Vol 2 Chapter 155: Use family method (one more)

Su Fengnuan looked at the person who rushed into her arms and hugged her and cried.
She was not a crying lord since she was a child. Under the guidance of her father, the three elders above all boasted of being a man, let alone crying. Her mother has a cheerful temperament, and at most she has red eyes, and she has never seen her fall. Tears. Ye Chang is a master who knocks down his teeth and swallows blood. When the heat hits him to the extreme, his eyebrows are even more deserted and he never shed tears. Not to mention her master and brother. Over the years, she has been walking outside, and the people around her watched as tender and stubborn. From childhood to adulthood, she had never been cried like this by anyone. In other words, she Even more so than a man, this woman can't see her embrace and tears.
She looked at Su Sixuan, coughed, and then coughed, and then said helplessly, "Don't cry, cry again, the neck wound will open, and you will have scars for the rest of your life. It will be ugly."
Su Sixuan was crying violently, the day-time burden was frightened, the horror of Chu Han still being held hostage to escape in the fire, and the threat of being cut through his neck, etc., flashed from her mind over and over again, like a nightmare. After waking up, knowing that he had returned to the Yanbei Palace, knew that he had done something wrong, but was rescued by Su Fengnuan, so he let Chu Han go, regretting it. Although he came to this yard, he did not dare to come in. After waiting for the emotional backlog, after hearing something from Su Fengnuan, he finally found a catharsis.
She wanted to vent something freely, but when she heard her reminding her of her neck injury, she stopped abruptly, blinking her watery eyes hard, looking at her expectantly, "Sister, there you are, I Doesn’t scar her neck, right? I don’t want to scar."
Su Fengnuan was angry and funny, thinking that her mother didn’t give her a sister, and God couldn’t see it. She gave her the younger sister from her second uncle’s house, and made her feel the little sister’s spoiled little sister. Faulty creature? She was speechless for a moment, and nodded solemnly to her, "If you don't want to scar, don't cry. If you cry any more, if you don't heal your wounds, my medical skills won't work."
Su Sixuan was very obedient when she heard that, she quickly took out her veil and kept wiping her tears.
Su Zhen stood by, and was as helpless as Su Fengnuan. The Su family in Yanbei didn't know what was going on. One of them was a son, and the other was a son, and they lacked a daughter. He finally had a daughter, and he was naturally regarded as a treasure. She was used to spoiling her since she was a child and never let her suffer. He was also an adopted daughter, and he had to admire his elder brother Su Che at this time. He brought up his daughter better than him. Although she suffered so much in the past, she will give others the share of suffering from now on. What makes him worry so much like his daughter now.
After Su Zhen sighed with emotion, he said that it was a fake not to feel sorry for Su Si Xuan, but thought that she would fall into Chu Han's hands, not to say anything bad, if it weren't for Su Feng Nuan to save her, there might be unimaginable consequences. He tensed his face suddenly and said angrily, "Don't kneel down for me!"
Su Sixuan jumped with a horror, looked at Su Zhen, saw that his face was blue, her eyes flushed again, tears suddenly welled up in her eyes, and she was about to cry. But thinking of Su Fengnuan's words, he suffocated again and shouted "Father."
"Kneel down!" Su Zhen said sternly.
Su Sixuan had never seen Su Zhen's appearance, and immediately knelt on the ground obediently.
Su Zhen told the outside, "Come here, come by the law of the family! Today I want the law of the family!"
Su Sixuan's face turned pale, but she obviously knew that she had done something wrong, so she didn't dare to beg for mercy or argue.
Someone outside responded.
None of the Yanbei King and the elder uncles in the house opened their mouths to plead for Su Si Xuan.
Su Fengnuan sighed and said, "Hold on."
Su Zhen turned to her immediately, "Fate, you are not allowed to intercede with her. Today, she should be punished for doing such a big mistake. If she is not allowed to learn a lesson, she will still not have a long memory in the future."
Su Fengnuan said, "Second Uncle, I am not going to plead for my sister, but you always want to listen to her, how did she leave the city, where and how was she caught by Chu Han? Yanbei city is guarded strictly, she can still Getting out of the city without you knowing it is also a skill."
Su Zhen felt reasonable when he heard the words, and said to Su Sixuan with a sullen face, "Then you tell it! After you finish speaking, you will execute the family law."
Su Sixuan said in a low voice, "I crawled out of the dog hole."
Su Zhen heard the words and said, "You are really my good daughter, the little princess of the dignified Yanbei Palace, actually climbing the dog hole?"
Su Sixuan shrank her neck and said in a low voice, "Yanbei has been trapped for many days, and can't wait for the rescue of the court. Grandpa fell ill. I wanted to go out to find my sister to rescue Yanbei, so I crawled out of the dog hole. , But I didn’t go far, I was discovered by soldiers from the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and brought to the second prince. The second prince saw through my identity and said it was just right. Let me see how he killed my sister, and took me. I went to Fengkou Mountain to set up an ambush..."
Su Zhen said angrily, "How many people were sent by the Yanbei Palace to deliver letters. When Wuwanggu's formation was not broken, the letter could still be sent out. After Wuwanggu formation was broken, the Northern Zhou Dynasty trapped Yanbei City. A fly can't fly out, do you have any brains? You don't have the ability to want to get out of Yanbei from under the noses of soldiers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty? It's a dream!"
