Vol 2 Chapter 758: Plans have changed

"So that's the case... The Culloes family. Well, what you say is really suspicious. It's a pity that I'm not very comfortable in the financial circle of the imperial capital. Otherwise, I can help you ask if they have anything weird recently. action."
"Regarding the actual evidence of that, I have asked Ling for help... It's just that this incident seems to involve a lot of things. Ling can no longer intervene casually like before... I understand this too, if she Because of some scruples, I don’t want to make a move.
"Nothing... If we always rely on her, aren't we actually dragging her back from the good life to these intrigues?" Olibate was deeply convinced, "Estil and they would also be unhappy. ...It is better to do less of this kind of thing."
"Yeah... I don't want it either, but there is no second person who can do this." Heilijia secretly apologized inwardly, "Apart from this, the rest of the response should be said to be ready, right? Do you think about how to do it?"
"Think well... Alphan's plan remains the same, you just follow your previous ideas. However, I want to make some changes on the western front of the empire... It's just that I can't stop Mulla. Will agree."
"If it is at the expense of the 7th Mecha Division, Mulla will..." Heliga understood what Olibat meant. ,
"I know... I will try my best to convince him." Olibat's tone was sad, but there is no doubt, "Where is your side? The response to the church...what do you think?"
"The church doesn't make sense to deceive people. But... Since the vice-chief of the Star Cup, whom I have never known, asked me to ignore the "great power" and related operations, I am afraid I have to sell their face. See what he meant... It should be the witch clan who understands this better. "
"So, did you find your classmate for a showdown?" Olibate paused.
"No... I just take this opportunity, I'm going to Clos Bell. The festival they worked so hard to prepare..." Heliga smiled bitterly, "Probably I have no chance to participate."
"What?" Olibat obviously didn't expect Heliga's words, "You are—"
"Almost plainly speaking-the people from the church provided me with the incident that I had been trying to confirm before. Although we still need the final evidence under normal circumstances, I am afraid that this step is not necessary in this case. After announcing independence, Clos Bell will immediately proceed with the next plan. The association and the forces arranged by the church will be in full conflict...
"I know about associations... You mentioned the "Saint of Steel" a long time ago. "Olibate's complexion was a little slow, "But... the church?" "
"Well... I didn't tell you before, because I judged it was unnecessary... But now, the church seems to be paying unprecedented attention to this matter. I don't think they can treat me as if they didn't see it. In a sense, there is also a place closely related to the future of the empire. Kevin is an old acquaintance of ours, of course needless to say, but there is also a second guardian knight"Cang’s Scripture", early He had already been to Clos Bell a few years ago, and he might start to act now. "
"The French king who doesn't care about the Closberg area... unexpectedly sent two Star Cup knights?" Olibate finally realized the importance of the matter-it has always been regarded as a secret conflict between the church and the association. The insulator Clos Bell turned into a dangerous battlefield in an instant. What's more, Heliga said that the "Sacred Code of Blue" had been laid out a few years ago, "This is the end..."
"Although the treasure of illusion has disappeared, the power that belongs to the treasure may not disappear with it. Although this is just a guess... but it is very likely that the Kuluis family used some method to start using this power again. The specific position of the association and the church is still difficult to judge, but I want to be hostile to one of them, whether it is you or me, or the entire empire, it is inevitable." Heliga hesitated and decided to choose. A part of it was revealed to Olibat, "Association will only move for the treasure... and now at least two apostles are busy with things over there." One of them is naturally Arian Hurd, whom Heilija has seen. The Saint of Steel, and the other person is the sixth pillar of "Thirteen Workshop", Dr. Nottiworth. His existence was unintentionally revealed to herself by Ling before-at that time Heilijia only regarded him as staying in order to monitor the humanoid weapon in Ling's hands, and there was not much meaning to trouble him, but after that, about him On the one hand, the intelligence has never been cut off. In other words, when Jae Ling and "Pattier Matil" left Clos Bell for Liberty, the gaze of the Frankenstein still focused on this ever-changing magical capital. This in itself means that there must be What caused him to put aside the works of his heart and mind, and stay honestly at Crossbell-the only one who can hold down such an arrogant technical master is the supreme leader in the association.
After Heilijia analyzed a sentence, Olibate's brow furrowed. Originally, he only thought that the troubles on Crossbell’s side were just Dita’s arbitrariness, which belonged to the world, and did not involve churches and associations. Unexpectedly, not only was this not the case, but that both parties did their best. Land attaches great importance to it, which makes him also have to fall into thinking. After a long time, he asked: "Then...Do you want to change the previous plan? Or?"
"No need." Heliga said, "For Closberg, I will try my best to focus on the key points. I don't think I can do anything about the minor details. I don't think I can do anything. Before that happens, I will definitely rush. Go back to the imperial capital and complete our original plan—but if, I mean, if, I can’t go back in time—"
"I see... I will think of a way. If you don't come back, then your "Sword Emperor" can only temporarily change your plan and go to the Imperial Capital to join the action. Correspondingly, I will never let your classmates go. "
"Well... Although I can see that they are all related to the operation of the "Great Power" mentioned by the church, and I have made up my mind to leave it alone, but in any case, I will not place them at will because of this. It doesn't matter there. And I think. Heliga finally smiled, and it was not easy in this heavy conversation, "Don't underestimate these young people... They are not what you think, weak and powerless. "
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