Vol 2 Chapter 113: Entering the room (one more)

Su Fengnuan silently Ren Ye Chang dragged her back to her Feng Nuan Pavilion.
Because of Su Fengnuan's recent years, whether it was in the countryside where the Su family had settled or returned to the capital Su Mansion, her life at home was limited since she was a child. Therefore, the maidservant who did not wait before returned to Su Mansion, her mother Although she was given to two maids who were waiting for her, she was also put aside to the outer courtyard leisurely. Therefore, Feng Nuan Pavilion is very quiet, and there are no people walking around.
Ye Chang entered the Su Mansion into the wind and warm pavilion as if he entered his own house, and his footsteps were relaxed and relaxed.
He stepped into the door, came to the main room, stretched out his hand to open the door casually, and then pulled Su Fengnuan into the threshold and walked into the so-called her boudoir.
Su Feng Nuan thought of a word for entering the room, and felt that it fits the current situation very well.
After Ye Chang pulled Su Fengnuan into the room, he let go of her hand, and said to her wearily, "Pour me a glass of water." After speaking, he took off his coat and went to her bed. He took off his shoes and lay on her bed.
Su Fengnuan stared at him for a moment, then rolled his eyes, "Don't you have long hands?"
"I'm tired." Ye Chang closed his eyes and whispered.
Su Fengnuan was speechless, walked to the table, poured him a glass of water, came to the bed, and handed it to him, "How do you drink when you lie down like this? Don't tell me to feed you."
Ye Chang opened his eyes and looked at her.
Su Fengnuan saw that his eyes were like a Wang Qingquan, clear and beautiful, she held up the water glass to signal him to get up and drink.
Ye Chang got up slowly, supporting the bed with one hand and taking the water glass with the other.
Su Fengnuan drank a lot of tea at the Baihua Banquet, and was not thirsty, so she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him, thinking that he is here now, no one is here, so you can speak more clearly. , Said seriously, "What I said earlier, you seem to have not listened to it?"
Ye Chang drank the water and looked up at her, "Listen."
Su Fengnuan raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, "Since you listened, what are you doing with my mother in the palace?"
Ye Chang said nothing, lowered his head, and continued to drink a glass of water.
Su Feng warmed his body and leaned on one side. Seeing that he was silent, he was a little tired and said, "Ye Chang, I think we have been very good these years. We should not change and kill this kind of good. In the end, it will not treat you or me. Well, the gain is not worth the loss."
Ye Chang remained silent, continuing to drink the water in the cup, but his movements were extremely slow.
Su Fengnuan looked at him, and he was so thin that he was about to fall when the wind blew. Since she returned to Beijing, his body, with such a tough soul in it, has done a lot of big things, so that others can only see him repeatedly injured, but they can't see him secretly. Those tactics and calculations made by the land conceal his ability under the appearance of injury.
Although she knew it clearly in her heart, she couldn't bear the torment that he was hurting again and again, which made her feel distressed and helpless, and she couldn't bear the torture of her being so tight that she couldn't breathe and didn't dare to breathe for fear of collapse.
Over time, there will always be times when you can't stand it.
A few days ago, it was one thing that he was irritated about her cheating his brother into the marriage contract. Today, it is another thing that Lin Zhixiao expressed his affection for her with the peony flower. If this relationship is not curbed, there may be more things in the future.
Time is the most ruthless thing. If it goes on for a long time, it will wear out, and only resentment and bad will remain.
She didn't want to be like that, she thought, Ye Shang shouldn't be willing either, let alone the two closest ones hurt each other.
Ye Chang finished drinking a glass of water, handed her the empty glass, and lay back on the bed without saying a word.
Su Fengnuan looked at him, and she had known for a long time that in this life, if she could bow her head to anyone, and who could take it, she would be Ye Chang. He had this ability since he was a child, and she couldn't help him.
She raised her hand and threw the cup onto the table. The cup fell on the table lightly and made a very soft noise. She thought that since he didn’t want to talk, let’s talk about it another day. Let him calm down first. Reached out and pushed him, "Go to sleep inside and make room for me."
Ye Chang moved inside after hearing this.
Su Fengnuan lay on the outside of the bed next to him, and closed his eyes.
After a while, when she was about to fall asleep, Ye Chang whispered, "Su Fengnuan, you said this to abandon me, right? You don't care about me since then, right? You hate me. Enough of my temper, right?"
Su Fengnuan stretched out her hand to help her forehead, and said depressed, "You misunderstand what I mean, I think, we are still the same as before, okay?"
Ye Chang quietly whispered, "How is it like before? You mean, you will leave Beijing to travel as before. Jianghu is what you like, and Beijing is your inn. Same, come back to Beijing to see me twice, how many days will you stay?"