Su Sixuan held back her tears and whispered, "My sister once taught me some self-defense techniques. I think maybe I can avoid the soldiers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty...Father, I know it's wrong."
Su Zhen was even more furious when he heard that, "How many defensive techniques can I avoid the Northern Zhou soldiers? I don't know how high the sky is."
Su Si Xuan said nothing.
Su Fengnuan thought that she could not be harassed by her before, so she wanted to find something to do for her, so she taught her a few ways to defend herself, but she didn't expect this to cause harm. She talked, "Second Uncle calmed down and let her continue."
Su Sixuan glanced at Su Fengnuan, and continued to whisper, "The second prince held me to Fengkou Mountain, where a hundred thousand soldiers and horses were in ambush. I was shocked and frightened. After waiting for two hours, I didn't expect a fire in Fengkou Mountain. The second prince was frightened and angry, and ordered the soldiers to retreat, but the wind on Fengkou Mountain was too strong, and there were vegetation and thorns, and the soldiers retreated not as fast as the fire, and many people were swallowed into the fire. I knew it must be my sister who set the fire. He wanted to leave me behind, but somehow he dragged me out of the forest. Then I saw my sister and realized that he was trying to threaten her with me. At that time, I thought I can't help but commit suicide..."
The more she talked, the smaller her voice became, and in the end she almost cried again.
Su Fengnuan thought that this younger sister was born in the Yanbei Palace since she was a child, and grew up in the Yanbei Palace. Although she was spoiled and raised by others, she hadn't raised her mind. When she rescued her, she heard her yelling for Chu Han to kill her, and it was obvious that there was also the rigidity of Yan Beisu's family in her bones. It's just that he has been spoiled by mistake, and has become a real little princess.
Su Zhen said in an aura, "You still know that you want to die, and it's still saved! Otherwise, Su Zhen doesn't have a humiliating daughter like you."
Su Si Xuan finally couldn't bear to cry again.
Seeing her this time, Su Fengnuan was shocked, frightened and scared, so this should be a real lesson this time. He said, "Well, second uncle, although I came, I only brought 30,000 soldiers and horses, Yanbei is not really out of danger now. Although the wound on my sister's neck is not deep, it is difficult to raise. Family law first Let her remember! It won’t be too late after the Northern Zhou retreats and Yanbei Anshun. Everyone is tired today. Grandpa is already ill. It’s just a matter of taking care of it."
At this time, King Yanbei coughed and said, "Okay, you are used to your daughter's pampering. If you want to use family law, she should not suffer alone, you should also suffer. I am sick now and move you. No family law. Remember your family law together. Just as Yuanyuan said, after the Northern Zhou retreats, we will settle the accounts together."
Su Zhen was speechless for a while.
King Yanbei said, "Everyone is tired today. The fate has travelled thousands of miles and is even more tired. Let her go and rest. Chu Han has lost 90,000 soldiers and horses, and he will definitely not give up. There is a tough battle to fight."
Su Zhen also felt reasonable after hearing this, and said to Su Sixuan, "In that case, get up first! After the Northern Zhou Dynasty retreats, I will settle the account for you. From now on, you will give me a little peace and no trouble."
Su Sixuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, nodded repeatedly, and stood up.
Su Fengnuan has a courtyard in the Yanbei King's Mansion. After leaving the Yanbei King's courtyard, he walked to his own courtyard.
Su Sixuan then chased it out and grabbed Su Fengnuan's cuff, "Sister, I want to sleep with you."
Su Zhen also came out of King Yanbei’s yard afterwards. Hearing these words, he immediately reprimanded, "Your sister is tired, what are you doing? Let her go to rest, and you will immediately give me back to your yard. In the last few days, I have to think about it behind closed doors, but whenever I see you bothering your sister, I will immediately take action against you."
Su Sixuan immediately loosened Su Fengnuan's sleeves, and didn't dare to entangle her any more.
Su Fengnuan looked at her pitiful appearance, thinking that this girl was also courageous, and escaped from the dead without falling ill. Now that they can live and live, it is really the blood and blood of the Su family. Although they are delicate, they are not afraid of life and death.
She stretched out her hand and patted her face gently, and said with a smile, "You climbed out of the dog hole today and wanted to find me to deliver the letter. When Yanbei City is in danger, everyone should unite outward and muster the courage to seek a way of life. There is nothing wrong with this. But I am overpowered, I was caught by others, and threatened by others, so that I was restrained because of you, and under threats, I could only release the enemy in order to save you. This is where the wrong place lies. Do you understand? If you want to help, if you don't help, you must first learn to protect yourself."
Su Sixuan nodded her head, and whispered, "Understood."
Su Fengnuan patted her face again, "Hey, now that you understand, go to rest, I am indeed tired." After the words came, she stepped up to her yard.
Su Sixuan looked at Su Fengnuan's back, touched her face, grinned, and muttered softly, "Just like before, treat me as a kid."
Su Zhen stared, "In your sister's eyes, aren't you just a child? Don't go back and rest soon!"
Su Sixuan nodded, like a little mouse afraid of a cat, she hurried back to her yard, not daring to irritate Su Zhen again. Today she has seen his father's sternness.
------Off-topic ------
This is one more~
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