Chapter 442: Encounter (two in one)

The source of the loud noise in the warehouse area is nothing else-it is the sound caused by the head-on conflict between the Rubacher Mafia and Lloyd and others who are searching for the invaders desperately.
After discovering that his actions on this side had been seen through by the other party, Lloyd made a decisive decision and could not delay this way. To this end, he consulted two combat masters in the team-Randy and the mysterious masked man Levi. Although the strength of the two is not on the same level, the conclusions they gave are surprisingly consistent-Garcia must be defeated head-on to break the joint defense line formed by the Mafia.
Although Levi can retreat in the hands of an opponent like Rubacher who is not enough to see, even if he is facing a fully equipped light machine gun team commanded by Garcia himself, he should not be able to protect the three behind him. Women who protect themselves in chaos. What's more, Levi's own sword skills did not exist for protection...but for killing. Therefore, places with large expanses of open land and wide streets like the wealthy districts cannot stay any longer. Although this is a rich area, it is difficult to guarantee that Rubacher will not do something extraordinary this time-after all, in their eyes, Speaker Harutman is basically omnipotent.
When he could no longer feel the breath of an intruder in the streets of the wealthy area, Garcia sneered, waved his hand, and led his men straight to the warehouse area-in the narrow gaps of tall warehouse rooms. Shuttle the sneaky figures of Mafia members. However, Garcia himself had no scruples, with a savage face, and walked towards Lloyd and others who were facing the enemy.
"Huh... No wonder I think that the few figures I occasionally see at this auction are more familiar... It turns out to be you kids from the police department. It's a shame that you can get invitations to come to this auction."
"It seems that there is no rule that the police can't participate, right?" Lloyd's expression was surprisingly calm, very strange, obviously there will be a battle next.
"Yeah... The principle of the auction is "Nobody refuses to come"... As long as your invitation is genuine, it doesn't matter. "Galcia's face began to grow gloomy, "But... if you and "Black Moon" make a commotion and come to smash us and the speaker... it's another matter. "
"Why is it related to "Black Moon"? Lloyd was surprised, "Silver" has nothing to do with us... Just ask the subordinates you fainted. Rather, we noticed this anomaly and drove him away as an intruder. "
"Huh, isn't it?" The sincere explanation didn't make Garcia change his mind. Although his gaze is not as sinister as before, he is still full of murderous aura, "It doesn't matter anymore...The point is you guys, let me, let the chairman, let the chairman face scandal in front of those guests! The account should be counted on your head anyway." As he said, his muscles were tight, and Garcia had entered a state of fighting.
"It seems...even if we surrender, you won't agree." Lloyd motioned to Kiya to hide behind.
"It's rare to have a "hunting" feeling. How about enjoying the sorrow of the prey? "At this moment, Garcia completely revealed his ferociousness and belligerence as a hunter. "Don't worry, for someone's sake, Xiaoming will be reserved for you. After breaking one or two arms. I will let you go back. "
"I really can say... I just don't know what his skills are." The few people who hadn't been on the battlefield were almost out of breath by Garcia's so strong and almost substantive murderousness. However, just when Randy was about to say something, Levy stepped forward imperceptibly, just blocking Randy's path, ""Bear of Killing"...I haven't been serious with a famous opponent for a long time. It's a fight. "
The opponent is very strong-it is difficult to fight with Lloyd and others. Not to mention that there are a group of Mafia members who are eyeing and holding light machine guns and various weapons behind the opponent. Although the red-haired guy named Randy seems to have some strength, under the current circumstances, he may not be able to win Garcia.
This kind of place... is for yourself. Levi felt that he had been asleep for a long time, and the blood phagocytic nerve belonging to Shura had begun to wake up. Although he has let go of the pains of the past, the shocking scars in the process-can still be turned into the appetite of his spirit at this moment. Even if he had already tried to move towards the so-called "right path"-as Shura, Levi was still alive in his heart.
And just now, Garcia’s words, and the tension of the scene, finally caused the long-sleeping Shura to start to wake up. When Levi’s body was surrounded by the floating silver girdle, even Garcia had to pay attention to it. This man who has been silent just now.
Unlike Lloyd and others-this man is wearing a mask. Thinking of coming, he is also a person who doesn't want to let people see his true face. But for some reason, he was actually acting with these policemen... and—it seemed very strong.
Although he didn't want to admit it, Garcia had to say--similar pressure, the last time he saw...It was Luja Kraussell...this "Hunter King".
In other words... this skinny young man wearing a mask...has a fighting ability of the same level as the leader?
how can that be. While being shocked inside, Garcia's combative blood was also aroused.
"Ha... what a terrible grudge." Facing Levi who was now surprised by the Support Division and the others next to him, Garcia not only showed no fear, but also showed a combative smile: "What origin, Report your name."
"It's just that there is still a shadow on the way of Shura..." Levi said softly, not knowing whether he was lamenting his own experience or answering Garcia's words-in the next moment, Levi had appeared behind Garcia. .
"So fast..." The body like a giant bear dexterously stepped back, and Garcia avoided a blow that was so quick that Lloyd could not see it at all. He exclaimed "Okay", and then squeezed Levi's throat with his palm. With Garcia's skill, such a close blow is difficult to avoid-but for some reason, just before his fingers touched Levi, his movements and rhythm suddenly slowed strangely. Taking advantage of this stagnation, Levi regained the distance easily, avoiding Garcia's attack range.
