Vol 2 Chapter 745: Come to an end

"After that, we rushed to the Zaxon Iron Mine, and unexpectedly saw the blockade of the leader there. Just as we were at a loss, Senior Sister Angelika suddenly appeared and exchanged information with us, and then we decided , We must enter the iron mine to save the miners. Inside the mine, we first rescued the first batch of miners. I don’t know why they were kept in solitary confinement in a place that is easy to find. Transfer everyone. After all, two of their main cadres have been arrested. In short, we rescued them and arranged for Klo to send them out of the mine. Although we are always silly, but we all know his strength , I also know that he never loses his chain at critical moments. Unfortunately, he encountered a cave-in on the way back after sending out the miner. Although he was not harmed, it also means that he cannot come in a short time. Support us.
"The guard in the depths of the mine is the woman who attacked the racecourse at the time. Comrade "S" - her weapon is a magic sword, which is said to be a weapon used only by the nuns of the church. The battle with her was very dangerous, and many of us were injured, but in the end we managed to defeat her. It was only at a critical moment that the mysterious "C" appeared again. He covered his comrades to escape and promised us that they had let go of all the miners. However, he made a very strange request: a battle with us. His strength is not lost to the "S", and even vaguely better. The double-headed gun he uses is also very strange and difficult to prevent. But just when we were about to be unable to hold it, maybe we noticed something-he suddenly threw two flash bombs and disappeared. Then the members of the railway gendarmerie arrived. They clashed with the members of the noble leader who came next. The leader of the army hindered the military police's operations, and the terrorist airship was about to escape from the top of the mine. ... After that, a strange thing happened suddenly, the airship exploded for no reason, and it fell to the bottom of the mine pit and turned into a mass of debris. If someone is on that airship, then he must be dead-does this mean that the terrorists are destroyed? We don't believe it very much, but that's how it is. Afterwards, the leaders of the army and the railway gendarmerie clashed, and Captain Kleiya produced an execution warrant approved by His Majesty the Emperor. As a result, the leading soldiers vented their anger on us. Fortunately, His Royal Highness Olibate appeared in time to relieve us, and told us that this matter is not easy, and it will be thoroughly investigated afterwards.
"This is the end of the incident. We are all injured to varying degrees, but Senior Sister Angelika is the most injured among us, because she has always said that she is the daughter of the Rogner family, and something happened to the mine. She is the most responsible person, so she has to fight harder than any of us in the battle. In the end, it was thanks to her that she was able to defeat the comrade "S"... However, when the Marquis Rogner arrived, he The look in his eyes was really a bit scary, but he didn't say anything because of the senior sister's injury and the face of His Royal Highness Olibate. I heard that they have family conflicts, it seems to be true. After that, we were sent to the hospital of the University of Engineering for treatment. President Irina promised that we would get good treatment and that we could return to Torresta after healed—but instructor Sarah then brought new orders. , Your Majesty invites us to go to Balfram Palace. "
Heilijia closed the notes in his hand-it was recorded by Lien, the last and biggest incident they encountered during Luray's internship. Sitting on the sidelines listening to Heilijia read aloud, it is the members of Group B who are doing internships in Heidou Ordis. As Heilijia closed his notes, they were all lost in thought.
"Li En's record is quite detailed...but the amount of information is too much, I am afraid I don't know what to say for a while." Heliga lay back on the sofa, looking at the scenery outside the train, "Yours What's your opinion?" As he said, Heliga also quietly looked at another table-there Lien was also reading the report written by Heliga. However, compared to their thrilling experience in Lulei, the experience of Heliga and others in Haidu can be said to be very harmless. Although Heliga left a lot of personal analysis on the current situation and the meaning behind the trends in Haidu in his notes, he already trusted his companions very much at this time and felt that these things would not matter even if they were told. . During the internship, he had no taboos against Juses and others, so naturally he couldn't let the unknowing group A students not know what he was thinking.
"Let’s not mention those weird-looking things..." Juss’s voice was suddenly lowered, and then he looked at Angelika, who was hugging Tova desperately in the other seat, "She really Has she been reprimanded by her father? Why can't I see a trace..."
"She's not the kind of person who will show people the weak side." Heliga said, "but I think it is indeed unlikely that the Marquis Rogner will continue to tolerate her like this...I don't know where I can help. Busy."
"Oh...Yes. She doesn't want to make Senior Sister Towa sad, too." Laura regretted. The Marquis Rogner would never put this matter aside. She knew it well, everyone knew it.
"About another thing... If that airship explodes, do you think anyone will survive?" Gaius asked.
"It's also impossible. I asked Alyssa about all kinds of data about that airship... If the airship's guiding engine was detonated, the energy level of the explosion was very high... even directly. As a result, even the remains of the corpse can’t be found.
Emma, ​​as the first student in the grade, naturally has a strong computing ability. She also had actual combat results such as determining the coordinates of terrorist bombardments on the Nord Plateau based on climate parameters. Naturally, no one's objections aroused, "If this is the case, I am afraid it will turn out to be like this."
"Unless they are not on the airship at all," said Fei, "but later, the railway gendarmerie did not seem to find any trace of their escape."
"Yes." Seeing Heliga's eyes, Fei almost couldn't help telling them about what Oribat later told them about the discovery of the guided rifle from an unknown manufacturer. It’s not that Heilija didn’t want to tell them, but Olibat ordered him not to tell others first, because it involved the railway gendarmerie’s confidentiality requirements.
This matter can only be done by the railway gendarmerie. People are checking it down."
"Compared to that... I am going to see His Majesty the Emperor. I always feel a little nervous." Aside from this, Emma raised a more realistic topic.
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