Su Fengnuan shook his head, "Not at all. Now I can't get out of my body. I always have to stay in Beijing. I'm talking about our relationship. It's the same as before. It's good to be like relatives. There is no need to get closer. Together."
Ye Chang turned his head to look at her, "You mean, you knotted hair with me that day and said,'Keeping hair is a husband and wife, and you have no doubt about love.' Don't count?"
Su Feng Nuan pursed his lips and said with a headache, "Is it a husband and wife? Is it that important? Ye Chang, our temperaments are too similar. How far do you think we can go? One day in the future, maybe we will be bothered by each other, why bother? "
Ye Chang pursed his lips, "Are you not so confident about the close relationship between you and me, and the life of a couple?"
Su Fengnuan nodded, sincerely, "For so many years, we pride ourselves on knowing each other, maybe we don’t know as much as we thought. You have lived in the capital for a long time, and I have lived in the countryside for a long time, and have different views on many things. . I think it’s a small thing, but you think it’s a big thing. I think it’s a big thing, but you think it’s a small thing. In addition to this, there may be other things that will have differences. How can it last?"
Ye Chang opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her, "So?"
Su Fengnuan also opened his eyes and turned his head to look at him, sincerely and earnestly, "So, let's go back to the past! Okay? Today you dragged my mother into the palace to give a marriage. There may be a lot of anger in my heart. Inside, but fortunately something happened to the prince, and the marriage failed, so he was able to rein in the cliff."
Ye Chang said nothing.
Su Fengnuan said sincerely, "I will help you choose another good relationship. Maybe you don't like her that much, but as long as she doesn't bore you, she has a good temper and a good temper. She will let you and obey you everywhere. It’s already great to follow you. You can’t find such a woman in the world. Sun Qingxue from the Prime Minister’s Mansion is great when I look at it. Originally, I thought it would be great if she was my sister-in-law, but I wondered if she could marry Here you are, with her character, I am very relieved."
Ye Chang's face suddenly changed.
Seeing his ugly expression, Su Fengnuan immediately said, "Of course, if you don't like Sun Qingxue, whoever you look at and reluctantly looks at other women, it's okay..."
Ye Chang suddenly couldn't help but angrily said, "You said you want to choose another good marriage for me, then you will also choose another marriage, right?"
Su Fengnuan thought for a while, and said honestly, "It depends on the future. If anyone is still reluctant to live with me, I will choose a marriage, which is not a bad idea. At present, I don't necessarily choose anyone. What's next..."
Ye Chang suddenly sat up, stared at her, and said angrily, "You dream!"
Seeing that he was in a hurry, Su Fengnuan wondered if this matter had become a knot and could not be solved?
She also sat up and said slowly to him, "Don't be angry, don't worry, I say this, and I think it is good for both of us. Now you may be still angry and not calm, then we will not Say this. You are tired and I am very tired. When I wake up, I have to go to the Prince's Mansion. If you calm down this matter another day, let's talk about it."
Ye Chang looked at her angrily, "After another year or ten, I won't be able to calm down."
Su Fengnuan looked at him speechlessly, "You really don't listen to me at all. Do you have to let us look at each other to the point where you feel satisfied?"
Ye Chang said angrily, "Su Fengnuan, since childhood, what have you given up easily? How much have you scouted for me with those difficult things? Who knows, I'm afraid I think I want to do Biden The sky is still hard, hard to imagine. But you did it all. Why did you give up so easily because of the relationship between you and me? Since childhood, even if you liked me, you didn’t want to marry me. Up to now, because of these two things, I can easily use it as an excuse and say something that would be bothersome to see each other for a long time."
Su Fengnuan looked at him and couldn't help refuting, "Emotion is not a thing, marriage is not a thing, so it can't be compared."
Ye Chang said angrily, "How can I compare? How can I not compare? Do you think that my thoughts on you are because I am used to you since I was a child, so I can’t let go? What do you think I am? I'm used to Qianhan, why don't I want to be close to him?"
Su Fengnuan was angrily laughed, "What are you talking about? What did you do to pull Qian Han out?"
Ye Chang said angrily, "I love you to my bones, and I can't wait for the bones and blood to merge with yours, so I want to marry you for a lifetime or even ten lifetimes. Su Fengnuan, do you understand? No heart? Or are you accustomed to the countryside, afraid of being with me, I became your bondage, you always want to push me away, now you have simply found a reason and completely abandoned me."
Su Fengnuan was speechless again.
Ye Chang looked at her, "I have a bad temper, you are used to it, yes, I always bully you, and I am used to losing my temper to you, and you are used to it. Now you are unwilling to bear me, unwilling to be used to me. Yes, you tell me clearly that I will change it. Anyway, you don’t want me to marry you another. Just interrupt this dream and stop thinking about it ever since."
------Off-topic ------
This is one more~
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