Vol 2 Chapter 668: Orchid Tower was attacked

Alios’s first warning also instantly reminded all the powerful and powerful people who attended the meeting with their personal guards—then over the Orchid Tower, there was a sudden roar in the air that became silent because of the silence. The maneuverable airship hurriedly approached, clearly visible outside the large transparent window on the outer layer of the orchid tower.
"This..." Grand Duke Albert was puzzled.
Just when the leaders of the countries were in a state of uncertainty, several aerial cannons hung on the side of the airship suddenly fired. With the unremitting efforts of the revolver guns, the dense bullets poured anger on the latest composite glass. The glass wall that was originally designed to be very gorgeous, but at the same time meticulously maintained, instantly appeared slices of cracks, like the cobwebs under the corner of an ancient tomb that has never seen the sky all year round, and the scalp is numb.
"Don't worry... this is a specially made tempered glass that can withstand the bombardment of the main guided tank." Dita, who is the closest to the glass curtain wall and the most vulnerable in theory, did not panic at this moment. Just in case, I still hope you all step back first."
In fact, as he said, although the cracks on the curtain wall are getting denser, the speed of crack propagation seems to have slowed down a lot. At the same time, even though the guards beside everyone were extremely vigilant at this moment, no bullet could penetrate the venue.
Perhaps it was the perception that the outer barrier of the Orchid Tower could not be breached with the ship-borne cannon alone-the two airships suddenly stopped firing, and at the same time they pulled upwards, seeming to be ready to implement the second set of plans they had prepared.
Taking advantage of this time, the guards of the heads of state who were far away from the goals they needed to protect during the meeting just now had the opportunity to get close to their respective employers. Yulia, Wuxiang, Mulla, Rekert, and several unnamed masters formed a circle spontaneously, enclosing the politicians of various countries that need to be protected in case of accidents.
"What was that just now?" Just took a look, but because of his familiarity, Mulla recognized the model of the airship in an instant, and while alerting, whispered confirmation to Olibat.
"Hmm..."RF" high-speed airship. "Oliba nodded characteristically.
"The other one should be a military armed airship manufactured by the "Urnu Society". "Wuxiang also recognized her own things.
"Well, as stated in the previous report, they once took one of them during transportation," said the adjutant next to Wuxiang.
"Everyone! Are you okay?" The voice was like the rising sun and thunder--Guy led the elites who searched the first department to the venue.
"Fortunately." Speaker McDowell's expression was as calm as water.
"But what about those people just now? It's impossible to retreat, right?" Dita frowned.
It seems to be in response to his question-as soon as Dita's voice fell, he heard a rough male voice from the speaker system connected by the guidance network in the venue: "You should be able to hear it. Attend this time. Representatives of various countries at the conference! We are the "Imperial Liberation Front"! "
"We are members of the "anti-immigration policy" who acted to protect the Kalvard tradition. "The other voice is a little younger than the previous one, but in terms of momentum, the two are almost the same.
"In order to fight against our mortal enemies, we chose to join forces! Take it to death, "Iron Prime Minister" Gilas Osborn! "
"President Locksmith, you are here to disappear completely! With our fine traditions that have disappeared because of your arbitrariness!"
Different voices expressed the same kind of enthusiasm and determination-for their own beliefs, they gave up what they had.
"Stupid." Prime Minister Osborne didn't pay attention, just snorted coldly.
"Unreasonable..." Locksmith shook his head exaggeratedly.
"But, isn't it a bit bad?" Although Reckett said so, the expression on his face was very lazy, and he didn't take the matter to his heart.
"Bad..." Seeing the abnormalities coming from the electronic doors outside, the investigator named Dudley rushed into the venue: "Captain, the situation is not right! They seem to have landed directly on the top floor, ready to go straight through the stairs. To the venue!"
"...This is really true." Guy bit his lip - at the same time, the most advanced high-tech defense system in the Orchid Tower suddenly lost control, and all passages outside the terrorist's forward path were blocked, short Within time, the support of the guards and military attaches accompanying some delegations was prevented.
"Leave it to us!" Suddenly a similarly immature voice came from the police line-many people at the scene also heard it. This was the voice of the young "Special Support Section" leader.
Lloyd and others have been ambushing on the 36th floor, successfully bypassing this so-called blind area of ​​support. Under the cover of Randy, Lloyd, and Ellie, Tio was able to use the amazing computing power of the "Permanent System" to open the invaded blockade again.
The actions of Tio and others bought precious time for reinforcements. However, taking advantage of this period of time, the armed forces of fully armed terrorists and nationalists still broke through the outermost blockade and killed dozens of guards and police-"Imperial Liberation" The leader of "Frontline" is a sturdy man. The weapon in his hand is the guided cannon equipped on the airship that attacked the Orchid Tower just now. In the fierce battle with one-handed control of such a cannon, The police and garrison members who had never seen the world were naturally shattered and fled after leaving dozens of corpses.
"Go ahead!" He yelled, and he was about to take the lead and rush to the next floor-but a light that made him feel a little dangerous suddenly flashed. With a wealth of experience, he could have escaped the blow, and then adjusted his posture, staring coldly at the source of the attack-the man with the scar on his face.
""Sword Saint of Wind"! "Some riots have occurred in the terrorist team.
"Take the remaining wounded away!" Dudley and Guy gave a wink, and at the same time they confirmed some tacit understanding with Arios imperceptibly--then they both carried one on their backs. The policeman who suffered serious injuries in the battle just now left the scene.
"The "Sword Saint of Wind" is strong, but he is the only one! "The leader yelled, and the departure of Guy and Dudley showed him the possibility of crossing the boundary and winning, "Launch a wave attack!" For the purpose of short time consumption! Don't leave him breathing time! "
"Is that what you think?" However, his hopes did not take shape-because Arios was not fighting alone.
Yulia dressed in a blue uniform, her eyes looked like ice, and a purple military uniform, Mula Vandel, with an extraordinary imposing manner, had the famous sword "Breaking the Evil Show Righteousness" in her hand, already unable to resist the urge to fight!
The form is reversed instantly!
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