Vol 2 Chapter 800: Final arrangement

"I noticed... a large number of people began to move towards Delekels Square. What? Right now? Don't worry, wrap it around us." Garcia confirmed the final instructions in the communication. Pack ticket road. And Martha next to him, her eyes never looked away from the petite and lovely blond girl.
"It seems that you have been preparing for a long time..." The blond man on the side shook his head and smiled bitterly. He is the other back hand that Oribat arranged before, the guerrilla Tovar Landner from the Empire. When Garcia followed Olibate’s instructions to find him, he was so nervous that both sides almost made a move. It was not until Martha called out the name "Ain Sernat" that Torval was there. He calmed down in an instant.
"We have no problem here, guerrillas." Although it is currently a united front, Garcia's years of experience as a hunting soldier, naturally, it is impossible for him to have any good feelings for dead enemies like guerrillas. "Just as the prince said, go to the entrance of the underground waterway and stand by. If there is a problem with our plan, we will go to your side at any time. You have to be prepared."
"Don't worry." Toval was not as hostile to each other's existence like Garcia, but he accepted the arrangement quite naturally, and then left.
"He looks very confident...I don't think there is a big problem." Martha said softly.
"Don't relax your vigilance." Garcia warned, "You stare first, and I will check the surrounding environment."

"They have all arrived... Although I don't know where you invited them from, it seems that they are indeed different from ordinary hunters... And with the personal assurance of His Highness Olibat, there must be no problem. "This time the news came from his father-this made Heliga feel a little surprised. Because his father did not have the latest type of force conductor such as "ARCUS" to use for communication, Olibat left the ancient relic he used when he contacted Mulla during the Liber period in Heliga's hometown. It seems that Father Kevin’s threats at the time were just a joke. Obviously, ancient relics of this level are not enough to attract the attention of "Foreign Hunters"-although it has now been renamed "A Thousand Bracers" .
"They are facilitators with church background... Well, this is a very complicated story. When their head arrives, let her tell you all." Heliga said, "The shelter and surrounding protective facilities What?"
"It's all done. As you said." Warners said, "Preliminary estimates are that it can accommodate more than five hundred people during the war. However, as you know, after the civil war began, El Barrea The leader of the Duke’s family may also be stationed on our side, do you think about how to deal with it?"
"No... The Duke of El Barrea won't have that kind of leeway. While facing the main forces of the 4th and 5th Mecha Divisions at the same time, he can send extra manpower to the war. Go to the rear." Heliga smiled mysteriously-this matter was confirmed personally by Lieutenant General Valta in the Galeria Fortress.
"So that's the way... you have arranged it. Indeed, we are no better here than Keldyk, such a small and well-equipped commercial town, presumably if the frontline war is anxious, they will not have time to take care of it." Warners points. Nodded and said.
"Where is the mother?" Heliga asked worriedly. He was afraid that his mother would inevitably be nervous because of these preparations.
"Don't underestimate us." Warners chuckled. "Although it is dangerous, isn't it the duty of the nobles to protect the Royal Highness of the Empire? Of course the same is true of the life of the leader. Not only will she not be afraid, but she will also Fully support our work...Of course, so are Alan and the others."
"Brother Alan...I remember that he didn't quit his job as an in the Viscount Mansion because of his mother's death?" Heliga asked strangely. It stands to reason that the captain of the guard who knew him from an early age was like a neighbor. The same existence as the eldest brother, and it is precisely because of his words that he decided to embark on the so-called martial arts, and thus have the following series of stories-when he went home two times before, he did not find a trace of Alan. Hearing about him from his father, but this time his father mentioned him again, Heliga couldn't help but be curious.
"Yes... However, he said that the situation around the town has been very tense recently. If his mother is alive, he will definitely make good use of his abilities to protect others from being harmed. Plus, he does have a period of going back. Time is up, so I let him resume his original position. Don’t tell me, although he hasn’t done anything for almost a year, he seems to have been engraved in instinct about the various things in the Viscount Mansion. Your plan I didn't hide it from him, and after he knew your thoughts, he even specially formulated a set of patrol routes and systems based on the guards of the Viscount Mansion and the helpers you found."
"It's hard for him." Heliga was a little touched. This loyal guard, who has never seen him since he left his hometown and began to practice, is still one of his most trustworthy forces.
"Yes... our preparations here are basically ready. Just wait... an hour later to see what happens in the imperial capital."
"Don't worry... I know it in my heart. If nothing happens, we'll meet soon. Say hello to my mother and Brother Alan."
"That's just enough." Warners cut off the communication.
"Huh... This is a totally unexpected surprise... But it is indeed a very interesting idea. During the war, the original economic system and order were basically disrupted. In this case, precision The ultimate execution efficiency and a higher level of order are the basic guarantees for maintaining life-I seemed to have overlooked this point before, and only focused on the possible foreign enemies. His reminder I really didn't notice. "
"Heliga." Li En's voice interrupted his thoughts, "Huh... so you have been here all the time."
"Ah... I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention, it's almost time, right?" Heliga suddenly realized, "Where are Miriam and Klow?"
"Miriam is on the seventh floor of the old school building...well, you don't seem to have been there. There is a huge knight statue there, and she seems to be very interested in that. As for Crowe... Patrick said, he It seems to have gone to the imperial capital..."
"To the imperial capital?" Heliga asked strangely.
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