Vol 2 Chapter 546: Snow Man Chapter

"Disperse!" In the face of the giant's attack, only stupid people and absolutely powerful warriors would choose to fight against it. Obviously, there were neither fools nor super-soldiers who were too powerful to be overwhelmingly powerful among the three people present. With the command of the leading woman, the three of them tacitly spread out in three different directions, letting the giant's attack pounce. It was empty.
The leading female warrior has only a few pieces of lightweight leather armor to protect the weak points of the body, and the other parts are made of light cloth with excellent breathability. Although the protection performance is very poor, the result is She has an astonishing speed of movement that is almost afterimage. I saw that she avoided the giant's amazing but heavy blow, and instead of retreating, she took advantage of the gap where the giant was trying to pull out the warhammer embedded in the soil, and directly slammed into the giant's two pieces of dead wood. On the inner side of the thigh, he drew a short knife and stabbed it at the back of the giant's knee fiercely-the skin full of calluses was easily cut away, and as the blood poured out, there were bursts of exclamation from the onlookers.
"Enchant weapon." Bernardo saw at a glance that the short knife is not an ordinary item-if it is just that it can easily cut through the tough giant skin, it may also be because this weapon was forged. For high-level materials, the burning smell just now and the excessive howling of the giant after receiving this blow must be due to the flame enchantment aimed at the giant on the short knife. However, the power of enchanting is adjusted to a very small output level by the enchanting wizard, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect any abnormalities.
At the same time, amidst the cheers of the people, a male soldier holding an iron shield, a skilful roll came to the giant reluctantly, and lifted the shield towards the giant's chin and slapped hard. The giant was still moaning in pain, and tried to block the bleeding knee with his hand-the huntress's short knife cut off the giant's entire ligament with precision, and it was absolutely impossible for it to stand up again.
Following the movements of the male warrior, the fragile neck of the giant's body was exposed in front of the last male warrior - and the giant sword in his hand had already been raised high and ready to go.
"Fakas!" "Understood!" The simple command was executed without any muddling—the warrior called Fakas, wielding the frost-shining giant sword, came to the giant in a swift sprint In front of him—the great sword in his hand carries a roaring wind, with his right foot as the axis, and with the help of the inertia of the dash, Fakas wiped the blade of the great sword across the giant's neck with a force of thunder.
"This time it's not an enchanted weapon anymore." Bernardo thought to himself-the warrior named Fakas did not use precious enchanted weapons like the female hunter. But his sword itself is not an ordinary giant sword. The sharp blade and the powerful kinetic energy carried by the warrior after a short-range eruption cut a terrible wound on the giant's neck. Although he couldn't directly complete the beheading, the giant already had blood flowing all over the floor, and his upper body fell straight into a pool of blood like a broken kite.
"Wow..." "It's amazing..." The tacit cooperation between the three of them caused cheers from the crowd. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the three also waved to some of the onlookers. At the same time, some people who looked like alchemists and pharmacists also got together, seeming to be cautiously asking if they could search for some useful materials from the giant; and the childish children around. They all imitated the actions of Huntress and Farkas respectively, while the adults were smiling and watching the children making a fuss there. What a thriving scene-this is Snowman City.
"Huh, it's really cheap for these wolves." However, one of the onlookers screamed-Bernardo, following the reputation, was a man with a hood and a short knife on his waist. It seemed that Bernardo had noticed him, and after he responded with a fierce look, he turned and left.
"Wolf." Bernardo played with the man just now, "Interesting... It seems that the rumors are true. The "Circle Club" in Xueman's "Comrades" has a terrifying rage that ordinary humans cannot control. Power or something..."
He looked at the crowd that had already surrounded the giant, then shook his head and turned his gaze back.
"However, why would giants take the initiative to come around human cities..."
"Hey, over there." A female yelling pulled Bernardo back from her thoughts-it turned out that it was the hunter who cut the giant's knee with a short sword just now calling her-but look at her and her side. It seems that this kind of aggressive look is not a good thing.
"Although I don't know what's going on, you have been staring at us since just now." The man named Fakas-was far away just now, Bernardo hadn't noticed, but now he is approaching. The clearly visible war patterns on his cheeks are very conspicuous, but his throat is very dumb, and he does not seem to know what health problems are. "And just now I felt a trace of Ruo Ruo Wu's hostility, you should not Will it be the "over there" person? "
"..." The man who just exposed the giant's neck did not speak, but looked at Bernardo quietly. It seems that even in the comrades-in-arms group, there is a distinction between superior and inferior status-it may also depend on the ability, at least from the action just now, this is far inferior to Farkas and the huntress.
"It's just weird." Although the strength of the three people in front of them is pretty good, in Bernardo's view, they are still far from being able to truly reach the level of being a master. "As far as I know, Skyrim The giants of the province will not easily approach human habitations."
"That's true. We also find it very strange. This is something we haven't encountered in more than ten years." Fakas nodded.
"Huh...whatever it is, as long as you dare to get close to Xueman, your only end is to fall under this city wall." The huntress snorted coldly, "So, you are not there anymore?"
"Which side is it?" Bernardo gave her a little impatiently-he observed for a while because of curiosity, why should he be questioned like a prisoner by such a person here, "Although I am also You can speak Elvish, but can you speak human language?"
"Pay attention to your attitude towards Ella." The man named Farkas frowned.
"It turns out that the so-called open and tolerant city Xueman in Skyrim is just a mere vain name. Even you guys are already ignorant." Bernardo sneered, "It takes three people to work together to kill the mediocre generation of giants. Worthy of barking here?"
The magical energy surged-Bernardo took out his hand from his pocket, and a group of green flames symbolizing high elements rose up.
"High-ranked Elemental Mage!" The three members of the comrades in arms group moved slightly-each felt a little hesitant.
"There should be no magician of this level in "Silver Hand"..." Farkas whispered to Ella, "Did we find the wrong person? "
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