Vol 2 Chapter 798: Before the speech

Heliga’s issue involved the handling of Crossbel after the war.
Although this question is really on the agenda, it is still too early, but Heilijia feels that this is a very suitable question as a test. Judging from the students’ answers to Heliga’s first question just now, they have a good understanding of these things. They are not confused by the superficial chaos and information, but have their own judgments and empathy. Understand.
However, for this second question, when Heliga just asked it, they already understood what Heliga meant.
Once a large-scale internal conflict breaks out in the empire, it will inevitably be in a long-term battle before the problem is resolved. After the battle is over, whether it is the aristocrats or the reformers who are in power, they must be left with a country that has been left to waste and was consumed in the civil war-in this case, in order to quickly restore the economy and infrastructure. The easiest way is to change the domestic income situation, foster some financial oligarchs, quickly establish a new economic system, and at the same time increase taxes in all aspects to quickly make up for the deficits left after the war. The other way is- Take blood from other places around.
From this perspective, Clos Bell is undoubtedly the most suitable target. First of all, in any case, it was the actions of Krossberg that led to large-scale riots in the empire. Even Krossberg himself could not deny this. Although this is bound to happen, catching up is catching up. In addition—plus that the empire was originally one of Closbell’s suzerain states. After the civil war ended, it was reasonable to swallow this disobedient vassal state. In fact, if it were not for the frustration at the Galeria Fortress and the special result caused by the reappearance of the "Treasure" power, there were even many people in the empire who thought that Krossberg’s actions were originally planned by the empire in order to give The empire's annexation of Crossbell made an excuse-coupled with the fact that the citizens of the empire would inevitably complain about Crossbell at that time, such an action could be said to happen.
Although they have grown and experienced, both their vision and awareness are stronger than ordinary people, they can see through this, but the rest of the empires, especially ordinary people with a large base, may not have this awareness. This is the question Heliga wants to raise, and it is also the key point that Olibat has always wanted to emphasize.
"You can understand this. It has shown that those special internships are not in vain... However, in this era, how to do it is really a bit troublesome. Even if it is me, I can only ask for a self-protection. That's it." Heliga shrugged, Olibat's painstaking efforts, he now fully understands.
Although it is still early, these young people are all representatives of all walks of life in the future. If such a seed can be planted in their hearts, things in the future will be more convenient.
Whether it is to completely revert to the backward and corrupt aristocratic system, or to accept Prime Minister Osborne’s extremely radical reform plan, it seems that it is not the best thing for this country. How to strike a balance between the two? This is a very difficult problem to solve. And Class VII will be one of the possible answers.
"It's rare that you can be so sincere once to tell us the true thoughts in the snack." Juss looked at Heliga half-jokingly, half-jokingly. "It's just that, at this time, what are the two people doing... …" Juses looked at the last two empty positions.
"Clo... It's not unusual for a senior to skip class." Macias is still a little unaccustomed to calling Klo's name directly, "Or, he has completed the credit supplement and is back in the second grade?"
"No... he said he would stay until the end of the month." Li En shook his head. Among the people present, he had the best relationship with Crowe. "I don't know Miriam's situation."
"Could it be that the "Intelligence Bureau" called it back? "Alyssa was puzzled, and everyone just remembered that the long time together has made them forget about Miriam.
"Even though she is like that, she can be regarded as an agent of the Intelligence Bureau anyway." Fei spread her hands and said.
"What are you talking about?" A lively voice interrupted everyone's guess. It turned out to be Instructor Sarah-as long as usual.
"Do you want to start mentoring time?" Monitor Emma asked actively.
"Sorry, today's tutor time is temporarily cancelled. I will stay in the college to study before school, or go back to the dormitory to wait for instructions." Instructor Sarah smiled bitterly, "Well, but I think no one will miss it."
"... Prime Minister Osborne's speech is correct today, right." Heliga closed his eyes and thought for a while, what can make the school react like this? Of course, that can only be a critical moment for the Erebonian Empire to face the chaos that followed. ,
"Yes." Sarah, like her classmates, was not surprised at how Heliga knew. "At noon today, Prime Minister Osborne will be at Drekers Square to give a statement about the entire Erebonian Empire. speech."
"..." The students exchanged glances, everything was silent.
"Since it is broadcast nationwide, it will naturally require equipment such as the Doli Radio." Heliga shrugged. "All the broadcasting bureaus in the country, whether they are official or local, government or private, should be there. Let’s adjust to the same channel at time."
"Yes. The school has prepared the relevant equipment to ensure that every classroom and every class can have a radio to listen to the radio." Instructor Sarah nodded, "Of course, it is not mandatory... if any of you If you are not interested in these declarations, you can go back to the dormitory to rest... Everything is voluntary."
No one moved.
"Well, I knew it would be like this." Instructor Sarah shrugged, "It's just that Miriam and Cloe...well, if they don't want to come, there is no way."
"Would you like to... go find them?" Li En suggested, "There is still some time before the scheduled speech begins."
"That's okay...but you have to be optimistic about the time and don't miss the speech." Sarah nodded.
"I'm going out to get some air too." Heliga said, in fact, to make the final preparations. He himself was nervous as never before, and the hand holding the spell was also trembling.
"Martha and Garcia... don't have any problems with you two."
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