Vol 2 Chapter 724: Daily life in Haidu

"Snee." For no reason, Fei suddenly felt an inexplicable chill, and couldn't help but sneezed, which shocked Emma and Laura on the side.
"Have a cold?" Emma asked worriedly, do you want to go back and rest first?
"No need... Maybe someone is talking about me." Fei shook her head. Seeing that she did not look sick, the two of them felt relieved, "Speaking of which, what time is it?"
"Five to forty in the afternoon... there is still more than an hour left before the time we agreed to gather. How about it, do you want to turn around again?" Already shuttled back and forth between the array of goods for nearly two The three girls who were young still have some ideas at this moment. Even girls like Laura and Fei who don't like shopping too much think it's a bit weird here.
"The store on the third floor seems to be impossible." Emma shook her head regretfully, "but the remaining stores on the second floor should be fine."
"Then go quickly, so as not to waste time." The three girls speeded up and walked into the house of another store.
At the same time, Gaius from the wharf area is also lovingly thanking the owner who handed him a bottle of iced oolong tea. Gaius, who was observing the scenery in the wharf area, felt a little hot before staying. While wiping the sweat from his forehead, he continued to collect materials. He was noticed because of the tall figure and dark brown skin unique to the Nords. It seems that it is precisely because of this that he has received a lot of unusual favors from the people here .
The uncle he didn’t know smiled and pointed to himself a relatively cool place to observe the wind. The aunt who ran a drink stand enthusiastically pulled him under the umbrella. After asking him that his purpose was to collect materials for the painting, he even more It is to allow him to stay where he should belong to the customer and continue his work. And the free bottle of Oolong tea just made Gaius feel a little flattered. After repeated questioning, he realized that there was a leader general from Nord in Lamar, named Vores, who had the domineering nickname "Black Tornado" and used Nord’s traditional cross gun. He is well-known in Haidu and other places, and he is deeply loved. Even Gaius, who is also a Nord, has a somewhat similar body and appearance, is also cared by people. This simple and kind return touched Gaius’ calm appearance. He once again realized that friendship depends on sincerity and mutual gifts, whether it’s his ancestors or the Brigadier General Vores. , I have implemented this very well, and I will have to work harder in this regard in the future.
As for Juss, the conditions are much better than Gaius. Although Daoli air-conditioning is still a rare item at present, the great nobles of Haidu have basically installed them in every household. In this sweltering heat, they can still experience a hint of coolness. Juss greeted several nobles who had met when his brother brought him to Haidu. In most cases, these old people were completely surprised at the arrival of Uses, but after Uses explained the situation of the internship, they suddenly realized, and then they asked about the Garella fortress. The wise Juses saw some important information: They were not surprised by their arrival, but worried about what role their brother and father played behind this. This obviously means that there is Something is about to happen. Reminiscent of the ridiculous and ridiculous thing that happened during the internship in the public capital a few months ago, it also made him very sure of something that was about to happen.
In this case, the next academy festival is even more precious. Just because of this, I gave it up-Juss secretly made up his mind that even if he really had to wear the same clothes as the idiot to perform on stage, he could barely accept it.
"Brother...what role will you play in this matter?" Juss was silent in mind when he remembered that Duke Kane was picked up by Rufas and headed to the capital when he was in Ragram before. Thinking about it.

"What was the situation just now? Why did those two people leave in a panic? Also, you are..." As soon as he left the gate of the casino, Heliga happened to see passing by—or rather, intentionally waiting. Nearby, Ah Xiu wanted to see if something good would happen. To Ashiu’s surprise, just a few minutes ago, the two men named by Heliga came out of the casino in a panic, and then eagerly walked away. A few minutes later, Heliga left the casino. When he came out, he was hit by Ashiu.
"Ah, it's nothing, just drank some wine together, recounting the past. Why, do I smell of alcohol?" Heliga asked.
"Yeah... the brandy in the box? That wine is a very expensive and strong bar." Ash frowned. Heilijia wanted to say that he couldn't drink, but he didn't expect that he would say: " That’s great, I want to taste that too."
"Then you take it." Heliga smiled and stuffed the remaining half bottle of wine into Ash's arms.
"Wh...? This..." Ash looked at the bottle in his arms in surprise. The golden liquid swayed back and forth in the bottle with the inertia of Heliga's movements just now.
"Anyway, the boss said he didn't want the money, he didn't take the money, he didn't take it. I don't need to keep him." Heliga curled his lips, "Don't talk about it, do I smell bad?"
"...It's okay." Ah Xiu frowned and decided not to worry about this matter-but he really wanted to drink this wine a long time ago, so he didn't worry about it, "So what happened just now?"
"Just don't ask. It's none of your business. Just drink your wine. Also, don't tell anyone about my being here, okay?"
"What... God is mysterious. Is it possible that someone will ask you?" He said that, but the young man in front of him felt more and more mysterious, and he really looked like something unexpected. "Okay, okay, I get it. From today on, we don't know each other—that's fine."
"Then, you can keep busy with your business, I almost should go." Heliga nodded and said.
"...This guy." Looking at Heliga, who turned and left after speaking, Ash mumbled, and quietly pressed the wine bottle down. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, that annoying red hair, something that he had told himself...
"Although there is no major problem, it is better not to let too many people know about this. But behind the "West Wind", the secret surrounding Lu Jia must exist. This can be confirmed by the attitude of these two people today. . But, what is the situation with this matter... Well, it's so troublesome, and there are civil war matters to be dealt with..."
Heliga was in entanglement.
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