Vol 2 Chapter 674: Heliga's Message (Part 2)

"So, you have to be sober." Heliga calmed down a bit, and the recording continued. "Continue to fight with Prime Minister Osborne? This is definitely not a good idea. Besides you continue to die, what other results can there be? Let’s not talk about anything else. It was just this time you planned the attack on Clos Bell. He had known about it for a long time, and he didn’t tell it to the autonomous state government-in order to let the autonomous state government of Clos Bell Embarrassed, he wants people to see the uselessness of the autonomous prefecture government and the helplessness in the face of emergencies. In the end, he still needs to solve his security problems by himself-you are just his pawns for him to gain influence in the political arena. There will be no good results if you fight with him."
Vulcan did not speak, but was silent with his head down.
"Okay. After listening to this, you should calm down now." He sighed and continued, "To be honest, I didn't intend to interfere in this matter... But when I heard that the imperial government hired "Red Constellation" is such a fierce hunting group to deal with you, and I know I can't just sit idly by. I don’t want you to experience the "Ehrengam" thing again... Even if all the members of the group died because of my existence-but this time, without the help of the guerrillas and the police, you would probably be buried. Here. I know you are not afraid of death, but if your next goal is revenge, then what is the point of dying so meaninglessly? So I went to Guy and Arios to help not only me, but also themselves, to help Clos Bell avoid a big or small trouble—listen, I am now with His Royal Highness Olibate, I have been investigating which nobleman used the hands of intelligence informants to find us to die at that time. Although there is no clue, but with the contradiction between the aristocracy and the reformists in the empire, these things always There will be clues to be found. "
"Significance..." Vulcan had completely given up resistance at this time, just whispering the word Heliga just mentioned.
If it is the so-called persuasion of other people who do not know, he may not take it seriously-but the other person is one of the people who experienced that thing-at the same time, it is precisely because of his existence that he has not completely died. I didn’t feel completely overwhelmed by my own guilt.
Now Heliga’s words don’t talk about Daigo’s initiation, but at least it also gave Volkan an epiphany. He has never denied the strength of Prime Minister Osborne, and people including the leader "C" I have been emphasizing the horror of this opponent-but he did not seem to have thought about this point mentioned by Heliga before: What is the intention of the nobleman who issued the commission?
Small hunting regiments generally share intelligence sources in nearby areas—in other words, there is a special organization that releases orders from all over the world, and the hunters only take money and don't care about other things. Because of this, even Vulcan did not know who the initiator of this commission was at the time, so it was even more undetectable.
"..." Arios and Guy looked at each other. Vulcan didn’t seem to listen to the words behind Heliga-but this at least proved that the previous words gave him an epiphany, and if he could really figure it out, it would not be in vain. Up. Although—Guy and Arios both knew that if they caught him alive, they would be extradited back by the empire. They knew what would happen afterwards. Although Heliga once said that he had other arrangements, but...
"Arios!" In the distance, the voice of the guerrilla scholar came.
"It seems...the troubles outside have been solved." Looking at the guerrilla companions who were approaching quickly, Arios nodded slightly.
"The prime minister...what are you thinking!" Press the button to cut off the communication and return the power guide to Lloyd, who is aside. Very rarely, Olibat, who has always been very gentle, is actually facing The Prime Minister lost his temper. "Not only did he not report the information to the state government of Crossbel, he also secretly hired a dangerous hunting group like the "Red Constellation"! Although the empire did not take any prohibited actions, but—"
"My own life was originally not enough, but that group of terrorists tried to pose a threat to His Highness's life. It is really not guilty--it would have been the best choice to wipe them out." Osborn's eyes flashed. It was a bit spicy, but it was quickly replaced by another emotion-that was his iconic look. The look of anticipation for the upcoming event, to put it bluntly, is the so-called "pleasure", "As for why you don't tell K The reason for the Los Bell government is naturally because I can’t believe them. They will only help when facing real dangers. In the previous
cult incident, they actually condoned the black hand to the last moment. This is really not worth me. The trust of waiting... But the performance of His Highness also surprised me. Without the knowledge of the "Intelligence Bureau", he secretly arranged for the guerrillas and police of Crossbell to carry out an action one step ahead of me... …If your Majesty knew this, he would be very pleased with your current growth. "
"Prime Minister!" Seeing Osborne's evasive attitude, Olibate said sharply.
"Okay, Your Majesty, don't make that look anymore...I know, since they have been captured by the reinforcements you arranged, after the meeting I will arrange for Reckett and the others to discuss extradition matters. "Red Constellation" "There will be me to appease you, so you can enjoy the fun of "putting people together"... I assure you that one day, you will get tired of this fun. "After speaking, Prime Minister Osborne nodded and walked aside, following the officials who came to discuss the matter.
"...No problem, right?" Mulla looked at him heartily.
"Hmph... he changed his usual calm and unhurried attitude. On the contrary, he was a little less demeaned, which means that things beyond his plan made him a little bit irritated... Regardless of the follow-up, thanks to the guy's blessing. The feeling of being with the prime minister is really comfortable..." Although Osborne was treated a bit uncharacteristically, Olibate was not angry at all. "However, if you provoke a monster, you will always I'm worried about his revenge... you'd better keep an eye on it. You can't go wrong at this juncture."
"Yeah... it's the first time I saw him with that expression." Mulla smiled infrequently, interpreting what is meant by "the Prime Minister is in trouble, everyone likes it", "The Garelia Fortress... Tehart hasn't sent a contact yet, I'm afraid the matter has not been completely resolved."
"No problem. With Heliga there, nothing will happen." Olibat said categorically.
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