Chapter 348: Desperate

Wiseman had never imagined that after he had gained the power of the "Ring of Radiance", he would still feel fear.
Although it sounds ridiculous...but the young man in front of him seemed to be vaguely, gradually overwhelming his momentum.
A trace of regret flashed in my mind...Perhaps, I should pay more attention to the opinions of these people, and be prepared in advance, at least to find out his details? Unfortunately, at that time, I was completely patronizing the fight against Cassius Bright, and had no time to care about anything extra than planned.
But I didn't expect that the momentary carelessness almost caused bitter results-the young man in front of him was driven by a power he had never seen before-without a doubt, it was not a human power. In a sense, it is even close to the gods.
In this situation, although Wiseman was a little flustered, he still tried to force himself to calm down. The "Ring of Radiance" is almost an inexhaustible source of energy, plus its conceptual over space-as long as you calm down and manipulate this force well-
However, just as Wiseman was about to calm down, Destiny made a small joke with him. He believed that it was a barrier that was "absolutely impossible to be broken", and was making a little cracking sound
"How is it possible!" Looking at the cracks that suddenly appeared in the originally empty air, Wiseman's eyes almost burst out, and he roared hysterically: "The "ring" is an absolute barrier. Will... Ah, that sword is..."
"Yes... this is the sword that the lord gave me..." Levi's voice was as flat as water, and the "Rock Eater" dexterously and slowly drew an arc in his hand, followed by accompanying The large number of cracks in the trajectory of the sword, "Like your magic wand, a magic sword built with "outside principles"..."
"Um...I was too careless! Enough! Enough! Get out of here! You bastard!!!" Even after getting the "ring", things went beyond my expectation again and again. And control, Wiseman's hysteria and desperateness are more obvious. As his emotions fluctuated violently, the terrifying spiritual pressure produced by the "Ring of Radiance" also made the space tremble. Several weird green arcs, like a cold muzzle after another, pointed directly at the vital points of Levi's body.
"Hmm..." Levi is confident that he can do it with his own strength if he just avoids it. However, how could the opportunity to open a breakthrough with great difficulty be wasted like this? He closed his eyes, and what flashed in his mind were pictures before and after the reunion with Joshua.
"Kaling...I'm here." At the last moment, using the last bit of strength in this life to open the way for her companion... it's worth it.
In a daze, carrying Wiseman's anger, a few arcs of light were like hungry wolves rushing for food, and they shot straight at Levi's heart
"Don't think about it." The coat of arms of the star cup glowed dazzlingly at this moment. With Kevin as the center, a huge arc with a diameter of more than ten meters spread out on the ground, and then outlined a cylindrical shape with the same defensive power. Wiseman's assault, struggling to squeeze out a gap outside of the strength of the Qi Yao, but unable to break through the radiant green-haired priest at this moment. The "Star Cup Domain", the light of the Seven Luminaries, which symbolizes the power of protection, responded to the faithful believers of the church at this moment, and firmly blocked the malicious attacks from outside.
"..." The pain of penetrating the internal organs didn't come. Levi opened his eyes and looked at Kevin's trusting and encouraging gaze, suddenly feeling relieved. He glanced back with some gratitude, and the "Rock Devourer" in his hand went even further. Suddenly, on the invisible and colorless barrier, the cracks spread more quickly, like a spider web.
"It's you again!" Seeing that his plan was repeatedly and repeatedly destroyed by the same person, Wiseman, who was almost frantic at this moment, immediately pointed the finger at Kevin, who was worthless in his heart before. The little person mentioned-first solved Joshua's "false stigmata", and then prevented himself from purging the traitor Levi, and at the same time is a running dog of the church-such a existence is unforgivable!
One after another, devastating beams poured out in Wiseman's unscrupulous thoughts, slamming on the "Star Cup Realm." Even the blessings given by the goddess, before the madman's hysteria, seemed to be a little unsupportable. Kevin couldn't help but looked at Levi: "Ah, I can't hold it for long."
"Alright." Levy also knows Kevin's difficulties, but he has found the center of gravity of this "absolute barrier"-even if it is invisible, he will not lie to Levy, who has already achieved great sword skills. He instilled his own grudge fiercely, and the dense cracks immediately fell apart at this moment, breaking into invisible pieces.
Wiseman screamed hysterically because the "barrier" was broken. He vented his power aimlessly, and under his will, he was infected by his evil thoughts and turned into the power of various forms of weapons, blasting towards the three opponents present.
However, after the absolutely hard barrier was shredded-the last barrier that could stop Helika also disappeared. When the invisible and colorless high wall fell apart under Levi’s sword, Heliga immediately moved. At the same time, he was muttering words-"Tiid (time)-Klo (gravel)-Ul (eternal) ."
Dragon Roar · Time Slow.
In the next moment, everything in front of me turned into a gray.
Wiseman's power continued to pour frantically. He had lost his sanity and did not realize that the things and actions that could be done in an instant now took several seconds to complete. And when the devastating energy he manipulated swept across the ground, he found that the boy who was the target had long since disappeared without a trace.
No matter how swift as a swordsman, he can only become a comical slow motion gymnast under the "time slow"-although Heliga himself is also affected by this, but for him, his time is still far away. Faster than everyone. Therefore, in the eyes of Levi and Kevin at the moment, Heilijia's speed even exceeds the ability of the naked eye to capture. He took advantage of time, so that even Levy, who had experienced many battles, could only see a dim light and shadow; and Heliga’s impact was so great that he flashed through layers of bullets without hesitation. The curtain, facing the gap opened by Levy with a mortal consciousness-a spit pouring out again.
"Krii-Lun-Aus!" Accompanied by the unique rhythm and rune of the dragon roar "Mark of Death", lilac rays of light began to cover the entire barrier. After the gap was opened, the powerful barrier was like a broken wooden barrel, and the water poured out but couldn't stop it. Under this curse-like weakening, the absolute barrier that was originally incomparably hard, conceptually harder than everything in the world, began to fragilely and slowly collapse little by little.
Along with the collapse of the barrier, Wiseman's last remaining sanity-and restraint.
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