Chapter 2049: Search and rescue team

But where did Li Tian go?
Mary didn't know. Now she can only search randomly based on her feelings. It is not easy to find someone in such a large ancient forest.
In the endless dark forest, Mary walked forward alone, looking for Li Tian.
At this moment, two Italian helicopters marked "augu" were hovering above the Blackstone Forest.
The whirring propeller was spinning in the sky.
These two Italian planes looked like Italian police helicopters, because I looked inside the helicopter carefully, but I saw several men in police uniforms sitting on the helicopter.
They have white faces, brown eyes and curly yellow hair.
A police uniform, coupled with the shotgun in his hand, it can be seen that they came to the Black Rock Forest for a purpose.
I saw the burly man sitting directly in front of him, with a blessed figure and a pair of black sunglasses on his face, making slight gestures there.
At the same time, his mouth yelled: "lasciatechelelicotteroandaregiu."
Translated into Chinese meaning: let the helicopter go down
After he said so, the pilot sitting in the pilot's seat gestured an ok gesture, and then the helicopter began to slowly fly towards the bottom of the Black Rock Forest.
After another helicopter saw this helicopter slowly fall, it also began to slowly descend.
"Autunnoli" the burly man wearing sunglasses yelled again now.
Translation: Fall down, let the helicopter fall below
After his voice exited, the helicopter began to slowly fall towards the middle of the Black Rock Forest.
The huge propeller was spinning there fast, and as it landed little by little, the strong hurricane shook the surrounding trees.
The helicopter found an empty area, and then slowly landed.
After the helicopter landed, I saw the Italian policeman with yellow curly hair who jumped out of the cabin first. His body was a little blessed, his belly was pouted, and the belt tied tightly around his waist was his uniform. Stick in it.
He also had a black shiny pistol on his waist.
After coming out, he put his hands on his hips, raised his brown eyes, and then glanced at the dense forest of black rock, where he suddenly frowned, and said, "bastardo, maledettovivere." Translation: bastard, Damn it..."
After the blessed policeman came out, three other policemen similarly jumped out from the cabin.
Two of the policemen were tall and lanky, with the skin that was typical of Italian men, and they came out of the cabin. They both had guns in their hands, and they were shotguns.
The other policeman was thin, with a pair of glasses on his face, and looked gentle.
Although he didn't hold a gun in his hand, he was holding a detection instrument. At this moment, he trot all the way off the plane quickly.
After they all walked out, I saw that the blessed policeman seemed to be their captain. Pointing to the thin body, the policeman wearing glasses said: "hainiziatoalavorare, econilvostroaereocecestrumentochesieschiantatove" Translation: We are about to start working. , Now start the investigation with the detector in your hand, and measure where the crashed plane is?
As he gave orders, the thin policeman nodded quickly.
He turned on the radio detector, and then began to search for the surrounding radio signals.
What are these Italian policemen doing? Are they looking for the crashed plane? Is it looking for Li Tian and the others that crashed plane?
Yes! After the plane that Li Tian and Mary were travelling on got into trouble here, the Italian officials knew about the news, so they sent out a search and rescue team. The so-called search and rescue team was just a face, after all, the crashed plane. It belongs to China, because of international face, so the Italian official will do this...
But it said that the thin policeman, holding a detector in his hand, is constantly detecting everywhere. The policeman who is blessed here and two other thin policemen with shotguns in their hands are standing Here, their faces are laid back, as if they are not here to save people... but to travel.
This search and rescue work should have come a day in advance, but they are only coming now, the reason is nothing more than that no one wants to take this job! After all, the Black Stone Forest is an extremely dangerous forest in Italy, and no one wants to come here.
"Boss, questopostomaledettoprimadiblackstoneequellaforesta" Translation: Boss, is this place really so dangerous in the legend?
But seeing one of the policemen with a lanky figure and a hook nose holding a shotgun in his hand, and a cigarette in the other hand, he handed it to the fat policeman named "the boss" in front of him. While asking there.
The blessed policeman took the cigarette, put it in his mouth, took out the lighter, lit it, and took a deep breath and said: "efaioasaperloquestomaledettopostocosiarido, chivuolevenireah" Translation: How do I know, but the outside world says so... and this Black Rock Forest is indeed Our country's more dangerous evil forest.
After the thin policeman said so, he nodded silently and started smoking by himself.
And this fat policeman? I found a cleaner place, sat down, and stayed there leisurely.
Time passed by, and only the thin Italian policeman was holding a detection instrument and searching for radio signals there. He was alone looking for Li Tian and the plane that Mary had crashed.
After a while, the policeman over there walked up to the fat policeman and asked in Italian language: "boss, abbiamodavverovogliadiscoprirechelaereoeprecipitatohuaxiaguoperchetantounadannataforesta, etroviamoah\"" Translation: Boss, are we really looking for the crash of the China country The plane? This forest is so vast, can we find it?"
I saw the fat policeman with a blessed posture and smoked a smoke there: "matto, realmentevediamo, ah, noisiamoquisoloperandareunaformalitacredidavverovogliamoinquestavastadistesadidifficiletrovareahforestafool!"
Translation: Stupid, just looking for a fool! We are here just to go through a cutscene...Who would look for foreigners in such a vast forest, fools would do it!
The lanky policeman showed a wretched smile after hearing the "boss" in front of him say so, and then stopped talking.
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