Vol 2 Chapter 19: Jailed

When the Xing Department, Dali Temple and others were awakened, they heard Ye Chang say the word "check", and their hearts were stunned.
After taking a nap, I regained a bit of energy, and everyone felt that it seemed to have returned to blood, and I was energized.
With an order from Ye Chang, the Imperial Forest Army swarmed in and conducted a thorough investigation of the Guozhang Mansion.
The Guozhang Mansion is huge, covering an area of ​​one hundred acres, with houses and courtyards, many pavilions and pavilions. For a while, I heard people screaming and clanging, things clanging, and the movement was huge.
The governor who had locked himself in the study finally couldn't help but rushed out angrily when the Imperial Forest Army knocked on the study door several times.
Xu Yunchu took the first step to stabilize the governor, and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, you have never forgotten that the emperor respects the ministers in your heart. Our governor’s mansion can have today, it is the grace of the emperor. The empress dowager, the queen, two generations to date, The first emperor, the emperor, the emperor, and the emperor’s court, if this is the case, he is an extremely human minister."
The head of the country was angry and took a break.
Xu Yunchu waved his hand to the commander of the Imperial Forest Army and said softly, "Commander Zhao, check it out."
Commander Zhao bowed his hand to the governor and led people into the study of the governor.
Half an hour later, he came out of the master's study, took out a memorial, and handed it to Ye Chang.
Seeing this, the head of the country was furious, "It was a memorial written by the official to the emperor, and it has not been submitted yet."
Ye Chang didn't say a word, opened the memorial and took a look, his eyes narrowed, and then he looked up, but his eyes were cold, "The memorial presented by the governor to the emperor actually put a half-step poison in the memorial to the emperor. Do you want to poison the emperor? "
The head of the country was shocked, and then furious, "Ye Chang, what are you talking about? How could this officer poison the emperor?"
Ye Chang did not speak, and handed the memorial to Xu Yunchu.
Xu Yunchu also froze for a moment, then stepped forward to take it, and when he opened it, his expression changed drastically.
This memorial was indeed written by the governor of the country. It was written by him last night, asking the emperor to dismiss him from thoroughly investigating these cases. Between the lines, I was extremely dissatisfied with Ye Chang. The folding leaf inside was already dark, and the black was unusual, so Zhao Zhenyun saw it and immediately took it out to Ye Shang.
Xu Yun first realized that this is half a step to death, as long as he is infected with this poison, his life will cease within half a moment.
His complexion changed a few times, and he turned his head to the furious state leader and said, "Grandpa, there is indeed a half-step death on it." After a pause, he explained, "It is the same as Ye Shizi's drama in the Jin Dynasty Palace yesterday. Same as poison."
The governor was also shocked and opened his eyes wide, looking at Xu Yunchu.
Xu Yunchu nodded affirmatively to him.
The head of the country suddenly said angrily, "Impossible. You were here when I wrote this memorial yesterday. I have never touched anyone except you." When the words fell, he immediately shook his head and turned to Zhao Zhenyun suddenly, angrily , "It's you, you just made some tricks on the memorial. I want to harm our country's government."
Zhao Zhenyun said with a cold face, "The head of the country is cautious in his words and deeds. When I checked the study of the head of the country, several adults followed and saw it with their own eyes. How could I harm the head of the country in full view?"
The head of the country choked.
At this time, someone came to the backyard again. Zhu Yue was holding a woman's dress and a brocade box. He first handed the dress to Ye Chang and said to him, "This piece of agarwood satin woven by Lingshan is made of His clothes were found in the wing of Mrs. Guo's uncle."
Xu Yunchu looked at the dress in surprise.
Ye Chang took the clothes, stretched out his hand, and saw that a corner of the skirt was missing. He took out the piece of clothing that Li Mo had held before his death from his sleeve, butted it against it, and it was actually tightly fitted.
This piece of clothing turned out to be on this dress.
Xu Yunchu took a step forward, looked at the piece of clothing in Ye Chang's hand, and asked, "Ye Shizi, where did this piece of clothing come from?"
Ye Chang said to him, "Yesterday there was a deceased who was holding it in his hands. He was a one-armed man like Crazy Yi who I invited to Beijing to help investigate the case. He was killed, and he held this before he died."
Xu Yunchu nodded and stopped talking.
Ye Chang handed the clothes back to Zhu Yue, Zhu Yue took it, and handed the brocade box in his hand to Ye Chang.
Ye Chang opened the brocade box and saw that there was a row of pierced bone nails inside. He raised his eyebrows and asked Zhu Yue, "Did you find these two things from the house of Mrs. Guo's uncle?"
Zhu Yue nodded, "Exactly."
When Xu Yunchu thought of something, his face suddenly paled.
The head of the country was furious, "This must be a culprit who framed our country's palace, and the old minister wants to enter the palace and ask the emperor to call the shots."
Ye Chang waved his hand to stop him, with a plain face, "The memorial to the emperor was smeared in the memorial to the emperor. This is really scary. Fortunately, the emperor ordered me to investigate the case in time. Mansion, you can’t make it early today. If you are allowed to go to court, this memorial has already been in the hands of the emperor at this time. After the emperor has read your memorial, the consequences will be truly unthinkable. Think about it. Will the emperor see you at this time?"
The king's face changed drastically, and he said angrily, "The old minister has never done anything to harm the emperor for many years. If the old minister wants to harm the emperor, why wait until now? The old minister has already..."
