Vol 2 Chapter 543: Temple of Cold Fall·

A chain of lightning tore through the air and smashed into the throat of a ghoul accurately.
Along with a burst of sparks and a burning scorch, the ghouls who guarded the deepest hall of the Coldfall Temple had all been wiped out.
"Huh...huh..." Bernardo panted heavily and looked around.
This is a fierce battle that he hasn’t encountered for a long time-and unlike the other fierce battles, the situation encountered this time is entirely because he committed the risk alone, and the face strength is far less than the number of individuals. Huge and disadvantaged, instead of encountering the same powerful opponent as before.
However, as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands-even a master like Bernardo, it is not easy to win under the absolute advantage of numbers. Had it not been for an accidental opportunity to observe the number and scale of the opponent and carry out the corresponding planning strategy, I am afraid he could not retreat so easily.
Moreover, even in this situation, it is difficult to say that it is a complete victory. Although not fatally wounded, it is also true that a cold arrow drilled a big blood hole in his arm. Not to mention the dozens of various abrasions on the whole body, and the headaches caused by having to use powerful spells in critical moments.
Fortunately, anyway, the ghouls in this underground space were cleaned up by themselves. And this whole floor...I don't know if it can be regarded as a corpse. There are nearly hundreds of them lying on the floor.
"If there is a weapon in hand..." Bernardo looked at the blood-stained robe and shook his head helplessly. If there is a handy melee weapon, it is impossible for him to suffer so many injuries.
A burst of light symbolizing healing lingered around him. The power of magic stimulated the pierced flesh, and in a feeling of itching, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.
The only difference is the arrow when he was injured for the first time-the wound was pierced too deep, and the madness was also pulled out of the arrow by himself in such a arrogant way. The surrounding tissues were seriously damaged and some extra help was needed.
"White moss juice...ah, yes." While taking out a white vial from the package he carried, Bernardo took a breath of cold air from the pain from the wound, and Bernardo poured the white liquid. A few drops on the wound. In an instant, the pain was gone.
"Hey... If this thing is not there, I would try not to do this kind of thing." After moving his injured arm with satisfaction, Bernardo put the small bottle back on his body, then took out a clean firewood, and Ignite it, and then—
There is no pain as imagined. But even if the pain is paralyzed by the leucorrhea medicine, the direct burning of the flame, which is far above the temperature of ordinary human body, is also very uncomfortable.
The arrow was pulled out, the pain and bleeding stopped, and the disinfection was completed. It took about ten minutes to bandage the wound before Bernardo went back on the road, carefully observing the hall hidden in the deepest part of the temple.
"Stories of the ancient Nords? Archaeologists will definitely like this...but let me forget it." There are a lot of stories written in the ancient German language on the walls, which are obviously in the context of the construction of the tomb. Things that happened. However, when the Nords record these things, they have always been very out-of-the-way. The heroes they record are often killed in the territory of the Ruichi people in the last second, and the next chapter will go to the northernmost ancient place in Winterhold. It's in the temple, which is very confusing. If it weren't for them, Perinal and other real heroes would not have been considered pure Nordic myths and legends until several authorities seriously verified their true existence.
But soon, Bernardo found a completely different place. Unlike other connected walls, this semi-circular ring-shaped broken wall stands alone in the deepest part of the tomb. When Bernardo approached, he vaguely read the text above, and couldn't help but exclaim.
That's not Old English-it's Dragon.
Moreover, these dragon characters seem to be magical, attracting Bernardo's consciousness. For some reason, he always felt that the words on these slates were talking to himself.
"These words..." I don't know how long it took before he woke up from this vague consciousness. It turned out that he was walking slowly to check these dragon words, and accidentally tripped over a stone slab under his feet.
This slate is a bit out of place. Bernardo woke up and checked carefully, it didn't seem to have fallen off the wall. Moreover, it is written in a smaller dragon language, and its size does not match the wall in front of it.
Someone seems to have thrown it here? Bernardo wiped the dust off the stone slab and examined it carefully.
The Dragon Whisper Wall is made of stalactites unique to the cave. But this slate...looks like obsidian? Moreover, the words on the above, if you look closely, can also correspond to the words on the wall of Longyu.
It looks like a certain archaeologist came here and copied the dragon language on a slate to take it back for research? But I don’t know why I couldn’t bring it back... Was it an attack by a ghoul?
Bernardo walked back to the place where the ghouls had gathered just now, and carefully checked their respective coffins. Then, shook his head.
"I haven't found any traces that have been opened before... and if the deeper ghouls are disturbed, there is no reason not to touch the lord-level ghouls on the high platform... there must be something else..."
After walking back and forth for a few minutes around the coffin group where the ghouls were, Bernardo found a tightly sealed coffin board as expected.
Of course, the so-called strictness is only relative. With those coffins that were forcibly opened and sewn together using Ancient Nord craftsmanship, this standing coffin seemed to have been opened once, and then leaned here casually. After a long time, the dust and subtle geological changes made the place closed again.
BoomBecause there was no scruples, Bernardo directly used magic to blast away this strange-looking coffin board.
as predicted. After the debris and smoke passed, a winding narrow passage appeared in front of Bernardo. Undoubtedly, this should be a secret passage designed for himself by the designer of the tomb at that time.
After walking a few steps along the narrow narrow road, Bernardo could feel the looming coolness. After all, it's still cold outside until now.
"...Take it." A light feather technique was applied to make the slate lighter, Bernardo thought for a while, and still picked up the slate.
Except for some gems that look good, there is nothing valuable in the lord's coffin. Not to mention the coffins of the miscellaneous soldiers.
Although the owner of the grocery store said in the face of his brother that he wanted to exempt himself from all expenses...but it was really bad not to give it at all. Just distribute these things to them...Anyway, for myself, if it's just pure and beautiful decorations, there are as many as you want.
After all this, he turned and left without hesitation.
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