Chapter 468: Shura Appears

The black notes were quickly turned over. Heilijia has gained a lot. Several nobles have appeared on this list, and some of them are influential. They are members of the inner circle of Gongdu and Haidu nobles.
"Please confirm the white document here." Putting down the explosive black document in his own mind, Heliga picked up the white book on the side. It was printed with the same coat of arms as the black cover that recorded the handles of dignitaries from all over the world.
"This is..." Guy exclaimed as soon as he saw the content on the first page, "A victim of the "ceremony" six years ago? "
As soon as the voice fell, everyone's gaze fell on Tio. Some pity, some anxiety, some encouragement.
"Sorry... we need to confirm what's inside." Lloyd, who had just learned of Tio's tragic childhood experience, gave her apologetic glance.
"It's okay." Tio showed a strong smile, walked up personally, turned over the pages of notes printed with photos and experimental records, and told everyone with practical actions-don't worry about me, do what you should do .
A child who was supposed to be at a carefree age, under the ravages of many cruel and inhumane experiments by the Order, had a dull expression and a gloomy expression, without the childishness and joy he should have at this age.
Flipping through, a picture of a young girl caught everyone's attention. The girl in the photo has aqua-blue hair and golden eyes. She is still expressionless. There is no doubt that this is Tio as a child.
"Ahaha..." Lloyd didn't know what to say, and scratched his head with a dry smile. "Compared with now, isn't it a bit rigid?"
"Yeah...probably." Tio knew that Lloyd was only trying to make the atmosphere less heavy, so he reluctantly drove this seemingly untimely joke, "but I was definitely not as energetic as I am now."
"..." Guy didn't speak, just squeezed his wrist tightly.
The notes were turned page after page, and another familiar face came into view. A short-haired girl with violet hair, her eyebrows are somewhat similar to Colin, and her delicate face looks very gloomy.
Seeing this girl, the four members of the Support Section, Guy and Arios immediately looked at Heliga, as if among the people present, only he had a conclusion before he could make a known conclusion. Although everyone actually knows who this is.
"Hey...this is Ling." Heliga sighed.
"That's it... No wonder that kid..." Ellie looked compassionate. Now, Harold once talked about the daughter's "missing and death", Ling's incredible intelligence processing ability, involuntarily risked to save it. Colin-and why don't you want to recognize the Hyvas family. They all understand the truth behind these things.
"But, Heliga, Harold and Sofia..." Lloyd wanted to say something, but Heliga stopped. The latter looked complicated: "Ling's situation is more complicated than Tio... It may not be easy to make her willing to go back."
"Obviously, I told Ling like that that day. Fortunately, you said such a thing." A rather dissatisfied voice came from the window. A girl in a white dress who appeared on the window sill was standing there for some time. There, he looked at Heliga with an expression of dissatisfaction.
"I'm not preventing accidents." Heliga smiled.
"...This is really an accident." Arios said lightly, and everyone beside him, except Heliga, had a surprised expression. Obviously only Heliga and Arios perceive it in advance. When it came to Ling's existence, "I didn't expect you to be willing to show up. Even with your parents to help out, I'm afraid it would be too bold."
"Yeahhhhhhhhhh, Mr. "Wind Sword Saint", don't be so aggressive. "Ling said with a smile, "Ling doesn't mean to shoot everyone here..."
"Moreover, it's not just "Pattier Matil" who came. "A cold male voice appeared with a burst of murderous air, "Don't forget my existence. "
"Haha, let's introduce yourself again." Ling chuckled, ignoring the weird atmosphere, and squatting slightly: "I am "Annihilation Angel" Ling...the executor of "Association"... Right. "
"Can't you change your name?" Heliga touched her head amusedly, "I have already agreed to that. You should also leave the "association". "
"Probably... But Ling is indeed still a member of the "Association" now. "Ling became stubborn rarely.
"Not to mention this..." Guy squinted his eyes, his expression on his face was like an enemy, "Isn't the one next to him the famous "Sword Emperor" in the intelligence? "
"This voice..." From the moment Levi made his voice, the expression of the support team's quartet became subtle, and now I finally remembered: "You were at that time..."
"Yes... young investigators." Levy looked at Lloyd and the others indifferently, and nodded slightly, "Lorence is a pseudonym I have used... My real name is... Reinhardt, As they said, it was the executor of "Jieshe" II, titled "Sword Emperor." "
"When you come here, the problem becomes tricky." Ling and "Pattier Matil" can also postpone it for a while. "Sword Emperor", a master of the same grade as himself, can't be regarded as missing. "Does "association" also participate in it? "
"Don't be so alert, "Sword Saint of Wind" Arios Marklein. "Levy said lightly, and didn't mean to fight each other at all, "Ling and I are just staying here because of personal affairs...and at the same time help him. "As he said, Levi glanced at Heliga intentionally or unintentionally, "Furthermore... Seven years ago, "Paradise" was destroyed in my hands. I did not expect that there are still remnants of the party surviving...Joachim Joan Ta, an associate professor of Ursula Medical College, a cadre priest of the "DG Order", collected all the results of experiments and rituals that year, and then disappeared the "true knowledge" developers. "
With that, Levi's killing intent gradually began.
"We will deal with this matter." Guy said sharply, looking at Levi's indifferent expression with an uncompromisingly tenacious look. "You don't need to intervene."
"..." Levi glanced coldly at Guy and the Support Section and others, and the latter also stared at them uncompromisingly. In the end, Levi looked away first.
"Fine." He sighed softly, "Joachim Joanta...that guy seems to have left him with a back hand. After knowing that he only has the manipulated "Rubacher" in his hands... he seems to I used all the funds I had on hand and hired a few hunter regiments that were less disciplined... Calculating the time, it should be close to the territory of Crossbell. "
"The Hunting Corps?" Guy didn't doubt the authenticity of this information. "Where did he get the funds?"
"It seems to be using that mayor's secretary to sneak around from the mayor's office." Levi turned around, "the last fight of desperate have to be careful."
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