Vol 2 Chapter 600: Asked someone who shouldn't ask

"This is the helper you are looking for? Does he live here?" Garcia said suspiciously. Since Heilijia didn't say hello, he found Garcia in the shelter provided by the church. Illusion. Because the young man didn't explain anything to him, but told himself to follow him and came to a fork in the street towards Mine Town.
Garcia knew what it was—it was the path leading to the "Rozanbeck Doll Studio". The owner of this workshop is an old man with a weird temper. Except for some people he considers to be trustworthy, he keeps himself here almost all year round and does not receive any guests. Heiliga took himself here, what is it? What's the intention?
"I don't worry about you being the only helper. So there are others here... he lives in that studio. It's just like you've been hiding in the church." Heliga explained, "Speaking of...what about Martha? How is it?"
Heilija's friend who had met in "Erengem" later became a legal "mercenary" secretly recognized by the "Seven Lunar Church"-after accepting Joachim's request, he went to Closberg , But was intercepted by Heliga accidentally. Heliga trusted her and trusted the promises made by the church, so he decided to keep the hunting regiment in Crossbell's place and dispatch it when needed. Due to the relationship with the church, although the Diocese of Closbell has always had a very poor relationship with the people of the Knights, the reaction was very fierce after learning of the relationship between Martha and others and Ain, but in the end Under the coercion and lure of Heliga, he compromised.
The male members were double-guaranteed by the relationship between the church and the police department sought by Heliga, disguised as ordinary workers and came underneath in Clos Bergen; while a few female members stayed in the church and appeared as a nun for a while— -Their head has taken the entire nun course, so this is not a problem.
And Garcia, an experienced hunter, also hid in the church under Heliga’s arrangement to avoid capture outside. Because of the secret agreement reached with Heliga, the people who searched the first department knew that Garcia and Leslie Wei’s hiding place, but he has been searching everywhere but unable to catch people to cooperate with this kind of performance, so when Heilijia said that the two will soon leave Koros Bell, Gay was also greatly relieved.
In this way, the two inevitably have a connection. From time to time, Garcia would tell Martha his adventures in the "West Wind" and tell Martha how the real hunters survived; and Martha would also tell Garcia about her beliefs and methods of guarding her hometown, and from time to time Garcia learned a trick or two there.
"Huh... innocent girl." When talking about Martha, although her mouth is not forgiving, Garcia's tone has slowed down a lot. It seems that she remembers many happy memories of getting along during this time.
"The old cow eats tender grass, huh?" Heliga looked at him with a smile.
"What nonsense." Although he protested loudly, Garcia's aura was not as loud as his name. Under Heiligar's suffocated smile, he finally switched the subject: "Speaking of which...how is Fei now?"
"For Fei, it's very good...in every sense. At school, I was assigned a good class and met good classmates." Heliga nodded, "The course itself is also very interesting."
"How are you and her progress?" Garcia looked at Heliga with some subtle eyes. Although he had seen Heliga's methods in the previous incident, he had already determined in his heart that Fei and him had gone through the rest of their lives. , But when I asked this question myself, it still felt very strange.
"..." For some reason, Heliga's expression stagnated a little, as if he was thinking about something, and Garcia was anxious.
"... I said. If, I mean if." Heliga said cautiously, "I like other girls except Fei... What do you think?"
"..." Garcia's face turned gloomy, "If you do something that is sorry to Fei, even if you know that it is not your opponent, I will not spare you."
"Don't be so fierce. I just said what if." Heliga quickly calmed down, "but...I'm sorry Fei...If I say that, Fei doesn't seem to care much about this matter?"
"How is it possible?" Garcia grinned first, then suddenly remembered something, his expression became serious.
"I remember... you are an imperial nobleman, right?" Garcia said slowly, "and an imperial nobleman can legally have multiple spouses...your boy, is it true that what you just said?"
"...Yes." Unexpectedly, Garcia realized the truth so quickly, Heliga admitted that while thinking that the matter was a little troublesome. Because Garcia is also one of the people who really cares about Fei, he doesn't want to lie to him on this issue.
"I said it won't come from nowhere." Garcia snorted heavily, and there was already a slight aura of something wrong in his eyes, "Who was the cheating object?"
"What is the derailment object...it hasn't reached that point yet." Heliga quickly protested, his image should not be tarnished casually, "The other party...well, she is also a noble lady... and it is not an ordinary nobleman. Identity... Let me tell you that."
If you directly say that it is the Royal Highness, it will probably cause a lot of trouble.
"Huh...Is the so-called celebrity right? Your nobles always look like this. Alas..." Garcia shook his head, looking disappointed.
"Don't worry...I haven't finished talking yet. I didn't plan to give up Fei, but I couldn't find the opportunity to confess to her before." Heliga quickly explained, "But then when we went to the imperial capital, Fei It seems that I can see this by myself, and I have a conversation with me, and personally broke this point in front of me."
"Huh, deserve it."
"But... she didn't seem to be blaming me." Heliga said distressed. "She just said something like having confidence in me and knowing that it would take a place in my heart... Then she never mentioned it again. I'm too embarrassed to ask her about this, so just see if you have any comments here..."
Garcia stopped talking. Instead, standing still, meditating quietly.
Suddenly, without warning, he hit Heliga's chest with a punch—Heliga, who was unprepared for this, ate it firmly—it was really painful without protective measures.
"...You young man's question, what are you doing with me, a middle-aged man!" Garcia seemed to be very angry, leaving such a sentence behind and walking forward on his own.
"...Hey..." For a long time, Heliga just grinned helplessly while stroking her aching chest. From Garcia's standpoint, it is very normal to be angry with oneself-that is the care of Fei and the uselessness of his current position.
It's just that... Apart from the pain, Heliga noticed one thing: Although Garcia's reaction was very intense, but only, he did not say "you shouldn't do this" in the end-from this On a level, it seems that he and Fei have the same attitude?
While thinking about these questions, Heliga didn't talk to Garcia anymore. Soon, Master Yoguru’s "Rozanbeck Doll Workshop" appeared in the vision of the two.
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