Vol 2 Chapter 772: Obsession has become

This laughter sounds weird, just like its owner—gender is unknown and always looks cynical. Ken Parella, the association executor known as the "Taohua Master," is that evil and funny. The expression appeared next to Maria Bell-in the hall where everyone was located, I don't know when there were three more sides that looked like a mirror or a screen. In addition to Kemparella, the other two are also figures that Lloyd and others know and know. They are the sixth apostle of the "Snake of the Body", the person in charge of the association and the communication and transfer of the thirteen workshops, Dr. F. Novartis. In the encounter in the swamp, everyone was smashed by Arian Hurd, and the future has to be carefully examined, but now they seem to feel that there is a bit of evil in this person.
The man beside him was the strong red-haired man who made Randy's heart sink. The sturdy arms are covered with dense scars, and the gazes in the eyes are blood-thirsty and cruel. At this time, they are also looking at everyone with interest-who is not the "War Ghost" Sigmund Orlando? ?
In this way, they really are the same as Arian Hurd in front of them, they are all helpers in the plan of the Kuluis family. Royd was upset, why couldn't he find out earlier?
"Everyone, it looks like they're all ready." Seeing these allies appear in the device, Maria Bell also temporarily stopped her evil tastes and talked about business. At this time, she was obviously against Novartis. The doctor means something.
"Of course, it has all been completed, and the performance will definitely satisfy you." He grinned, and the preparations on the "planting" side have also been completed. Now you only need to turn the "key" there. "
"In order for them to accept it, it's okay for us to wait a little bit, but don't forget that the time is almost up." Even so, Kemparella's expression is still ridiculous, and he can't be seen at all What's the tension?
"Oh... this is coming." Maria Bell's face showed a rumorless smile.
"What's coming?" After being hit by a series of things just now, Lloyd's brain was blank at this time, completely forgetting what Heliga told them last night that they had planned to find a way to deal with things.
"Then you need to ask?" Maria Bell smiled more, "Of course it was the invasion of the Empire and the Republic. Haha..." Looking at the people with dull, surprised or sad expressions, Ma Liabel said again: "Since it’s all here, let’s take a look at this rare live broadcast." As she said, Mariabell gently waved the strangely-shaped staff in her hand, and one appeared directly above Qiya. A larger and more magical array than before — a larger mirror and clearer image than the image of the three "helpers" — the screen that is divided into two is the Belgard Gate. It is facing the military powerhouse of the empire, Garella Fortress.
The door that had been tightly closed for a while was now wide open without reservation. One after another, heavy armored vehicles and guided combat vehicles were driving out of the garage in an orderly manner. There is no communication, no slogan, and only the roar of the guiding force. Just like their purpose: to crush everything in front of you without procrastinating.
As the empire's chariot shifted its muzzle and arranged its formation, another piece of the screen was also reflected on the border between the empire and the republic. Tangulam hills. On the ground, the new guided chariots of the Republic Army also walked around like an empire, and in the air, there are five latest guided airships neatly arranged. Compared with the empire, the appetite of the Republic is obviously greater. They want to learn from Libel and use the superiority of air supremacy to fight for themselves to grab more resources in Crossbel.
Seeing this scene, the hearts of Lloyd and others sank. Even for the two major powers, this strength is at most only the magnitude of the vanguard, but it is enough to defeat the two old fortresses of Clospel, which are trapped by legal restrictions without heavy weapons and insufficient personnel. Commander Sonia, Mireyu, Chief Noel Cao, and many friends and important people who have been familiar and kind, and have given themselves a lot of help, can only helplessly die under the iron torrent. .
"So, she is the "key" to reverse this situation. "Mayor Dita appeared in the fifth circle, "Association", thank you for your assistance in this plan. Bell, you have worked hard too. It seems that things are developing in our tone, right? "
"Well, it's true so far. But the next thing can only be left to her." Maria Bell said, looking at Kia on the side, "You understand, Kia, currently Only you can reverse this situation."
"..." Seeing Dita's eyes and seeing the complex expressions of Lloyd and others at this time, Kia finally made up her mind. She nodded, and in an instant, a sacred halo appeared on her body, just like Lloyd and others had seen before, giving people a sacred feeling. At the moment when the light was shining, four pillars popped up on the machine that had been roaring behind Qiya, followed by those dotted with the zoom of the building, and flames appeared on the crystal circuit like eyes. It forms a ring of Lingzi, enclosing Qiya, and the flames of Lingzi switch back and forth among the different colors of the seven, which symbolizes the power of Qi Yao.
In the underground space, the high concentration of Qi Yao's power flowed freely in the pipeline, wandering through the intricate underground network, and finally all flowed to the place where Qi Ya was.
"What a good boy." Mariabel smiled, holding up the staff, muttering words. Along with her chanting, the overlapping coat of arms behind Qi Ya quickly brightened, and then an indescribable energy wave began to spread towards Clos Bell.
The "Village of the Sun", "Monastery of the Moon" and "Tower of Stars", three relics related to the ancient alchemy civilization, are also trembling gently under the call of this power, which is in resonance. Under the rush of spiritual power, the energy of the Qi Yao veins under the entire Crossbell was madly absorbed, and it was continuously injected into the newly built paradise.
Accompanied by the condensing of energy, in the end, the huge purple symbol that symbolized the Kullois family appeared in the sky above Clos Bell. At this moment, the "Orchid Pagoda" has also become the second space into which the energy rushes into. The result is that the three huge human figures that were transported to the top of the tower at some unknown time began to operate.
No matter who it is, when they see such an astonishing scene, they will stop what they are doing and wait and see-but they are different.
In any case, for them, the only important thing is the young girl who is in the spiritual center.
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