Chapter 359: The story of the witch family

"Congratulations... In this way, you are also a running dog of the church in a sense." After a weird silence, Kevin suddenly burst into laughter.
"That's an ally." Heliga was amused by Kevin's exaggerated behavior. "That's an exchange of interests. I serve the church, and the church also serves me. Unlike you..." Heliga looked up and down pretendingly. Kevin, "A complete lackey, he's contented to take the risk alone."
"Oh... don't speak so badly." A trace of pain flashed in Kevin's eyes. Although it was fleeting, Heliga clearly caught it, "Anyway...Since you and the Chief Executive have reached an agreement, Then there are many things you don’t have to guess dumb riddles here."
" just tell me all the things your chief confessed to you."
"Um... let me think about where to start. First... According to the secret records of the church, the two treasures hidden in the empire are "flame" and "earth". "
"Two?" Heliga was a little surprised at first, and then thought that the size of the empire was larger than Libel, so he was pleased, "And do you even know the attributes?"
"Yeah...As for this information, the association must also know. But the problem is that the existence of these two treasures is similar to the "Huanzhihuan", but it is more complicated. "
"They are also sealed?"
"Yes...but it's not only that. According to the scriptures, the two great treasures of "flame" and "earth" once had a fierce struggle... After losing both, their bodies turned into two giant statues, respectively. It is located somewhere in the empire and its surrounding areas, and the power that belongs to the treasure has a wonderful fusion... Just as Libel’s ancestors predicted, the empire, the two clans guarding the two treasures, also Aware of the consequences of connivance. "
"So... they also imitated the ancestors of the Libel royal family and sealed two sets of "treasures"? "
"Yeah...but it's not as simple and crude as the seal of "Hui Ring". "Kevin's expression is complicated." It is said that the merged "Treasure" has a peculiar resonance, and its power is beyond the range that can be controlled in the general sense. Therefore, the two clans did not choose the same method as the Libel royal family. Make a seal. Under the leadership of a genius born among them, they successfully divided this power into seven parts. However, the separate seals are not safe enough, and the resonance created by the treasures allows them to retain immense power even after being cut apart. Therefore, they created another "mechanism." "
"What is it?" Heliga had never heard of these secrets about the empire, so what Kevin said aroused his curiosity.
"The first thing to explain is that the two clans that are in charge of the two sets of treasures are the "goblin" and the "witch". "Speaking of this, Kevin paused, seeing that Heliga had no other reaction besides being at a loss, then continued, "The "goblin" clan is good at all kinds of construction and material development, while the "witch" group has The peculiar power handed down from the ancient times. Therefore, they cooperated to divide this power into seven parts, using the excellent forging ability of the goblin clan, to build seven huge weapons that can be trended by humans. The "witch" gave them life and established a very clever circulatory system. Every few hundred years, when the entangled "treasure" power tends to explode, there will be selected warriors. Under the instructions of a group, they completed the battle of the destined destiny-afterwards, they would imply all the people, so that people would gradually forget the battle that had happened. That's why... we don't know what they turned that power into. "
"I have never heard of this... I am afraid that few people in the empire know such things..." Heliga shook his head, "but what you said seems to be comparable to history... Several comparisons in the history of the empire The great turmoil, from the founding of the first emperor to the "Crimson Devil" turmoil, to the "Lion Heart Emperor" establishing the borders of the empire... It is true that almost the same time has passed, and... indeed, every time this happens During the turmoil, when people in later generations look back on these histories, they always feel that some strange forces are involved, but it is difficult to find their clues. "
"That's the suggestion of the "witch" family. "Kevin nodded, "Originally, we were not allowed to keep these records... But for some reason, the "goblin" clan suddenly went into the dark, stopped showing up, and gradually began to disappear. And after that, the "witch" has become our loyal this day. "
"So... wait. You mean, the "witch" clan is the church's allies in the empire? "
"That's the case. They have lived in the border villages for generations, and most people can't find them where they are. They have inherited top-secret knowledge from generation to generation, and are usually isolated from the world, only when that power operates again. Will appear—according to the witch’s prediction, the sealing operation of the power system this time is likely to appear in the turmoil of the empire."
"...Really?" Such a mysterious thing, if someone else said it, Heliga would probably laugh it off-but since the "Seven Lights Church" told itself this in such a formal and serious manner, it must mean that it has Quite credibility. The church will not do all this, just to make a big joke with itself, right?
"You accept this thing much faster than me." Kevin obviously saw that Heliga had begun to believe this, and was thinking about it on the premise, "When the chief told me this, I thought It was she who was joking with me...until she threatened me that if I was not serious, she would play "Stigmata" and beat me up. "Kevin said with a sad face, "Although it sounds absurd...but this is the truth in history. "
"...I remember your chief said just now, if I want to, she will let me and your previous co-workers in the empire-the "witch" clan, meet, right? "
"Yeah...but this is not within the scope of my duties. Because my mission has never had anything to do with the empire. Next, I'm going to investigate Crossbell's side... It is said that there are also some unusual actions there."
"It's a coincidence... why are you both going to Closbell? I don't know why, I always feel that this place will suffer the same fate as Liberte in the future-disasters and disasters."
"Selenu, don't make a noise... I'm reading a book." In a small village on the eastern border of the empire, a girl with long lavender hair and a plump body was holding a math book in one hand, trying to drive away just now. The graceful black cat jumping on the table.
"Really... Then Emma, ​​wait until you finish reading this chapter to see the mother-in-law... Don't blame me for what the mess will be at that time." The next scene was enough to make most people stunned— —The black cat actually spoke.
"Ah...really, mother-in-law, she never makes people worry... Obviously there is less than a year to prepare for the exam..." The girl named Emma let out a helpless cry, put down her textbook, and strode out. room.
"Hey... it's only less than a year, right?" Seeing the girl hurriedly leaving, the black cat named Serenu sighed very humanely, her bright eyes full of Sad and worried.
"An immature guide is already worrying enough...Next, I can only hope that the "starter" is a mature and stable person...Is it..."
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