Vol 2 Chapter 541: Temple of Cold Fall·

Passing through the temple, a huge, heavily armed ghoul lord has been waiting for a long time.
Even if it was a few meters away, the power from the two-handed epee still made people look at it. If he hadn't noticed, Bernardo felt that he was likely to be beaten out with a sword.
"Fortunately..." Bernardo's eyes locked on the thick armor of the lord of the ghoul-after several epochs, there was magically no rust, but the lack was still inevitably stained with a lot of dust and dirt. Dirty stuff. But this does not affect the defense effect.
There is no doubt that it is the gatekeeper of this huge tomb-when Bernardo, a living creature, stepped into this place, it was finally awakened after a long sleep.
Obviously, this powerful force is completely out of proportion to its shriveled and thin arms. Facing this three-meter tall, heavily armored monster, what should Bernardo do without a handy weapon?
However, in Bernardo's eyes, he did not see even the slightest fear—on the contrary, Bernardo's eyes were full of confidence in victory.
"Although heavy... but what you are wearing—"
An afterimage flashed past.
"Not ebony armor, but ancient Nord steel!"
Bernardo flashed to the back of the ghoul lord who hadn't retracted his action as soon as he faced him, and then lightly unfolded a rune.
The white light with peculiar rhythms shone in the rotation of the runes, and the gentle white magic energy began to spread out little by little. The magic energy passed through the walls, through the metal, through the weather-beaten ruins, through Bernardo's body-leaving no trace.
"I really want to thank Master Salidor for turning the complex wizard spells into human language." Bernardo said to himself lightly. What he just used is a branch of the healing spells-Undead Dispelling.
Undead creatures, creatures that have lost their souls and have already "dead" in occultism-because Tamriel's soul system was constructed by Akai, one of the nine holy spirits, so whether it is a vampire or a ghoul, Before carrying out their own special processing, it is necessary to break Akai's life and death system and carry out a necessary process.
It is precisely because of this irreversible iron rule-when facing any undead creature, there is no pain, no physical limitations, and even some extreme ghouls can continue to move even with their heads chopped off-such a situation It is undoubtedly unwise to face head-on with those monsters wearing heavy armor.
However, the dispelling technique of undead creatures can disperse the black magic that has destroyed the cycle of life and death of Akai-in this way, when returning to the normal laws of nature, no matter how powerful the undead creatures are, they will follow the laws of nature. , Completely "dead".
Although some high-level vampires gain a certain degree of resistance by becoming mistwalkers or higher-level vampires-no matter what, this series of spells are extremely lethal to undead creatures.
The inventor of the dispersal technique has no way to verify-it is said that it was invented by Vanus Galilan, the leader of the wizard's guild in the ancient magical war-in order to fight against his old opponent in the Saiike sect, and later became a god. "Insect King" Mannymark. But the original magic spell written by Vanus is a complete High Elf work-not only obscure, but also deliberately designed into a system that other races cannot learn to prevent the theft of knowledge. Except for some dark elf mages who were as famous as the high elf mages at the time, no one was able to penetrate the mystery-although in order to recruit people, Vanus also translated some simple runes into human languages ​​and taught them to the entire continent.
This situation continued for a long time, until the appearance of the archmage Shalidor-among the magicians considered to be "immortal" in Tamriel history, Shaliduo was the only pure human being. He translated a large number of magic works from the ancient elves period, and wrote and split them into versions that humans can understand. At the same time, he reconstructed a set of magical systems that belonged to humans. It can be said that today's human beings can make achievements in magic, easy to use, and closely related to the contribution of this master. Because of this, every decent mage will cherish the life of Master Salidor and praise the existence of such a character.
Of course, Shalito is not a perfect person either-Labrinxian's strange maze and the dragon sacrifice turmoil that is said to be related to him are also the reasons why some people have always questioned him. But for these, Bernardo felt it was just nonsense. Labrinxian’s labyrinth had a prototype long before he died. He just perfected some of the details, and after that, it was not without others redesigning and creating on this basis-which part belongs to whom, I'm afraid no one can remember these things.
And the most important thing is that the dominant scene in front of me is undoubtedly the master's contribution. Although Gonord's steel has its own uniqueness, it can keep for many years without rusting-but one thing is that it has poor enchantment properties, which is also related to the Nords' contempt for magic.
Warriors pay more attention to its physical protection capabilities when choosing armor, and another type of equipment that may appear on the ancient ghoul lords-ebony equipment is too rare. Although Bernardo has heard of some ghoul lords whose whole body is tightly wrapped in ebony armor, they are almost immune to various healing spells after special enchanting treatment, which brings great difficulties to the battle. But he obviously doesn't have to worry about this problem.
Applying such a complicated enchantment to Ancient Nord steel and keeping it for thousands of years-the difficulty is too great.
Therefore, Bernardo was already prepared for a natural victory.
It's just... what he didn't notice was the slightly puffed throat of Lord Ghoul—the last blow before everything dissipated.
Suddenly, Bernardo recalled that another technique that these ancient Nord ghoul lords had mastered
-Dragon Roar.
In order to fight against the invasion of the dragon, the Old Nords were protected by the goddess Gina Laise, even though the Nords called him Kaina. The most powerful ancient Nord warrior possesses magic such as "Dragon Roar" to fight the dragon.
With the disappearance of the dragon, the only people who mastered this skill were the ascetic monks born on the Hogarth Peak. Therefore, Bernardo did miss the move just now.
The other party is a ghoul lord-or a ruler with such a huge tomb as the master.
How could it be possible that such an existence did not leave a back-hand?
I was careless.
A dragon roar dodges a thrilling sideways, but Bernardo's face does not have any surviving lightness-even when the ghoul lord after the dragon roar begins to turn into ashes.
Because, the surrounding coffins-began to make a little unknown sound.
Ghouls, wake up.
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