Vol 2 Chapter 145: Emperor's Fury (one more)

When the emperor gave an order, there were soldiers outside to enter the hall, and he dragged the Shangshu of the Ministry of War.
Shangshu of the Ministry of War turned pale with horror, and shouted again and again, "The emperor, forgive me!"
The emperor was extremely angry, "Hold it!"
A soldier dragged the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, regardless of his shouting, untied his black gauze hat, and dragged him out of the hall.
For a while, everyone was panicked.
For many years, Shang Shu of the Ministry of War has sat firmly in his position. Since Su Che resigned twelve years ago, Shang Shu of the Ministry of War has been upright, quite stable in the military, and had a good relationship with Su Che in the past. Valued by the emperor. The Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Penalty have changed several titles in recent years, but the Ministry of War still sits on this chair securely, and nothing has gone wrong.
This spring, the Northern Zhou Dynasty invaded the Western Territory, and Su Che was ordered to lead troops to fight in the Western Territory. The Ministry of War Shangshu made no little effort afterwards, and the logistics supply was very stable. It can be said that Su Che can win this battle, and the Ministry of War also contributed a lot.
Now, I didn't expect that Yanbei's three eight hundred li expedited papers could not be sent to Beijing, and the post station had caused such a mess. It was only natural for the emperor to find the head of Shangshu of the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War governs the selection and assignment of military posts, sanctions, military status, ordnance, imprisonment, post stations and other matters.
The eight hundred miles of the Hejian post station was not sent to Beijing in time, which was also a major omission in the jurisdiction of the post station.
Under the emperor's anger, most of the civil and military courtiers dared to intercede for the Ministry of War.
The prime minister and Wang Lu looked at each other, and the prime minister walked out and pleaded, "The emperor, the minister thought that the Hejian Post is more than three hundred miles away from the capital, and the Ministry of War is not under the jurisdiction of the moment, and it is sympathetic. Let’s look at Su Qing’s memorials. What has been said, the punishment of Shangshu of the Ministry of War is suspended."
The emperor picked up Su Qing's memorial after hearing this.
Su Qing's memorial was written in great detail. After he reported the death of all the people in Hejian Station and the post-mortem, he also mentioned what Hejian County Guard said about the stationmaster's long-term closed-door drinking and entertainment, which led to major incidents. , The county guard did not know anything.
The emperor looked even more annoyed, "It's Jingyanghou again!"
When the officials heard the emperor mention Jingyanghou, seeing the emperor's face pale, he dared not say anything for a while.
The emperor handed Su Qing's memorial to Xiaoquanzi and ordered, "Pass it on and show them all."
Koizumi hurriedly took the memorial, went down the jade stage, and handed it to the prime minister. After the prime minister saw it, he passed it on in turn. After the officials glanced over, they thought that Jingyanghou's wife and cousin was too shameful. If he hadn't been behind closed doors for drinking and having fun all day long, there wouldn't have been an accident at the Hejian Station for four or five days without anyone knowing.
Wang Lu went out and said, "The emperor and the middle of the court were just when they were employing people. Although Shangshu of the Ministry of War has done it, it is only a crime of lax jurisdiction at the station, and it will not decapitate."
The emperor was still furious, "The postmaster of the Hejian Station is such an ignorant person who is drinking and having fun, how can he administer the station? How important is the military post that has been handed over to the hands of such a fanatic. Now he has been killed for four or five days. People report. Is the post station in vain? It has delayed Yanbei’s emergency military situation, shouldn’t I punish the crime of Shangshu of the Ministry of War? Didn’t he never know that the Hejian post station was used by such a drunkard?"
The prime minister took over and said, "Back to the emperor, the old official remembered that the postmaster of the Hejian Station was once the will of the Grand Princess Ruiyue asking you for the emperor, and you personally approved the appointment with him."
The emperor was startled, "When?"
