Vol 3 Chapter 22: Satisfied (two more)

Su Fengnuan accompanied Ye Chang for dinner, and was afraid that he would accumulate food after eating late at night, so he walked around the house with him for a while, and when the kitchen was fried, the soup medicine was delivered to this courtyard, and Ye Chang drank it. After getting off, the two went to bed.
When the curtain fell, Ye Chang hugged Su Fengnuan and whispered in her ear, "If I'm not tired, I really want to do something."
Su Fengnuan blushed, stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and said in a nasty voice, "Sleep, Xu Yunchu will leave for the capital tomorrow morning, and have to get up early to see him off, don't you still have something to tell him?"
Ye Chang nodded, "Yes, there is something to talk to him." When the words fell, he gently tilted his head and kissed her sideburns, and sighed contentedly, "No, it will be a long day."
Su Fengnuan waved his hand to turn off the light, and put his arm around his waist with his backhand, lying on the corner of his arm, closing his eyes.
For many days, Su Fengnuan did not eat well and sleep well. He had trouble sleeping and sleeping. Earlier, he tried his best to defeat the Northern Zhou Army, but later the Northern Zhou Army retreated, so he was busy day and night with Yanbei’s postwar affairs. Back in Beijing, now Ye Chang came, she also suddenly felt calm, many things can be done slowly, don't be too anxious, after closing her eyes, smelling Ye Chang's clear and familiar breath, she soon fell asleep.
Although Ye Chang was exhausted all the way, he was swaying with Su Fengnuan's heart. He suddenly realized that this time he came to Yanbei and saw her, there was a tendency that he couldn't control something that he would never think before. It's not that you can be satisfied with just holding her and bullying her for a little while, but instead of falling asleep as fast as Su Fengnuan.
Listening to her even breathing, he soon fell asleep extremely sweetly in his arms, and he was helpless and funny for a while. I think she must be really exhausted these days. Even more, this time I came to Yanbei arbitrarily and felt that I was really right.
If a person does not do a few willful things in his life, he may not feel the beauty and fulfillment brought about by occasional willfulness.
At this moment, he deeply realized that the person in his arms, for so many years, besides being casual, was also extremely gentle, but was covered by her casual appearance, many times, he had never Just found out.
Just like today, she sat in front of the stove and warmed up his clothes. She actually did a lot of things before.
He suddenly remembered that when he was in Lushan Academy, he found that she must be with him for a lifetime. At that time, he felt that he would be inseparable from her for the rest of his life. What about her? When did she have some thoughts about him?
Was it the moment he was found on the barren battlefield of ten miles? Or was General Su resigned before the Su family left Beijing? Or was she going to visit him at the Yanbei Palace in which year? Or when he was also in Lushan Academy, when the chief's nephew pestered her? Or is it some day in the following years? Or when he gave her a mandarin duck lantern to scare her away?
He never asked her.
In the past, he always felt that people like her have traveled around the world since childhood, visited countless places, and met people like crucian carp who have crossed the river. They have a wide world, great ability, and stubborn bones. They looked for one thing and hit the south wall. She didn't look back, what's more, her ability couldn't hit the south wall at all. There are countless advantages and countless shortcomings, but the only constant is that she will not be trapped by anyone, and he is no exception.
The advantage that he favored by her over anyone in the world is that he is the orphan of the Royal Palace of Rong'an. Judging from General Su's guilt towards the Royal Palace of Rong'an, she also felt sorry for him and wanted to protect him. This kind of protection is not love.
However, recently, especially on the day of the Baihua Banquet, he looked at her extremely sad eyebrows and extremely aggrieved expression, and suddenly felt that maybe he had been wrong all the time, and her love for him was definitely not necessary for him, it must be extremely deep.
To what extent, I am afraid that I will lose my life at all costs.
She kept hiding, hiding, even he was deceived, but she didn't find it.
Whenever he thinks about it like this, he thinks how capable he is? Although his parents had died since he was a child, God has taken away his most important family affection, but he has treated him well, and at the same time he has given him a unique treasure in the world.
Su Fengnuan was sound asleep, but somehow suddenly realized that the people around him were not asleep yet, so he stretched out his hand and patted him with sleepy eyes, "What do you want? Go to sleep, aren't you tired?"
The tone is soft, the voice is soft, this kind of tenderness and warmth seem to drift into the bones.
Ye Chang shook his mind again. He turned his head to look at her and couldn't help it. He lowered his head and kissed his lips, gently bit her lips, and allowed the kiss for a while before letting go of her, and said hoarsely, " Sleep now."
Su Fengnuan wanted to wake up, and went back to sleep after hearing this, and didn't care about being bullied by him.
Ye Chang closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep contentedly.
Su Fengnuan slept soundly and soundly. When she woke up, there was no one around. She reached out and touched. The bedding was cold. She reached out and opened the curtains. There was no one in the room. The curtains were falling, but it came in from the outside. It seemed that the sky was already bright, and the falling snow was faintly heard, obviously it was still snowing.
