Chapter 340: The weight of consciousness (part 1)

"This guy is like a monster..."
"Yeah... I really don't know how we won him back then..."
"Ha, the water must have been released, then..."
After a brief but fierce melee, the companions panted slightly while communicating. Levi's strength has been deeply written into everyone's hearts at this moment. Whether it was I heard of the prestige of "Sword Emperor" long ago, or it was the first time I saw this amazing strength, a consensus was reached at this moment.
"However, even if it is him, we have been under siege for so long, I am afraid..." Yulia glanced at Levi quietly. Just now Levi's almost indestructible defense was finally broken under the siege of everyone. Once, I ate a golden palm firmly. This also proved that even if Levi was far more powerful than everyone else, it seemed that it was not impossible to defeat him.
"Huh... what you did is pretty good." However, what is unexpected is that Levi, who had just been overthrown by the crowd, stood up again calmly, "But it's just this level... Can't surpass my Shura realm."
"What...?" Yulia was taken aback, including Jin with a dazed look-she had hit it solidly just now, even if Levi and Cassius are at the same level, it is impossible to watch Look up unscathed.
"Among you, whether you are a guerrilla or a soldier... in the final analysis, they are only people who exist to "protect" others or the country. If you can't comprehend the realm of "reason", then my unhesitating "Sura" way is also out of reach for you. The game should be over, and I am about to end this battle-if you still want to fight for a glimmer of hope of winning, you can only count on certain people present and stop hiding it. "After finishing speaking, a fierce fighting spirit slowly rose next to Levi, and everyone discovered at this time that Lai's hand holding the sword did not know when it had been adjusted-several wave-like shocks hit, Kevin, Ah Ghat, Kim, Yulia, and Mulla were forced to retreat again and again.
"Then... let me challenge you alone."
Joshua ignored all the expressions that looked at him, either surprised, admired, or thoughtful---pushing forward.
"Huh?" Even Levy was a little surprised, and his movements were a little slow for a half a beat. Almost in an instant, Joshua suddenly wrapped Levy up close, and the two swords came out, firmly Locked the weird long sword in Levi's hand. But at the same time, Joshua's own face was also extremely ugly.
"Give up my advantage in the shadows and choose to face me head-on? Hehe, it is true that I have consumed a lot of physical strength in confronting them... But even so, I want to defeat me by direct combat... defeat "Sword Emperor"... You should also know how difficult it is? Levi secretly tried to pull out the "Rock Devourer", but to his surprise, Joshua's movements were as firm as before, and his movements were useless.
"I understand." Joshua spit out scattered words with difficulty, and the direct sword confrontation with the "Sword Emperor" almost exhausted all his energy, but the perseverance in his eyes was far beyond usual." Saved by my sister, reformed by the professor, liberated by my father... Now, my soul and Estir coexist with everyone" Joshua lowered his left hand and raised his right hand. In the small space where the two faced each other, they belonged to two The two different personal vindictives collided frantically, "Now I will bet on everything and challenge the "Sword Emperor"! "
"Very good! Let go! "Black Tooth"! Levy shouted sharply, slamming his sword heavily, and finally broke free from the shackles of Joshua's double swords-after that, the two stopped talking, just staring at each other closely.
The people on the sidelines who were still playing in full swing did not speak, and no one tried to interrupt the communication between the two. For some reason, almost everyone has a feeling: The current Joshua may not lose...Perhaps, he can really create a "miracle."
The light of Joshua's double swords followed his movements, flickering and disappearing under the shining of the sun, and immediately afterwards, the boy's body gradually became blurred. In the eyes of everyone, Joshua almost disappeared in place in an instant. At the same time, behind Levi, there was a burst of metal friction.
"Black Fang" originally existed to assassinate the strong. And the trick he is using now is the limit he can play as the assassin to which the "Association" belongs-"Stunning Phantom Strike". Under the extraordinary, almost no one can stop this killer move, even a figure as strong as "Sword Saint" Cassius, was almost sent into the arms of death by this move.
However, it was Joshua's strongest blow that could be called the "executor", but it was easily resolved in Levi's understatement. The "Sword Emperor" didn't even move much. He just swung his sword seemingly at random, and hit the "center of gravity" of Joshua's assault with precision, breaking up the aura that had been gathered for a long time. .
"Although I don't want to admit it...but I am the person who is most familiar with your routine, Joshua." Whether growing up as a normal person or as an "executor" in his mature life experience, Levi is The one who was with him throughout the process, he knew nothing about Joshua. The so-called assassination, once appeared in broad daylight, once the target was aware of it, then the outcome would naturally fall short-this is why Levi could look indifferent. death? crisis? On the road to Asura, has the crisis encountered more dangerous than this time? Levi forced Joshua back with a single blow, followed by a series of violent attacks. Regarding Levi's attack, Joshua naturally did not dare to take it hard. He relied on his agile body to re-open the distance and used the wide field to deal with Levi. In an instant, Levi began to feel that there were seven or eight Joshua around him making small movements. As long as his defensive posture had a flaw, he would usher in a fierce offensive, and once the sneak attack failed, Joshua would Will reopen the distance and continue to deal with "Sword Emperor".
"You can't go down like this." Kevin frowned. "This style of play is no different from the way we dealt with him just now... It's just that even a few of us can't take him much effort together, Joshua For one person..."
"No...give him some more time." Jin, who has the highest martial arts cultivation level, seemed to have a clue. "Although his martial arts skills are far inferior to the "Sword Emperor", he knows the "Sword Emperor" best after all, and sympathizes with him. Brother's relatives. "
"Philip, do you see anything?" On the other side of the platform, Heliga and others were also watching the battle. For some reason, Joshua at this moment always feels incompatible with the assassin.
"...Joshua, seems to be avoiding killing the "Sword Emperor"? "Fei said softly.
"Could it be that you are worried...No, how could Joshua kill that "Sword Emperor"? "First surprised, Esther decisively denied this statement.
"It's not a question of whether you can kill it, but a question of whether you want to kill it. "Heliga explained, "It seems that... he is deliberately avoiding the assassination method he learned during the "association", and instead uses a more protective action... how to say, it's like... …" Heliga's gaze turned to the eye-catching "Support Hand Armor" logo on Estir's handguards.
Just as everyone talked, the originally fragile balance of offense and defense was suddenly broken.
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