Chapter 413: Black Moon's Statement (Two in One)

Heliga imagined all the results. In his opinion, under his own intentional stimulation, Harold may be very excited to ask himself aloud regardless of his demeanor, and may also do other things that do not conform to his personality-except that he did not expect the other party to suddenly It seemed like giving up, expounding all the truth, and then leaving in an indescribable posture.
If you really want to say it, Heliga thinks it would be better not to. But he also knew that Harold's calmness must have been disguised at this moment, and his heart must actually be turbulent. In any case, now I already know that Ling was not "abandoned" by her parents-all this is just a cruel joke made by fate.
"Then...then proceed as planned....Huh?" As Heilijia packed up his things and was about to go out, he accidentally found a letter, which was placed on the balcony outside the hotel.
"Is this inscription "Black Moon"? It seems that the "silver" came again later yesterday. Heliga chuckled, "It's getting interesting." "

"Take it. Then you will find a way." Heliga gave the recorder to Levi, who was dressed up in disguise, gloomily. "I can only help here."
"...It's a good ending." Levi couldn't hide his smile from the corner of his mouth-after Heliga briefly described the fact that Harold had been here just now. He was sincerely happy for Ling... Since the truth is not a cruel betrayal, there is still a chance for everything to be restored.
"Yeah... It's just that the things after this need her..." Heliga said softly, and the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell, "If there is an opportunity, it would be nice...Ling is too sensitive, if you take this directly Things told her that 80% of them couldn't get the desired effect."
"On this point, I will discuss with that adult..." Levi pondered for a while, "Anyway, Ling's matter is over, right?"
"Um... for the time being. Oh, yes... the picture of Ling you gave me, I took advantage of that guy's attention and stuffed it into his corner pocket... As for whether he can find out in time, or The photo turns into scraps because of the rolling of the washing depends on fate."
"Yeah... leave the rest to the participants later." Levi frowned, "Speaking of which, you seem to have other things to do."
"Well...Ling told me about the purification of the Yaojing block...I think this is a business opportunity."
"I know that too..." Levi naturally understood what Heliga was talking about. Because of the same thing, Ling told him happily on the day of the discovery, "I don't know much about this...but It feels like it's not enough just to have money... it has to be related."
"Well...this is a very attractive cake. The major forces have long been unable to help but swallow it, and want to be the first to swallow it..." Heliga smiled softly, "I am the forces within the empire. I'm afraid there is nothing to use..."
"It's not necessarily." Levi reminded, "Indeed, no matter whether it is a reformist or aristocratic group, it seems that you can no longer accommodate you... But this does not mean that there is no other investor in the empire."
"For example?" Heliga raised an eyebrow.
"For example, the new generation of capital masters who have come with the development of the times... In a word, they are "chaebols." "Levy said, "Whether it is a large chamber of commerce that spans the entire empire, or a large international company... all belong to this category. "
"I know... but I didn't have a stepping stone. Even if they were, I'm afraid they wouldn't allow a newcomer to touch their cake casually." Heliga shrugged. "But this is a way of thinking... at least compared to the nobility. For people who have thoroughly settled their political stances like the reformists and the reformists, there is still room for communication with them."
"It seems that you have already thought about it... My words are probably superfluous." Levi laughed at himself, not caring. "And it seems that your next destination is also related to this."
"Um...I'm going to see "Black Moon" next. "Hilija's eyes rolled, and he thought on a whim, "Well, although it may be a little sudden to say this... But, do you want to help me make a place?" "

