.
"Then, Joshua, get ready. This time it may be a little bit more painful than before... If you feel unbearable, just call to stop, it's okay." After receiving Joshua’s reply, Kevin said that Taking a breath, he didn't pick up the Qi Yao coat of arms he often used.
"Drink!" When Kevin let out a roar, behind him, a golden phantom appeared instantly, exerting a lot of "spiritual pressure" on this small space. Even though he already possessed a powerful force, Heliga could still clearly feel some pressure. He raised his hand and used some magic power to help him disperse the pressure, while squinting his eyes, watching Kevin's movements carefully.
As for Kevin-when "Stigmata" was liberated from a part of his power, when Kevin picked up the emblem of the star cup again, the burst of light of Qi Yao easily broke through the deep consciousness of Joshua. There was almost bottomless darkness. Under the illuminated subconscious mind, there are countless obvious traces of man-made transformation and destruction, which must be the result of Wiseman's repeated experiments on the so-called "false stigmata" on Joshua. And at the scarred soul, one after another fake stigmata like "landmarks" was forged, easily dispelled by the power of the genuine product.
"No wonder what I caught just now is a fake... Wiseman, this guy is really too much." Even though he has dealt with "foreign law" dozens of times, Kevin, who has seen all kinds of extreme situations, also looks at him. This scene can't help but smack. These hints are layered on top of each other, arbitrarily occupying Joshua's entire subconscious, no wonder Joshua has an almost instinctive respect for the professor. Fortunately, under the light of the real "stigmata", the fake and inferior products created by the poisonous snakes were completely vulnerable to one blow, and they disappeared and destroyed.
Among the layers of hints that are gradually falling apart, there is a fish that slips through the net at the deepest point that is particularly obvious-if the "hint" itself is described in a anthropomorphic way, the only "hint" that still exists at this moment must be restlessness at this moment uneasy. He wanted to escape, but was worried about being shot by the flash from the real "stigmata". This kind of pathological performance allowed Kevin to confirm that this is the real place of the "stigmata".
"Huh, boring little trick." Kevin snorted coldly and shot a light arrow condensing the "stigmata" supernatural power. It is like a deadly bullet, with the illusion of cognition as the shell, and the power of the stigma as gunpowder, easily piercing the fragile line of defense of the "false stigma".
"This is the end?" Facing Kevin, who had been wiped out and confirmed that there were no more fish that slipped through the net, he wanted to remove the power of "Stigmata". He loves and hates "Stigmata". The process and experience of obtaining this power is really painful, and he has not been lost in the power of "Stigmata" when performing tasks. Therefore, when he confirmed that the matter was completed, he instinctively wanted to remove the "stigmata" and also removed a huge burden on his heart.
However, how can Wiseman, an expert in playing with people's hearts, be so careless about his proud work? Although based on Wiseman's level of knowledge, the results of the transformation on Joshua could not help facing the real "stigmata", but it does not mean that it will be easily defeated. When the "pseudo stigmata" with the last bit of "consciousness" sensed that the sacred power was gradually disappearing, it resolutely detonated itself, and would represent its own, endless, unclear negative negative. The energy spreads over a large area.
"Bad—" Kevin was startled, he ignored the fact that the "false stigmata" had not been completely eliminated. Seeing the darkness brought about by the massive diffusion of negative energy, he cried to himself inwardly. Although this energy comes fast and goes fast, its sudden burst is still full of power-if it makes trouble, it will directly collapse Joshua's mental state that was already in extreme pain and fragility.
"It's too late..." When Kevin tried to mobilize the power of "Stigmata" again, the spread of darkness had flooded every corner. Kevin and the re-lit "stigmata" seemed to hear the proud scream of the "pseudo stigmata" before they disappeared completely. The darkness is spreading, and the hastily activated "stigma" cannot swallow it up before it has spread completely.
"I'm sorry..." Kevin lowered his head and was about to apologize to Joshua-the whole thing was caused by his own mistake. However, due to the particularity of the church and his identity, he could not even explain the whole story to his companions. At this moment, he is already thinking about how to handle the follow-up of this matter. However, Kevin, who sneaked into Joshua's spiritual world under the power of "Stigmata", was suddenly hit by a violent impact and was directly knocked out of Joshua's spiritual world. Before his consciousness and cognition returned to reality, he seemed to see that the darkness was gathered together by something, and then slowly disappeared...
"Huh! Huh..." Kaiwen opened his eyes blindly, his eyes were dark, and he almost fainted. Before falling to the ground, he was caught by the collar behind his neck with one hand and threw him on the bed. Then he heard a serious voice: "Thanks for your hard work... Then leave it to me."
"Heliga?" Kevin heard his voice in a daze. After a brief period of darkness, his eyesight was slowly recovering-vaguely, he seemed to see Heliga holding a dark green staff, approaching Joshua's side. The staff was glowing green, and with the power of the "stigmata" that had not completely dissipated, he could also vaguely feel that something in Joshua's body was being "sucked away".
"Okay...this is almost complete." The light was shining, and as Helija slammed back, the green gem on the top of the wand became dimmed, and Joshua, who had been moaning vaguely before, Also fell into calm for a moment.
"What the is..." Kevin was impatient to know what happened, but as soon as he got up, he was pressured back by a flurry of dizziness.
"Don't be aggressive. Take a break." Heliga handed him a small bottle, which was the mental tonic that the teenager had mentioned at the beginning of the ceremony. "Drink this first. I'll explain it to you later."
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