Chapter 473: Unexpected reunion (two in one)

What Arios and others didn’t know was that before the end of the battle on their side, in the Krossberg Autonomous Prefecture, near the village of Almorica and the ancient battlefield, the battle was basically over on the mountain road in the direction of the Republic. Up.
Even the elite of the "Red Constellation" can't resist opponents, how can ordinary mercenaries be able to withstand this kind of "Northern Hunter"?
Although the fighting situation is very weird, and most of the hunters are exhausted to resist attacks that are almost from the void, and have no time to take care of other things-but in the occasional vacancy, some people still realize such a thing.
This action was so fast that he couldn't catch the attacker... It seemed that he hadn't killed anyone until now.
Some were pierced in their calves and could not move; some were concentrated by lightning and paralyzed on the spot; some were severely frostbited and could not get up again-but no one died because of it.
The chasers are fighters, and this is the battlefield—to show mercy to the enemy on the battlefield? This is something that the hunters cannot understand.
But Heliga knew why he wanted to do this.
Why did I take the lead in investigating the general situation of the hunting regiment hired by Joachim from the Northumbria region, and would directly overthrow the original combat plan and let Guy’s people directly support Arios? there?
Why, after taking out the power of the dragonborn, did not, like in the Republic, take pains to kill the attackers who are also hunters?
The reason for everything is actually very simple-just because of that person.
Although I haven't seen each other for a long time... and the other party has grown from the girl who was still a little childish in the past to a capable and outstanding woman, and the whole person is almost completely reborn-but Heliga will definitely not admit it.
And the respect and address the hunters gave to her confirmed this point.
But because of this... Heliga still had a doubt.
why? Didn’t you say at the beginning that you want to return to the hometown that is awaiting prosperity and work hard for the future of Northumbria?
why? Didn’t you already accept the church’s invitation to take the nun course?
Why, you became a hunter again and appeared on this battlefield?
Moreover, it seems that you are still the leader of the hunting regiment?
Although there was an "acquaintance" with him directly-but seeing that Martha, who once could only follow Uncle Vulkan and timidly execute one order after another, grew to the point where he is now-Heliga's heart is unavoidable. curious.
Just let me far you are now...such feelings.
This is why, obviously the opponent is the hunting group that assisted Joachim, the culprit, but he still didn't play a real heavy hand. Frostbite? paralysis? Stabbed? Those are all problems that I can easily solve later.
Perhaps these hunters should feel lucky-just because the leader they now respect was once a friend of this powerful presence in the opposing team, and in a sense, is also an important role in Heliga's growth.
A short-term company, and a wake-up at that critical moment—except for those who also play an important role, companions like Estiel and others, as well as masters like Yun Kafayi, and friends like Nirevain. Outside. This is what Martha once brought to Heliga.
"Do you not hurriedly command the remaining people to build defenses and give priority to the wounds of the wounded?" Seeing Martha calmly command the scattered hunting regiments, Heliga nodded secretly, "Sure enough...that share Kindness has not changed...Even if it is still a hunter, it has not changed this..."
Thinking this way, Heliga stopped the attack.
The simple test ends here. Although it is for the face of an old acquaintance, helping Joachim-or trying to help Joachim, is unforgivable anyway.
But compared to this, Heilijia's inner doubts are more full of presence. He wanted to ask carefully what was going on.
As a result, the small, well-trained hunter regiment composed of dozens of people, the mysterious assailant in a panic and embarrassment, easily abandoned the coat called Swift and appeared in front of everyone.
"That's..." Seeing a figure in the distance, the observer in charge of observing the terrain immediately raised the telescope during this short period of time: "Is it a person? It seems to be making some strange gesture..."
"Describe it." Martha's heart sank when she heard what she said.
"Five fingers stretched out, the back of the hand facing us... Gently sliding from left to right... Probably this is the action." After careful observation, the soldier truthfully reported what he saw.
These words made the few hunters who still have leisure around them confused-what does this mean? However, at that moment, Martha's eyes flashed with inexplicable light.
Because, the description of the observation hand made her mind suddenly return to that period of unforgettable, but occasionally recalled very warm days a few years ago.
That gesture—a gesture commonly used in the hunting regiment "Erengem" she once served—means "medical assistance is needed."
With Uncle Vulcan's leave without saying goodbye, the small hunting regiment that used to take a moderate adventure for pleasure had already fallen asleep in her memory; now, it was awakened by such a simple gesture.
Inexplicable thoughts, irritable emotions-this is how Martha feels at this moment. After accepting the church’s nun course and being allowed to enter the canonized province for intensive training, and under the guidance of the famous "red obsidian", I renewed a different perspective. Different roles became some special "hunting". As a soldier, she originally thought she was mature enough and calm enough to deal with various situations.
It's a pity... Since ancient times, the softest part of a person's heart has always been the most difficult to overcome and break.
"Eldest sister?" At the close guard beside him, a young hunting soldier looked at the abnormal appearance of the regiment leader, worried, and couldn't help but whisper her name.
"Ah..." Martha was awakened from the memory, but the anxiety in her heart could not be suppressed, "How is everyone?"
"The wounds have been dealt with... Sure enough, this commission is very strange... Whether to continue afterwards, or to abandon the task after returning the deposit, it is up to--"
"Just leave that alone." Martha resolutely said, and then stood up, "Since everyone has not suffered any fatal injuries, let's rest on the spot, while the spare hands continue to be vigilant around."
"Yes... that big sister, you?"
"I... have something to confirm... and will be back soon."