"Boom boom..." At the same time, the Mafia members who had been on standby just now shot Levi without hesitation-without Garcia's order, this surprised Garcia too. . But it's not that he couldn't understand the feelings of his subordinates... The atmosphere just now changed rapidly, and the fierce battle affected their thoughts.
"Don't fire! Don't fire without my order!" Garcia was a little annoyed, but shouted not in anger. After his yelling, the commotion at the beginning of his men also slowly calmed down.
And Levi-of course, was unscathed. Although the "Rock Eater" who took advantage of it was not brought by his side, the standard long sword can also exert the power of general combat skills. A cloud of silver fighting gas turned into a storm and whizzed past, shattering all the bullets that hit. After the residual wind passed, Levi once again disappeared in place-this time, his goal was Garcia's back!
"Huh..." Garcia sneered at the corner of his mouth-as a hunter, seeing and listening to all directions is a compulsory course. After the sudden attack just now, Levi's actions were already within his prediction. He let out a heart-pounding roar, like an angry giant bear, using the fingers of his hand to firmly grasp the stabbing sword in Levi's hand!
"Drink!" However, something unexpected happened to him again-in the face of this death, the other party used brute force to pull out the long sword from his tightly held hands, and then An even more amazing speed and angle, fell from the top of the side!
"It's too..." Garcia slapped his tongue, and his premonition just now came true-the male youth in front of him is indeed of the same grade as the "Hunter King"-this explosive power and reaction speed , And accurate target selection in a fast attack is really terrifying. He didn't dare to neglect, almost avoiding Levi's attack in embarrassment.
"Oh? Does the old hunter's combat intuition work?" Levi retracted the long sword, with a trace of regret that was not easily detectable on his face. "I thought that after I was deliberately weak and let you relax your vigilance, I could hit you with a single sword. It made you lose the ability to fight..."
"The sword just now, if I hadn't avoided it, would directly leave a deep scar on my arm and chest..." Garcia's tone was complicated, "Enough to make people lose combat power..."
"Yes...For "him"'s sake, I don't want to kill you either. Levi spread his hands, "Since you have enough knowledge about the strength gap between each other... how about taking a step back?" "
"In that case, how should I explain to the speaker and the president?" Garcia snapped. You are great, we can't help you, but can't we solve the rookie policemen? "Even with your joining, it's still a fact that they can't cross the water and return to Clos Bell from can't deny this."
Levi just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a somewhat naive voice. He looked over with some surprise, and found that it was the little girl Kia who had just hid away with Ellie and Tio just now under Lloyd’s instruction, and ran out of the hidden place while the other two girls were not paying attention. . In the face of the vicious Mafia and the murderous Garcia at this moment, Kia didn't have any fear at all. Instead, she took Lloyd's hand in doubt and asked in an almost coquettish tone: "Lloyd~ Lloyd~ Who are they? Why do you want to catch Lloyd and not let go..."
"Kia!" Lloyd felt that his heart was about to be lifted out of his throat, "How did you run out! How dangerous... Hurry back..."
"Huh?" Such a commotion obviously attracted Garcia's attention. At this moment, he suddenly realized that in addition to the strange masked man in the opponent's escape lineup, there was also a little girl who didn't know where he came from, "What's the matter with this girl..."
"...You have the guts to ask." Among the few people, Vaggie's mind turned the fastest. He looked at Lloyd who was panicked and Kia who was still making noise, then looked at Garcia, who was confused over there, and sneered.
"...Yes." Randy's eyes rolled, and he realized what Waji wanted to do, and immediately came to help. "This kid is one of the "commodities" you put in the doll box at the auction... You should be able to understand what you said? "
" is it possible, those boxes are filled with newly produced dolls from Rozanbeck's workshop..." Garcia first increased his doubts, and then suddenly understood something, his face immediately became complicated.
Although it is impossible to think about it... but if it is true-when the suitcase containing the child was opened at the main booth of the auction, the huge force that "Rubacher" has worked so hard in these years, Will collapse instantly overnight.
Public buying and selling of people at auctions-such a serious violation of the bottom line of the law, no one will be able to successfully asylum.
Just when Garcia was in such tangled pains, unexpected surprises finally came. Accompanied by a long and melodious howl, the blue-and-white wolf jumped down, disguised as a police dog in the support section, and looked at the surroundings with cold eyes-and on the calm water of the lake, one search could carry six people. The guided speedboat is clearly visible.
"Chief Sergei! And Zeit!" Tio and Allie exclaimed in surprise. They never expected reinforcements to come—if Levi’s existence had given them a little comfort, the moment they saw the section chief and Zeit, this comfort almost turned into crying Moved.
"Sergueil Luo..." Obviously, when dealing with the heavy eye bags in front of him, he seemed to be unable to lift the spirit of the middle-aged uncle, Garcia could not treat him as an ordinary police kid.
"I heard what I said just now, and you must know what it means." Sergey still looks calm, as if his subordinates just came to travel and have never experienced any danger. "I'll talk to you later... you can straighten out your situation."
"Um..." Garcia stood still in place completely, the anger and murderous intent just now had been consumed without a trace.
"The one over there...well, I don't know what to call..."
"Oh... Mr. Lawrence." Sergey raised his head slightly this time, "I will find time to thank you in the future...Thank you for helping them."
"It doesn't matter... I just did what others told me to do." Levi said, which was also the truth. Although it feels good to be trusted and thanked by others, Levi still doesn't want to get too involved with them.
Seeing this situation, Sergey did not say much. Following his movements, the speedboat turned sharply and sailed towards the brightly lit Clos Bell in the moonlight.
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