"Welcome to you...but I didn't expect you to bring a...bodyguard?" The interior of the "Black Moon" trading company is a wooden house with a very oriental decoration, whether it is exquisite paintings and calligraphy or floating in the air. This is the case for bursts of incense-in such a well-disguised underground organization, from the boss to the employees, there is an indescribable atmosphere-if Rubacher's approach is high-profile and extremely high If it is destructive and arouses fear through the action itself, then "Black Moon" is a low-key viper. They act secretly and manipulate intelligence, and they have a sense of a worldly superior.
In the brightly decorated office of the president, Cao Li, the head of the "Black Moon" Crossbel branch with long violet hair and a sinister smile, looked at Heliga and Levi who walked in the door. Half serious and half teasing, "I thought that judging from your skill in the legend, you don't need to do that at all."
"People have fumbled, horses have stumbled..." Heliga sighed softly, and without waiting for the other's reaction, she sat on the stool opposite the table and looked up and down the smile. The dangerous "Black Moon" president said, "It's always right to be cautious... Besides, when you sent the "Silver" to deliver the letter for the second time last night, didn't I fall into a deep sleep without noticing it? "
"You are really too modest..." Cao continued to maintain the smiley face, "It is really not much to allow Lord Silver to exist without any means... And to a big man like you, he doesn't want to be casual. It is natural to be disturbed. I accompany me for the unexpected visit last night. "
"Me? A big man? This is really..." Heliga couldn't help laughing. "Let's not mention other messy things... It stands to reason that I am serious about eliminating my sense of existence... a lot. Obviously it was something I did, and I finally gave the credit to others."
"Those fine work won't help your wind review... I understand... It's better to say another way. In fact, the underground forces now... Basically, many people are looking at you. It."
"Isn't it the only "Black Moon" family that came here? Heliga replied calmly, "So far. "
"Ahhh...Is that so?" Cao said in surprise, "I thought you and Rubacher were related...after all..."
"I and "Bear of Slaughter", the days when we played for "West Wind" can be said to be completely staggered... There is no favor between me and him. We must say something, that is, as a middleman in the Philippines. Under the circumstances, a little bit...but it is not enough to get me involved in your underground fight. On the one hand, the situation in Closberg is chaotic, and many things are unable to see the future direction. No matter when and how to invest, there is a risk of being trapped... This is for me now. Unacceptable risks. Secondly... Rubacher has Harutman as his backer and has almost completely penetrated into the city. They don't need me to help them... right? "
"Indeed...this is also consistent with the information we, I don't seem to have to ask the first question." Cao showed a fairly sincere smile this time, "Then the second thing... Since "Rubacher" is not currently on the same line as you... But the relationship between you and the "Secret Service Division" seems to be quite harmonious. "
"Yeah...Unlike the Mafia, they are the police representing law and justice, and the true hope of this corrupt city-even if it is trivial." Heliga will not hide this, as Lloyd has mentioned. "Support Division" is already related to Heyue, so as a friend, he doesn't mind getting some confidence for him. "I and "Sword Saint of Wind" are brothers, and "Search One Division" is currently being used. I investigated the intelligence. "The implication is to warn "Black Moon" of his own weight here.
"It's so severe...but don't get me wrong. I am also very looking forward to the extent to which the cubs in the support department can do it." Cao's words were somewhat genuine, but Heliga's words threatened and warned him. I heard it, "From this point of view, there is this kind of consideration in providing information to them."
"It's really unexpected." Heliga said mockingly, "The Republic Mafia, disguised as a legal trading company, turned out to be a partner of justice..."
"We don't think of ourselves so loftily... It's just that we are more inclined to act gracefully and low-key than the brutal and rude destructive methods of "Rubacher". "Cao said, "It is true that, like "Rubacher", using political asylum and acting without scruple, of course, you can quickly earn a lot of money and fame... But "Black Moon" originally has the background and is deeply rooted in the Republic. The immense strength of, was originally several levels higher than the new generation of Mafia "Rubacher"... Besides, the city of Krossberg is too special... even if it is a towering building like Harutman The cloud building is also at the risk of crashing down at any time-in this sense, if we act cautiously, it seems more in line with our long-term development. "
"A wise judgment... this is worthy of admiration." These words really changed Heliga's impression of Black Moon, but whether this is a confidant truth or a nonsense polite remark remains to be confirmed. "In this way, after knowing that we are not enemies between us, I am afraid that the purpose of this contact will be achieved."
"Yes... but if you have to say, you are a more reasonable person than I thought, and a more worthy of...cooperation object."
"Is it a more worthwhile object?" Heliga said lazily, "Ah, I don't care about such wording...but you probably don't want me to help you fight. You already have that. This is a mysterious assassin on Oriental Street, isn't it? Besides... the so-called employees under your staff have good combat abilities, right?"
"Yes...but it's just the strength that can maintain the self-protection of Crossbel..." Cao did not deny this. "According to the development policy of our headquarters, time is still for the Crossbel branch. I'm a little nervous..."
"Should you say that you are bold, or..." Cao's meaning Heilijia understood-after finding out the fact that he was not an enemy, this guy actually started to knock on the side, trying to win himself, "I'm kind of Understand why Rubacher treats you as opponents who have not been here for a long time, and prepares seriously."
"Although Rubacher is strong, his arrogance and defiance are destined to be fundamentally different from us-we have always firmly believed that acting like that is destined to be unable to last in this city." Cao didn't think. Smiled intentionally, "On the other hand, like you, the allies who are hiding in the dark but able to control the flow of the surface are what we want to strive for."
"I'm not as good as you said." Heliga's intelligence is accurate because he has connections with him through various methods, and this network of relationships covers almost all channels that can be covered-from underground From the intelligence room to the network technology war, from the information circulating in the association to the old news secretly investigated; from personal adventures and personally seeing and communicating with his companions-this comprehensive coverage of all aspects is what he looks so accurate Control the root of the message.
"No matter what, "Rubacher" will no longer be the secretly master of this city. "Cao smiled insidiously," "Soon, there will be an explosive news-if this matter is not handled properly, "Rubacher" will be destroyed. Mr. Heliga, what kind of crime would make it impossible for Speaker Harutman to use his influence to help him? "
"...Extremely dangerous and subversive charges...such as dangerous acts against leaders of other countries or autonomous prefectures, or serious violations of the human rights regulations of guerrilla associations and group churches..." Heliga tried to recall the church’s Keep in mind, "Such as this."
"Yes...According to the information we have collected, there seems to be quite interesting explosive facts hidden in the upcoming "Black Auction". "
"What is it?"
"As for the specific situation, please confirm it yourself... Here, you take this." Cao took out a golden rose card from the drawer in the desk, which is what the legend says to check when entering the auction. Something, "Take it as a special seat ticket for us to invite you to the theater...After all that is over, it's up to you to decide whether to cooperate with us."
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