Chapter 366: The prime minister

The aroma of black tea overflows. Set off by the setting sun outside the bright windows, it is more relaxed and calm.
Although the hearts of the two sitting in front of this small coffee table are actually calm on the surface, but secretly choppy.
Three minutes have passed since Osborne knocked on the door and placed tea cups in front of them. But neither Heliga nor Osborne seemed to know where to start.
"..." Lightly picked up the teacup and took a sip of the black tea-in the end the old-fashioned Osborne, and opened his mouth first: "How about this black tea from the royal family of Libel compared to the treasures of the Viscount?"
"...I'm sorry, I don't understand tea very much." Heliga admitted honestly, "My house is not like a traditional nobleman, retaining all the cumbersome etiquette... Black tea or something is just brewed and drunk casually. . It’s different from the noble family’s I can’t tell the quality of this black tea.

"Really..." Osborne nodded, as if approving the answer, and then shook his head again, "However, not all of what you said just now are correct."
"You just said...your family, the Viscount family is not a "traditional nobleman", is it? "Osborn said softly," But in my opinion, the nobleness and self-respect of Chordswell are the inheritors of the "aristocratic spirit" that Dreikaels said back then... As for dining, the etiquette of receiving people and things is too heavy for the so-called great nobles... to the point of disgusting hypocrisy. "
"I can get compliments from you... Father will probably be proud."
"Haha, there is no need to humble yourself. It is not a secret that your Excellency Viscount has close contacts with the Imperial College of Political Science... Although he is not an academic expert, he can often put forward some very unique opinions-Your Excellency Regnitz... …Ah, it’s the current chief consul of the imperial capital..." Seeing Heliga’s puzzled expression, Osborne explained, "I have a high evaluation of these opinions, and I often use them to tell me some of the stories... Haha It can be said that I have benefited a lot."
"This is... when my father was young, due to physical reasons, he had to abandon the martial arts inheritance of the noble court swordsmanship." Heliga nodded, "so he focused on those studies."
"Obviously frustrated by fate, but able to cheer up again and shine in another field... This strength and tolerance are the qualities that the nobles of the empire should have... Unfortunately, under the brilliance of the "four famous gates", it is now full The ground is corrupt. The "aristocratic spirit" that the empire was proud of has slowly disappeared in this country, and even gradually turned into a luxury that only a few local aristocrats can vaguely see... This is the sadness of this country, don't you think ? "
"...Hehe, you are arguing what I am saying, are you?" Heliga smiled. For some reason, the prime minister in front of him has completely lost the aura in front of Olibat. At this moment, he is more like a kind. Elders, "Do you regret the fact that he could not resist the pressure and eventually had to fall to the Duke's house?"
"...You are very keen, even though you have not participated in any political events... Is this heredity?" Osborne closed his eyes, "It seems that there is no use going around these circles in front of you, so I just go straight That said. Indeed, when I just learned the news, I once felt regretful that your father failed to persevere, which really made me feel a pity. But some things that happened later allowed me to slowly eliminate this. idea."
"You also know that I have always been committed to fighting the nobles... To be honest, I am actually curious why those who were originally determined to be firm nobles were all pulled by the "four famous sects" without knowing it. Going away, even though they seemed so reluctant...My best friend, Baron Shu Huaze in the north, seemed to have not wavered his position...Later, through the news from the Intelligence Bureau, I knew what they did. "Osborne took another sip of tea." If the local nobles refuse to recruit the great nobles, there will be a large number of their minions. On the one hand, they will be excluded through social circles, and on the other hand, the development of their territories will be restricted economically. The pressure of the people whose quality of life has deteriorated forces them to commit crimes... These nobles who are responsible for the people will eventually have to... "
"..." Heliga didn't speak. It is not uncommon for the Prime Minister to know these things. What he cares about is the Prime Minister's further thoughts.
"Of course, there are special cases...For example, the "Swordsman of Light", because of the legend of the Lord Saint, even now, no one dares to directly brush the hand down from the time of the emperor. Sharp...there is also the Baron Shu Huaze I just mentioned. When he was young, he was a close friend with His Majesty the Emperor. In addition...some things made him gradually fade out of the core social circle of the nobility, so he didn’t care much about some deliberate exclusion and ridicule. This ability Those who are clear will clear themselves. But such a special case cannot be copied anyway... After a long time, no matter what, it is impossible for aristocrats to continue to maintain the integrity and noble quality. "
"What do you mean?" Unconsciously, Heliga began to feel that the Prime Minister's statement made sense-because of this, he also knew that it was time to state his purpose.
"I tried to win His Royal Highness Olibate into the reformist camp just now, but the prince doesn't seem to understand yet. He is still working on finding a perfect ending that can satisfy both parties..." Osborne shook his head disappointedly. , "But what you said...I think it should be more thorough than Olibate...that's right."
"...Father’s point of view is that the way the aristocracy ruled the land is actually fundamentally behind the country where the government centralizes control and distribution of resources-you know this before you tell me this, right? ?" Heliga was very meaningful, "But the way my father thinks does not mean that I think the same way."
"That's why you chose the same path as Olibat?"
"No... I chose to join the prince’s camp, just because he might be able to help my family get out of trouble. As for what will happen later... I’m afraid no one can stop it. The most important thing is, if you join you, join On the reformist side-that will surely set off a new wave, this country will enter a field that no one can control... Maybe you have more knowledge and know it in your heart, but... I haven't Be prepared. Sorry, I am not as mature as you imagined, and I let you down."
"Hehe... Where did you come from?" Osborne smiled instead, "As a young man, being able to see his own shortcomings can be said to be great wisdom. Moreover, you are young, but you are not affected by those The praise of heroes affects inner thinking, and the ability to think independently is even more rare. Is it really the "last nobleman"? "
With that, Osborne stood up.
"Let’s end the conversation... I think you have a more thorough and wiser view than His Royal Highness... This conversation is not in vain of the Intelligence Department’s special investigation of you."
After speaking, Osborne left the room.
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