Chapter 458: Surfaced

"What kind of information?" Heliga also touched Garcia's temper, and what he could say that must be some really important information.
"After escaping from "Rubacher", I have been looking for someone who can help me in my next move... Support the Kana gang without mentioning it, and search for one...Although they are usually enemies, they have been through it for so long. After time, I also understood the particularity of this city... If I packaged all the criminal records of "Rubacher" over the years and handed it over to the police, and became a tainted witness, I might be easily pardoned. Up. "
"Yeah... the situation here is special, and the judicial system has to make targeted compromises." Heliga nodded, "So you did this?"
"Originally... I wanted to see if I could sneak back to the headquarters while the president was not paying attention... After all, after experiencing your last visit, the president transferred everything back to the headquarters and belonged to him. I went to my private room. I originally wanted to sneak back today and steal the evidence before taking the next step. But I found out that all the members of "Rubacher" seemed to have disappeared overnight. "
"All gone?" Heliga was startled. "Did you only find out today?"
"Yeah... just now." Garcia admitted, "I originally planned to go in and see what happened... I didn't expect to find the man with spectacles who was searching for a department shortly after being there. Figures. Their people quickly gathered at the door of the Chamber of Commerce and began to search-in this case, there is no possibility for me to go in and search again."
"... The suddenness of this action is a bit big... There is no superficial article at all, even if it's just casually perfunctory, but it just disappears so simply... that President Marconi, won't be so radical People."
"I also find it strange... The president was cautious when he was using that strange drug not long ago. How could he immediately make such a contrasting choice... There should be no place to hide in the city of Crossbell? There are so many people in the headquarters, so they must have gone to the outskirts of the city. After trying to understand this, I also went out of the city and came to the outskirts of the city to find their clues—"
"Have you found it?" Heliga asked eagerly.
"Um... look over there." Garcia pointed to the west-the direction of Almorica Village.
"The village?"
"No...not that village, but among the mountains to the northwest of that village..."
"...Oh, there seems to be such a place..." Heliga recalled the warning signs that had been rusted on the Almorica Trail. "It seems to say that it is an ancient ruin...Because it is very dangerous, it has been No one has been allowed in since."
"Well... that place was heard from people in the meeting as early as when I first came here. That place has been sealed off for several years, and there has been no intention to open it again anyway-anyway. There will be nothing else, only some warcrafts in the wilderness and movable ancient ruins wandering...The autonomous prefecture does not have a powerful army that can be used at any time to clean up like the empire and the Republic, and there is no provocation there. What a mess, it’s been left like this forever."
"...You mean, they all entered the monument?" Heliga understood what Garcia meant.
"Although I didn't see it with my own eyes... but I can see that there is something wrong... because there are obviously a lot of new signs of friction on the rocks around the blocked gate, and there must be a group of people over there. In the past—I originally planned to go in and find out, but unfortunately, my body doesn’t seem to allow me to do that anymore—"
"That's why you went to church for treatment?"
"Yeah... It was originally like this, but I didn't expect to ran into you there. Without further ado, I knew you would definitely notice that I was looking at you... So I led you to this place, and it happened from here. See the perspective of that ancient battlefield."
"Yeah..." Heliga narrowed his eyes. When the weather is not bad, he only needs a little help from the corresponding potion, and his eyesight can be greatly improved. "But this matter first On the side... how do you feel now?"
Heliga has not forgotten that Garcia is still in the stage of being entangled by the power of "true knowledge".
"Fortunately... It's just a little dizzy. Maybe it's because I'm far away from the culprit, and his strange hints don't seem to have much effect on me." Garcia said.
"I don't know the formula of the drug yet, so the antidote to the problem is probably not good... But since it is a drug that works on mental power... Maybe a little hint of magic can help?"
"Isn't that what the group of church guys are best at?" Garcia smiled bitterly. When he was racing on the battlefield, he didn't get help from members with church background. Besides, now the "Star Cup Knights" The head of the regiment used to be a hunter. This shows that the hunter and the church are not two forces that are incompatible with fire and water as people think.
"My method is a bit different from them in principle." Heliga didn't bother to explain the specific differences between different magics. "So what, would you like to try it?"

"It seems that it is an indisputable fact that the "Rubatcher" and the remaining party of the "religion" colluded. The "Rubacher" Chamber of Commerce in the back alley in the downtown area of ​​Closberg was occupied by a group of police members after the buildings were empty. Lloyd and others also rushed to hear the news, and cooperated with the search department to find a large amount of evidence in the president's room-a list of gifts and bribes with political officials; documents related to arms and drug smuggling, and The purchase and delivery list of the drug named "Zhenzhi".
"Well... all the missing citizens are on this list." Allie carefully checked her investigation results and the shipment records on this list. "It seems that the evidence is now conclusive."
"Judging from the pile of documents, these people had contact with the so-called cult members a few years ago." Guy said, "The domestication of military dogs...and there are shadows of that person moving behind them."
"But who on earth will that person be?" Everyone started to speculate about this. In terms of frequency in the past, the other party must be people in the vicinity of the Crossbell area... and the other party can control the "Roubacher", and even the energy of the entire Crossbell political circle, it must not be general. Generation.
At this time, Guy's eyes lit up, remembering the words Heliga had said.
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