Chapter 344: Hamel's story (Christmas plus more)

It turned out that Wiseman once got on the line with the main combatants of the empire through personal relationships. Facing the very strong anti-war faction, the voice of the original pro-war faction has gradually been drowned out in the discussion. At that time, Ukent III, who was still on the front line of the political circle, had almost nodded his head and decided.
The main battle group, who was eager to find excuses, saw that persuading the opponent and the emperor was already an impossible road, so they turned their minds and moved their crooked thoughts-after discussing with Wiseman, a core theme The vicious plan to "create an event in which the persecuting emperor and the anti-war parties had to agree to war" began. Several core members of the main battle faction hired a group of incompetent hunters with a large number of Mira from nowhere. No one knew where they came from, and no one knew their names. After that, it was the beginning of Wiseman's carefully planned plan.
"At the time, I just implanted the name "Hamel" into the minds of those hunters through the technique of suggestion. The main combatants of the empire need an excuse for war, and the hunters disguised as the Royal Army are the fuse of this serious border conflict. As for what happened to "Hamel" after that...hehe, it wasn't my intention. The sins that humans are born with... are really incredible. "Wiseman said with a smug look that everyone in the room had heard the change-Levi and Joshua even squeezed their fists.
"From the perspective of the empire, the Liber Kingdom Army openly crossed the border and carried out a large-scale massacre on the imperial villages-such a provocative behavior, even if the emperor and the anti-war factions do not want to fight, I am afraid it will not make sense... . But I still have a question..." Hailey stepped up the anger in his heart and asked patiently—he realized that the direct candidate who participated in the war in front of him might be able to provide him with some information that could never be obtained from elsewhere. "After the war, how did you guarantee that you would not be purged? If I remember correctly, Levi was busy looking for Carling and Joshua, and did not kill all those who participated in your planned operations Hunter."
"Yeah... So, after I lifted the suggestion, they were secretly executed, together with the masterminds of the main combat faction, with an unclear look... As for my existence, hehe, I will say this today. Before the incident, I am afraid that the insiders have already been killed."
"What role did Prime Minister Osborne play in this matter? Judging from the traces of the previous Steam Chariot troops and the "association", you can't say that there is no relationship between you. Heliga continued to ask.
"He...hehe, he is naturally inextricably connected with this matter...but why should I tell you this?" The smile on Wiseman's face gradually turned into disdain, "Except for me. Except for time delay, I don't see that these conversations will do me any good."
"Huh... Tell me about the things I've been holding back for a long time, and don't bother about it after I feel good... People like you are really too much."
"Ah, don't think of me as the kind of person who loves to take advantage of it... After you know my next experiment plan, you may be surprised—"
"Not good!" Kevin and Levy frowned at the same time, one of them pulled the trigger with their fingers, and the other waved the sword in their hands. The targets were all "white-faced" Wiseman-unfortunately, it was a step too late. Wiseman's figure has gradually disappeared in place, leaving only his cheerful laughter and words echoing in the air.
"Although I originally wanted to invite you to witness the birth of my great "New Human Project"... but now I have changed my mind. Even if there is a "Sword Emperor", you will inevitably fall into a bitter battle next... You can regret, despair, and struggle! I look forward to your expressions! Hahahahaha..." With the disappearance of Wiseman's voice, there was no more trace of Wiseman on the huge platform.
"Cut... have you run back to the root area?" Levi closed the knife, his face gloomy, "this viper..."
"It's not too late, let's catch up. If it is so many of us..." Kevin was about to continue speaking, suddenly his expression changed, as if he was paying attention to the behavior around him, "It's..."
"...This voice is..." Levi also heard some clues, "This bastard...with his own authority, mobilized and manipulated all the nearby defense weapons?" Even Levi revealed in his tone at this moment. With a little nervous breath. Wiseman's ability to do this means that his manipulation of the treasure has gone further-once he is dragged for too much time here, or even injured, it will be more difficult to stop Wiseman afterwards. Up.
"Um... it's really tricky." Before the voice fell, two speed-type weapons rushed up from the entrance. Olivier, who was the closest, immediately drove the force guide, and the two lightnings went down, the opponent was unharmed, and continued to rush over without slowing down.
"The armor seems to be strengthened...Unless you attack the joints that are not protected by armor, it looks very poorly effective." Dr. Russell said.
"Cut..." Agath went down with a sword. Although he cut off two weapons, he was surprised by the depth of the armor. If he needs this kind of power attack to work, then he is simply It won't last long.
"You have to separate your hands to deal with the "professor"..." The vanguard is dead, and the army is coming later-when a large number of defense weapons flowed into this platform along the entrance, everyone immediately fell into a hard fight.
Olivier’s proud guiding magic is useless in front of a large number of weapons equipped with special protection-so he simply put down the guiding device, took out an exquisite pistol, and aimed at the joints to shoot-mainly for aid and protection Companion in frontal combat with protective weapons. It has to be said that this type of support is still very useful to everyone. Experts in close combat such as Jin and Mulla are able to seize the opportunity for a large number of opponents to be out of balance and thoroughly clean and destroy them.
It’s just that such a tacit cooperation is only futile in the face of absolute numbers. When layers of defense weapons surround the crowd, everyone realizes that a part of the manpower must be allocated to solve the "professor". .
"I'll go..." Heliga said gently to Fei beside her. On the way just now, only he consumed the least energy in the battle.
"..." Fei glanced at him without speaking.
"Don't talk about anything else... I can't let him go just because of his secret calculation of you... My brand new power, let him give it a try."
"...I see. I will guard your back." The hesitation at the corner of Fei's mouth turned into a graceful arc. She raised her double spear and sword again and fired continuously, turning a defensive weapon into scrap copper. Rotten iron.
"I will go too. The mission of the "church", I need to carry out to the end. "Kevin patted his chest lightly-"Stigmata", let me borrow your power again.
"...I'll go too. To deal with Wiseman who has the weapon of "outside law", we also need "outside law". Levi raised his hand, "Rock Eater" let out an eager tremor.
"But, having said that, if you want to go to him, the encircling circle of scrap copper and rotten iron in front of you must open a gap..." Jin Shuangquan put on a posture and said in deep thought.
"In that case..." A sly light appeared in Heliga's eyes.
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