The prime minister said, "Ten years ago, on the birthday of Grand Princess Ruiyue, Mrs. Hou Ji’s cousin of Jingyang Hou Ji gave a warm smoke pot. The princess liked it very much. When she learned that he wanted to be the postmaster of the Hejian Station, she asked You asked for your will. You think it's rare for Princess Ruiyue to speak to you once, and it's another post office staffer, so she agreed. At that time, the old minister was in the Princess's residence, so remember this."
The emperor suddenly said, "When you say this, I also remembered that there is such a thing."
The prime minister said, "Because it was appointed by the emperor himself, for many years, there have been no major mistakes. In the face of the princess Ruiyue and Jingyanghou, the book of war can only open one eye and close one eye. In terms of this matter, although Shangshu of the Ministry of War is guilty of lax jurisdiction, it is not convicted of death. Now it is still necessary to find out who killed all the talents at Hejian Station as soon as possible."
The emperor’s expression was a bit unbearable for a while when he heard the words, but he didn’t expect that it was his appointment to the postmaster of the Hejian Station in the final analysis. He said with a calm face,
I didn’t expect that I was also responsible. After I heard the princess Ruiyue, I appointed a drinker. The misfortune, the prime minister’s statement is reasonable, it is necessary to find out as soon as possible who killed the owner of the station and interrupted Yanbei’s rush." ​​After the words fell, he raised his voice and said, "Come on, bring back Shangshu from the Ministry of War Come inside the hall."
Someone responded and brought back the Shangshu of the Ministry of War tied outside the Meridian Gate.
The Shangshu of the Ministry of War turned pale with fright. After entering the inner hall, his crown was not correct, he knelt in the hall immediately and kowtowed his head to thank the emperor, "The old official thanks the emperor for not killing."
The emperor looked at him with a calm face, "Ten years ago, even though I believed that Princess Ruiyue recommended and personally appointed the postmaster of Hejian, you, as the minister of war, should have the responsibility of monitoring the postmaster. He neglected his duty. , Drunkard, you should report to me for punishment. But you indulged in him, and now you have made a big mistake, can you be convicted?"
"The minister is guilty." Shangshu of the Ministry of War knelt down and pleaded guilty.
The emperor said solemnly, "Now that the court is using people, I think you have never made any mistakes for many years. Now that the prime minister is pleading for you, I will spare you the crime of beheading your head and order you to perform meritorious deeds. You will supervise Nan Qi from now on. All post stations, as long as there are such dereliction of duty, will be guilty. At the same time, we must not slacken the supply of grain, grass and ordnance in Yanbei, and we must ensure the supply and demand of 30,000 soldiers and horses and 50,000 Yulin troops to Yanbei. If Yanbei is safe and sound , I will no longer hold you accountable. If Yanbei cannot keep it, you can thank the world by yourself."
"Yes, the minister leads the decree." Shangshu of the Ministry of War repeatedly knocked on his head.
The emperor turned to Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry again, "Everyone in the entire Hejian Post was killed. The Criminal Ministry immediately sent people to Hejian to cooperate with Su Qing to thoroughly investigate the case. You must find out this case to me. Who dared to kill the court officials and delay the military affairs? ."
"Yes." Shangshu of the Criminal Department quickly took the order.
The emperor said again, "Hejian County is afraid of the power of Jingyang Hou Mansion, and he respects the postmaster of Hejian. He does not pay attention to it. Hejian County is under the jurisdiction of a county. When such a big case arises, he shut his eyes and listened. For four or five days without knowing it, it is regarded as a crime of dereliction of duty, and should be dismissed and punished on the basis of the crime." After that, he instructed Koizumi, "Quickly pass on my will and order Su Qing to investigate and handle the Hejian County Guard!"
"Yes!" Koizumiko responded quickly.
The emperor scanned the Manchu Civil and Martial Arts again, and Shao calmed down his voice and asked, "Everyone, who has this melodrama?"
Manchu civil and military, look at me and I look at you, no one speaks.
