Chapter 513: Prime Minister's Order

Just standing there, the imposing "Iron-Blooded Prime Minister" was standing silently in front of the huge French window, watching the sunlight filtering through the window, and listening to the reports of his subordinates.
And beside him, the one who was reading the report meticulously was his right and left hand and his trusted subordinate, one of the commanders of the "Railway Gendarmerie", the "Ice Maiden" Kleiya Gendarmerie. Captain.
The content of the report is a diplomatic friction that occurred not long ago-in the Nord Plateau region where both the Empire and the Republic made promises but did not engage in meditation, there have been attacks on the surveillance towers and bases belonging to both sides. The original tense situation was almost about to completely ignite the powder keg there, but due to the activity of a special group of personnel, further escalation of the situation was avoided. It was a third-rate mercenary group called "Behemoth" who planned the two attacks. The hirers were unknown, but the purpose was obviously to provoke war between the two countries. As the price of negotiations that had to be paid, in order to prevent the Nord Plateau from entering a state of war, the mercenary group captured by the empire must be extradited to the other side for processing.
"Okay... there is no way." Osborne sighed, the expression on his face was unpredictable, "Originally this was caused by an incident within the empire. It was sold before the "Commerce Conference". Locksmith is all alone. "
"Let's not mention the people who actually started..."One of them" is still at large. I am afraid it is a cadre-level person. "Different from Osborne's relaxed, Claire's tone was more serious. It seemed that her boss didn't pay enough attention to the situation, so Claire emphasized her tone.
"Yeah...Since we have suffered such an attack, we must also proceed with caution." Osborne's eyes are piercing, and his expression on Cleia is a little more interesting and playful. Celebration"... how do you act? "
"...I think the actual goal should still be the "Commerce Conference." "Cleaner's brain is running at high speed," I want Reckett to go there, Miriam to the west... and I sit in the center of the imperial capital. This will be more secure. "
"I feel the same way." Osborn smiled, not like the dark and ecstatic smile he has always scared his opponents, but a kind of gentle praise from the elders to the younger ones, "Let's go ahead. Make arrangements for me."
"Yes." Claire first bowed respectfully, and then smiled: "Your Excellency too underestimated me... This level of testing is too simple for me."
"Don't say that, you have helped me a lot. This is a fact... Therefore, the security work of the "Midsummer Festival" is fully responsible for you. Osborn said relievedly, "Speaking of seemed to say that besides this, there is still something to report to me?" "
"Yes... Your Excellency, although I don't know your specific thoughts... But the boy named Heliga has returned to the Empire."
"Heh...Is the prince's right-hand man finally back." Osborn was no surprise, "It's no wonder... After all, the farce of Crossbell has been settled... Although there is a new farce now. How is he doing at Crossbell?"
"It's very complicated... Although it sounds strange, it seems that this is his personal intention, rather than working for Prince Olibat." Kleiya said her doubts, "The more interesting thing is... He basically dug out the existence of Joachim Jonta out of thin air... even Reckett admits that he can't do it."
"Oh?" Os originally became interested, "how do you say?"
"Not through powerful computing power...but through the intelligence of the organization's network." Clariya said, "former "association" the betrayed black hand The party... could be fully utilized and organized by him. In the end, it not only prevented the cult leader's crazy plan first, but also defeated him personally. "
"Use all the chess pieces..." Osborn chuckled, making no comment on this. "What else?"
"He seems to have a very close relationship with the "Black Moon" on Oriental Street. The reason is that he seems to have sold a favor of "Black Moon" in the Republic. "
The fiasco of a branch of "Red Constellation" has something to do with him, right? "Osborn's insight is amazing, he said the truth of the matter, "What benefit did the "black moon" promise him?" "
"Before the publication of Dr. Schmidt’s paper on the improvement of pyroxene extraction technology... "Black Moon" had already received the news, and began to fire the first shot to seize the market in the dark part of Crossbell, and he seemed to be It is also divided into several percentages. Claire thought for a while, "Although I have no specific data, based on the actual scale, it is conservatively estimated that the value of this transaction may rise to 70 million mils within six months. "
"This number is very subtle... If you want to participate in a large-scale war, it will be a drop in the bucket... And if it is used on a small scale, it is a bit too much." Osborn said softly, "Does he want to—"
Just as the two were talking about each other, the voice of the clerical officer who had been waiting outside the door to report the letter came, interrupting their thinking.
"Your Excellency, Governor Regnitz wants to see you."
"Invite him in."
" seems that I'm bothering you two." The green-haired spectacle man who walked slowly into the room clearly smelled the change in atmosphere and smiled: "Isn't it time for me?"
"No... I'm just reporting the situation as usual." Claire stood up straight, "Don't be safe... Your Excellency Regnitz."
"Hmm...I haven't seen it in two months." It's no surprise that Claire looks like an iceberg beauty, and Mayor Regnitz's tone is still gentle and gentle. "The commemoration of the Imperial City Hall last month, Thank you for your security arrangements."
"I am honored to be able to help. Your praise, I will convey it to my subordinates." Claire took two steps back wittily, "This is the end of my report... Two people, let me retire first. ."
It is rare for Regnitz to come to Osborne. Since he is here, there must be some important matters to discuss. It would be inappropriate for Claire to stay here.
The leader of the "children"'s no wonder that the leader of the nation will rumor that she is the "Girl of Ice". "Looking at Clareya's back, Regnitz sighed.
"Hehe, she's not the chief." Osborne smiled faintly, "but everyone, including her, performed very well. Especially to deal with the old foxes of the "four famous doors." "
"Oh?" Osborn rarely mentioned the "children" thing, but it seemed that he didn't mean to go on with the words just now.
"Speaking of it, Lord Regnitz." Osborn showed a rare and cautious expression. "Before we discuss business matters...may I ask you, the resident director of the "Toltz Sergeant Academy". thing? "
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