"Grandpa." Xu Yunchu's voice was still gentle when he stopped the state leader.
The governor looked at Xu Yunchu, shaking the corners of his mouth, his face turned gray, and he almost shed tears.
He did not expect that the memorial he wrote in the study yesterday was smeared half-step to death, and Xu Yunchuniang’s yard unexpectedly found the object involved in the case. The clothes made of agarwood satin woven by Lingshan were tightly stitched with the object involved. The murder of Ye Chang and Master Lingyun are exactly the same. He almost felt that the sky was falling suddenly.
For so many years, after the emperor got married and took office, he has been suppressed by the Empress Dowager and the Guozhang Mansion for more than 20 years. He knew in his heart that the emperor was already dissatisfied with the power of the Guozhang's mansion, but the forces that depended on the Guozhang's mansion were intricately intertwined, and under the push, he could not help but retreat, and could only support with gritted teeth.
His son died early, but his grandson was handsome and talented. He was the man who supported the court of the court, and he couldn't help but want to give him the best court. He didn't expect to find these things in the official mansion today.
After Xu Yunchu returned to the mansion yesterday, he said that Ye Chang had been poisoned in the Jin Dynasty mansion. Someone in Beijing had arbitrarily intercepted and killed Su Qing. There were a large number of people who rushed to the Rong'an Mansion at night without involving the Guozhang Mansion. He didn't take it seriously, thinking. It is ridiculous to support the emperor's clan and Ye Chang. Ye Chang can't even hide the poisonous tea, so he can't help it. The Emperor Waste gave him such a big case as soon as he entered the court.
He also didn't expect that, overnight, the situation suddenly changed, and the Guozhang Mansion would become the man who conspired to murder the emperor and Ye Chang.
He kept trembling, angry and angry, almost unable to breathe, and said in pain, "A veteran has a life of loneliness and arrogance, treacherousness, and arrogant arrogance does not see the officials in his eyes, but he has never murdered. The emperor." At the end of the sentence, he wanted to run and hit the wall, "The emperor is on the earth, and the old minister is willing to die."
He had just rushed two steps, before hitting the wall, he was stopped by Xu Yunchu, and said in a deep voice, "Grandpa, these exhibits are not enough to close the case, saying that it was done by our country’s Zhang’s residence. Can't die."
The governor looked at Xu Yunchu.
Xu Yunchu waved his hand on his neck, smashed him into a faint, reached out his hand to catch his body, looked at Ye Chang and said, "Grandpa can't bear it for a while, and fainted. If Ye Shizi arranges for treatment, please let me and Grandpa, take care of him nearby."
Ye Chang glanced at the head of the state who was fainted by Xu Yunchu, and nodded indifferently, then turned and said to the adults, "The mansion of the head of the state found out what was involved in the case, and the memorial was used to wipe out the half-step murder of the emperor. Especially big, Ben Shizi thinks that everyone in the Guozhang's Mansion will be immediately taken to the sky jail for trial. What do the adults think?"
Everyone from the Criminal Ministry and Dali Temple glanced at each other and nodded together, "Ye Shizi is reasonable, and I have no opinion."
Ye Chang looked at Xu Yunchu, "Uncle Xiaoguo has anything else to say, or if I want to report something to the emperor, I will enter the palace later, so I can help you pass it on."
Xu Yunchu shook his head, "Thank you Ye Shizi, I have nothing to say."
Ye Chang nodded, and said to Zhao Zhenyun, "Put the country's head and uncle Xiaoguo into a cell, order them to go down, take care of them, and not to slack off."
"Yes." Zhao Commander waved his hand, and the Yulin Army rushed to the prisoners.
Not long after the government removed the slaves, all the people who were born by the blood relatives and the concubines were escorted out and taken away and taken to the sky prison.
Xu Lingyi is Miss Guozhangfu, and this is no exception. After she was taken out, her face turned pale and she was shocked. Looking at Ye Chang standing among the officials, he was a little tired, but he still couldn't hide his grace. His appearance and demeanor were truly unique in the world. Can't help shouting, "Ye Shizi!"
Ye Chang turned his head and glanced, and saw Hua Rong's pale Xu Lingyi, and Mrs. Guo's uncle who was being held by her side.
The madam of the country's uncle is the mother-of-law of Xu Yunchu and Xu Lingyi. Since the uncle of the country died of illness a few years ago, the lady of the country's uncle has stayed in the simplest state and walked with the wives of the various houses in Beijing without leaving the house.
Ye Chang remembers the last time she saw her, it was the palace banquet one year ago.
He only glanced, then looked away and waved his hand to Zhao Zhenyun.
Zhao Zhenyun waved his hand and led the people to drag Xu Lingyi down. At the same time, dozens of people from the Guozhang's Mansion rushed to the jail together.
The servants of the Guozhang's Mansion didn't expect that the sky of the Guozhang's Mansion would change overnight. Everyone knelt on the ground, with their faces as earthy, for fear that they would also be affected, and they were also taken to the sky prison with the masters.
After the people of the Guozhang Mansion were taken into the sky prison, the whole Guozhang Mansion fell silent. For a while, the huge Guozhang Mansion felt like a mountain, desolate and desolate. Before autumn, there was a kind of coolness in the wind. Cool coldness.
Ye Chang didn't find it difficult to be a servant of the Guozhang's mansion, waved to everyone, and led them out of the Guozhang's mansion.
------Off-topic ------
Mom: This is a third watch, see you tomorrow~
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