With her back to the "battlefield", Heliga still maintains the lowest level of "dragon form" - although it has not been shrouded in the exaggerated flames, the increase in sensory accuracy brought about by it still has a strong effect.
Under such circumstances, he could clearly hear the approaching footsteps and slight gasping.
It is getting closer and closer to the figure where he is.
Even though there are still many things that confuse him...but he still couldn't help smiling. For this unexpected, long-lost reunion.
"Huh...huh..." Finally, the girl ran through these thousands of moments and came to a mountain forest not far away. There, as expected, there was a figure who had been waiting there.
"I'm actually not sure if you remember..." Heliga turned around slightly and looked at the visitor from the side of the eye, "But I didn't expect that you not only remember it clearly...but you still look like this gaffe. But it takes a long time to see..."
" guy, I haven't seen you for a few years, but his mouth is not as sweet as before." While panting, he showed a long-lost smile-this joy was when I saw the other person's silver hair from a distance , It was accompanied by a certain thought erratic in her mind, and after the other party finally spoke, the happiness finally landed, and in an instant it broke through the fatigue she had accumulated for so long.
"It's really ironic to say... back then, I remember I never used this gesture to you myself." Heliga's tone was a little nostalgic, "On the contrary, the members of the uncles and aunts... are very dependent on you. ."
"If you have to say it, it's the same now... The members of the group are basically people older than me, except for a few..." Martha whispered, "Sometimes I feel strange, why am I a Medical personnel who have never been to the frontline will be able to be the commander of the hunting regiment, although only a small..."
"Um... this matter is already confusing enough." Heliga also said sternly at this time, "Martha...what the is going on."
"You asked me why I became a hunter again? This is a long story." Martha naturally understood Heliga's doubts, "but you... how come you appeared in this wilderness alone?"
"I wasn't alone...I was by my side. Not long ago, there were elite investigators from the police department of the autonomous prefecture." Heliga explained, "but just now, I sent them all to Mine Town. "
"..." Martha was silent, the amount of information in this passage is a bit big for her now, "So, are you now helping the police in the autonomous prefecture?"
"In fact, the truth is not so, but the interests are the same at present." Heliga nodded, "and this so-called "thing"... is actually a bit subtle. "
"Because..." Heliga glanced at Martha meaningfully, "The mission we originally arranged... is to intercept the hunting regiment mentioned in the intelligence here."
"...Huh?" Martha was dull on the spot.
"...Because I noticed your existence, I changed my plan temporarily...I didn't hurt them just now, because of your face." Heliga said word by word, looking at Martha seriously: " So... I think you should answer me after a brief and warm retelling... Why are you getting involved with the "DG Cult"? "

"So...Is that guy again? Tsk." After listening to Martha's long narrative, Heliga now has an understanding of the general situation.
After Martha separated from herself that year, she was indeed taught by the church and completed all the nun courses with excellent grades. Not only that, she was also one of the few outstanding students who were allowed to go to the church's headquarters in the canonized province to receive further guidance. But it is precisely because of this that Martha's original desire to return to her hometown after the course is over, has gradually come to nothing.
There are two main reasons-one is that in a place with strong religious atmosphere and weak political atmosphere like Code Country, Martha has truly seen the world from a different angle, and she has a deeper understanding of the current situation in her hometown than before.
The fertile farmland has disappeared, and the prosperous city has been destroyed. The entire country was directly cut off by natural disasters and everything in the past, and also blocked the forward future. People are hungry and cold, waiting for death and seeking relief in a life like day by day.
Some people are unwilling to accept fate in this way. They left their hometowns in droves to seek a livelihood. Gradually, hunting soldiers who get money quickly and have more job opportunities have become the choice of many people-even though some people are really lost in the battlefield and the life of drunken gold fans, forgetting their original intentions, more people are still a source. Constantly sending money back to their hometown, so that those old and weak women and children who are unable to act have a little hope for life and the future.
But Martha understands-such a life cannot be long.
In other parts of the turbulent mainland, the hunters, as the thugs of the chaebols and bigwigs, are basically engaged in trading of life for money. Groups of young people were forced to go to the battlefield under the influence of their ancestors and their elders—if this is the future of Northumbria, what is the difference between such a future and the desperate end of the world?
If the hometown wants to change, it must rely on real power-huge financial support, strong comprehensive national strength, people's unity-and it is by no means the pathological way of life like this.
With this recognition, Martha's dream was shaken again. She couldn't bear to watch the people in her hometown endure pain, but she couldn't do more. The way of nuns and the way of medicine cannot save Northumpulia. This is what Martha learned when she was in Codex.
However, it was also at this time that another thing that had a profound impact on Martha happened—or, a person like that was more appropriate.
Maybe it’s because of my personal relationship with Liz Argent, who is also a trainee; maybe it’s just because of similar experiences. The expert-but no matter what, when the famous "Red Obsidian" found herself exclusively, Martha admitted that she was still surprised.
It was the appearance of Ain Sernat that changed Martha's life since then.
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