Vol 2 Chapter 790: Fortress response

Helika felt strange. At such a critical moment, the famous "red-haired" Craig actually left his army behind and ran to Tolz by himself? And the reason is actually-to participate in the school festival?
Heliga suspected that he had heard it wrong, so he had to confirm it from the officer before believing that what he heard was the truth. Obviously, the officer also saw Heliga’s doubts, and just kindly answered, in order to avoid any strange misunderstandings about his general, the officer explained it a bit further-it turned out that Craig Zhong The going to Tolz was originally an agreed matter, in order to give the empire in chaos a booster. Not only Craig, but also other important figures from all walks of life, such as Regnitz, the head of the imperial capital, the famous "Swordsman of Light" and Prince Olibat, and the president of the "RF" agency, which has a wealth of knowledge. Irina Ryanfort took time out of her busy schedule. Furthermore, the attack on the Garella fortress was originally the intelligence obtained by Lieutenant General Warta and Lieutenant Craig from the decision-makers of the Imperial Army. So far, it has not been too unexpected. Things. With Lieutenant General Valta sitting in town, Galeria Fortress is currently safe and secure, and Lieutenant General Craig chose to follow the original plan, not only for the previous purpose, but also for the reason of wanting to confirm some things in person.
As for why he chose to go in person, instead of using the dedicated line inside the fortress to inform - the officer did not say, but Heliga was already able to guess the odds. Obviously, under the current circumstances, the communications of Galeria Fortress are already insecure-it is very likely to be monitored by Clos Bell, and also that Lieutenant General Valta and others have long suspected that there are nobles in the military headquarters of the empire. It’s a big deal, and this matter must reach those who really deserve to hear them before it reaches the ears of those rapes. It just so happened that there was such an opportunity here-Lieutenant General Craig made a decisive decision to attend the appointment in person.
"That's it...Although he is reckless, he still has his usual style." Hailijia knows that this "red-haired" has a temperament, which is thick and thin, and he goes forward courageously. Such a person must also understand what he is doing. Did not ask much.
"So, this is where Lieutenant General Warta is." The officer stopped at a place far away from the target building he was talking about, apparently to observe some military etiquette, "I will not accompany you."
"You go and do your thing." Heliga waved and nodded as a thank you.
"Stop." Sure enough, when he walked under the door of the building, Heliga was stopped by two guards again-compared to those outside officers, the soldiers of the Warta guard squad seemed much more well-trained. Each of them probably has a personal strength no less than the average level of quasi-guerrillas, coupled with the powerful tactics and fire suppression cooperation of the Imperial Army-they should be very dazzling on the battlefield.
It's a pity that the enemy on the other side of Crossbel is a mortal mortal like theirs, which can't be beaten anyway.
With these people, Heliga didn't have to hide it. Being able to be selected by General Warta means that they are among the best in this group of soldiers, no matter their ability or loyalty. When dealing with such people, simple and rude methods are the most beneficial.
Heliga took out the royal coat of arms that Oribat gave him, and held it firmly in front of the two of them, "This is a token of His Royal Highness Oribat, and I am his messenger. I need to personally inform the Lieutenant General for some things. Narrate."
"...Please wait a moment, I'll go and tell the lieutenant general." The two soldiers changed color slightly, the badge of the golden horse, and the dark gold that belonged exclusively to His Highness Olibate, they both knew deeply-- Of course, that's what happened in the last few years, because His Royal Highness Olibate has been a rising star in the political arena in the past two years.
"Okay." Heliga said politely. He knew that Lieutenant General Warta would not refuse to meet with him.
Not only because of the deep impression I left on him during the last internship, but also because-Heliga understands that Lieutenant General Varta must also realize that Heliga has already understood that he is Prime Minister Osborne in the regular army. One of its allies. In terms of strength, he is also not inferior to the "one-eyed" and "red-haired" celebrities. It is precisely because of his strength and the good relationship with Osborne that he can be stationed in the largest Erebonian empire. In the fortress.
Because of Clos Bell as a buffer, it cannot be regarded as a particularly dangerous place, and it is particularly prone to friction with the Republic. But it is precisely because of this—Crossbell is the top priority of Osborne's next plan, so he must choose a trustworthy person to take care of the things here for him.
Heliga didn't wait long. Only two minutes later, the guard who ran up respectfully pushed open the door and made a "please" gesture.
Heliga came to the door of the command room-it was really busy here, he thought, in the corridor just now, he had seen a lot of soldiers flying along the corridor holding all kinds of supplies; They are gathering together to discuss the next step; the officers and messengers are also walking around, the gains of their respective exchanges on the patrol route, and so on.
"To be honest, I'm really surprised." Lieutenant General Varta opened the door for Heliga, his expression a bit elusive, "You will actually appear at this time."
"On a whim. Since Lieutenant General Craig is not here, I will only talk to you. To make a long story short—" Seeing Lieutenant General Warta seems to have the intention of continuing to greet him for a while, Heliga reminded him in time, "This This matter is very important, I'm in a hurry."
"Let's talk about it." Lieutenant General Warta's eyes wink.
"Just now, the vanguard of the Garella fortress was annihilated by that "sacred machine". I saw them all. Heliga said, his eyes motioned to Lieutenant General Varta who wanted to say something to be quiet, "Don't provoke. That's an opponent you can't deal with anyway. "
"...What's that? And the hood that hung over Clos Bell..."
"That is the power of the "Seven Treasures" and the gift of the goddess. "Heliga said simply, "They awakened with the help of the association, and now they have temporarily reached an alliance with the so-called President of the Independent State Dita of the Krossberg. Unless you have the corresponding powerful force, any conventional offensive methods are futile. "
"I have reported this to the military department. But their further instructions have not been given..." Lieutenant General Varta said, "However, when formulating an attack strategy before, the "Ice Maiden" had passed through the railway gendarmerie. Sent to contact, suggesting that we prepare a set of backup tactics centered on "C component". Thanks to her reminder, my subordinates did not die. "
"Yeah... I have seen this too." Helija nodded, "Maybe the Intelligence Bureau learned something from somewhere. But these are not the main points. What I want to say is...that "cover", I'm afraid No further expansion in a short time. Therefore, for the Garella fortress and the defenders here, standing still is the best way. "
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