The emperor simply said, "Since there is no more memorabilia, let's retreat."
The officials were startled, thinking that the emperor had only mentioned Jingyanghou, and then stopped mentioning the imprisonment of Anguo Gong and Jingyanghou. This is obviously an iron case that has already been settled, and even the Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple do not have to go through. The trial is taken directly, and this is the first time since the emperor ascended the throne. Obviously, it is not to make people intercede with these two houses.
Everyone who has never been involved in the case in the hall is already aware of the case of the death of King Rong An and the princess 12 years ago and the case of concealment of the Lingshan plague four years ago. The concubine Yue Gui and An Guogong and Jingyanghou were involved in the case and deceived the emperor and traitor . Even people who have friendship with the two provinces dare not intercede, let alone say a word.
So, after the emperor said a word of retreat without a foundation, all the officials all knelt to the ground, and the mountain called Long live.
After the emperor left the Jinluan Temple, he waited for Father Yan outside the temple to step forward and said in a low voice respectfully, "The slave visits the emperor, and the queen mother invites you to go to Ci'an Palace after you have dispersed."
The emperor asked in a deep voice, "What can I do for the queen mother?"
Duke Yan whispered, "It's about Princess Ruiyue."
The emperor heard the words and said, "If you go back and report to the queen mother, you will say that the princess Ruiyue has my own judgment, so that the queen mother doesn't care."
Seeing that the emperor's face was very ugly, Grandpa Yan didn't dare to say any more, he hurriedly responded and turned back to Ci'an Palace.
The emperor walked to the imperial study room.
Seeing that the emperor was going to the imperial study room, Koizumi quickly reminded and advised him in a low voice, "The emperor, you have not slept well all night. If you continue this way, your body can't stand it. You can't fall down. You should go back to the sleeping hall and have a rest. ! Otherwise, if Yanbei comes to the military again, what if you fall ill?"
The emperor paused when he heard the words.
Koizumi continued his efforts, "The emperor, there is still the prince lying in the sleeping hall, and it is now the seventh day, counting the hour, if Miss Su's words are not bad, the prince will soon wake up."
The emperor heard the words, "Go back to the bedroom."
Koizumi quickly responded and ordered the guard of honor to turn back to the emperor's bedroom.
After the emperor returned to the emperor's bedroom, he saw that the prince was still lying in the bedroom, motionless and did not wake up. He motioned to Koizumi to come forward to check his body temperature, Koizumi came closer, touched the prince's chest, and nodded to the emperor.
The emperor rubbed his eyebrows and told Koizumi, "You stare at me, and the prince wakes up and calls me immediately."
"Yes, the minion looked at the prince, the emperor, rest assured, once the prince wakes up, the minion will call you immediately." Koizumiko responded.
The servant took off the emperor's dragon robe, and the emperor lay on the dragon couch.
After the courtiers left the main hall, no one went to the imperial study room or the imperial bedroom to tell about the affairs of the court. They all left the palace together. When the courts were scattered in the past, they talked about court affairs in groups of three or five. Today courtiers They all closed their mouths, and walked out of the palace carefully with their hearts.
The so-called, the water is clear, there are no fish. The courtiers have been officials for many years, and they have more or less private affairs, especially the Anguo Gongfu and Jingyanghoufu. One of these two houses has been favored since the time of Emperor Taizong until the current emperor is still very popular. One of the most respected mansions is the Jingyanghou Mansion supported by the Emperor Xian's elder sister because of his love for his elder sister.
Now that one of the two houses has Taizong's pill book in his hand, and the other has the gold medal of death immunity in the hand of the first emperor, it doesn't work. Everyone is arrested and put to jail. It is obviously a case that is rushed to copy and cut. Although the emperor has not copied the express decree of cutting, it must be sooner or later.
For a time, the entire Kyoto, unprecedented hustle and bustle and unprecedented silence.
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This is one more~
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