She suddenly remembered that Xu Yunchu left Yanbei and returned to Beijing today. The sky is like this. Has it already gone?
She reached out and tapped her forehead, wondering why she fell asleep so heavily? Even Ye Chang didn't know when he woke up. He actually slept for an hour, how could he hate him for not calling her when he got up?
She immediately pushed aside the quilt, sat up, got out of the bed, dressed properly, and hurriedly opened the door of the room.
Qian Han was standing under the eaves of the West Wing not far away. Seeing Su Fengnuan opening the door, he immediately walked over and said to her, "Girl, my son woke up an hour ago and went to the report hall to talk to Uncle Xiaoguo. , Saying that when the girl wakes up, go find him."
Su Fengnuan thought Ye Chang had been up for an hour, so had Xu Yunchu gone? She immediately asked, "Has Uncle Xiao Guo already left?"
Qian Han shook his head, "The son said, he will tell Uncle Xiaoguo that he will leave when the girl wakes up. Uncle Xiaoguo helped the girl save Yanbei and made great achievements. If the girl doesn't send him out of the city, she must be upset."
Su Fengnuan nodded, hurriedly turned back to the house, and hurried to the report hall under the snow after a brief refreshing.
The entrance of the newspaper hall was very lively, and many people had gathered. The children of Yanbei Palace, heard that Xiaoguo's uncle was going back to Beijing, and they all came to see him off. Su Sixuan and Qiuhua crowded among a group of people, cocked their feet and looked in with curiosity.
Su Fengnuan arrived, and the people gathered in front of the door were all in greeting, "Miss!"
Seeing Su Fengnuan coming, Qiuhua and Su Sixuan shouted "Sister Su" and the other called "Sister". They surrounded her with a curious expression in their eyes. They said in unison. "I heard that Ye Shizi came to Yanbei last night?"
Su Feng Nuan glanced at the two of them, amused, "Don't you all know? What else do you ask me?"
The two said in unison, "I know, but I haven't seen anyone yet."
Su Fengnuan raised his eyebrows, "I haven't seen it?"
Su Sixuan immediately grabbed Su Fengnuan's sleeve and whispered, "There are grandpa, dad, and a few uncles and elders in the report hall. We have just arrived, and we haven't seen Ye Shizi yet."
Su Fengnuan said, "Ye Chang will live in Yanbei for a few days and will see him sooner or later."
Su Sixuan said, "I heard that the people who saw Ye Shizi last night said that Ye Shizi is indeed the one you like, unparalleled in the world, no one can match..."
Su Fengnuan stretched out her hand and patted her on the head and smiled softly and said, "His looks are indeed unparalleled in the world, but his temperament is almost the same as his looks. What he likes to do most is to use a living person as his archery Target, so put your curiosity away, be careful that he catches you and puts an apple on your head to play apple shooting."
Su Sixuan said "Huh?"
Su Fengnuan turned his head and said to Qiuhua, "He also likes to eat roasted game, so, those darlings who are optimistic about you, don't accidentally offend him. If he gets caught and roasted, don’t cry for me. I don’t care. of."
Qiu Hua also said "Huh?"
Su Fengnuan pulled back his sleeves, opened the curtain, and entered the report hall.
Su Sixuan and Qiuhua stared at each other for a long while, and they both felt that Ye Shizi was like a rumor and must not be offended. He heard that whoever provokes him in the capital will not make anyone feel better. Over the years, even if he was young and young, when he was the most powerful, he did not provoke him.
One of the two thought of Ye Chang using her as a target for shooting apples, and the other thought of him roasting wolf meat. They shuddered violently, and their curiosity was immediately reduced by half, as if a snowy sky poured a basin of cold water on their heads. , Icy cold.
Su Fengnuan slept well last night, and today he bullied the two little girls. Naturally, he was in a very good mood. When he entered the threshold of the newspaper hall, the corners of his mouth were full of smiles.
In the report hall, King Yanbei, Su Zhen, Ye Chang, Xu Yunchu, the statement, and several uncles and elders of the Su family of Yanbei were all there. These people gathered together, first to see Xu Yunchu off, and second, to hear that Su Fengnuan's Ye Shizi from the Royal Palace of Rong'an, whom Su Fengnuan had been thinking about, came to Yanbei and all came to see him.
Although the Yanbei Su family loved their daughter's home like a jewel in their palms and was extremely pampered, they never paid much attention to the cultivation of any daughter. Because Yanbei Su's family doesn't need their own daughter to go out to marry the family, just find someone they like to live a happy life.
But Su Fengnuan's recognition of the ancestor and returning to the clan broke the tradition of the Su family in Yanbei. Therefore, King Yanbei and Su Zhen have the intention to let her succeed as King Yanbei. For the sake of Yanbei's future, the uncles and elders of the Su family in Yanbei have no objection. Now Su Fengnuan categorically refuses to succeed the king of Yanbei. The fact that Ye Shizi had been given the marriage to the Rong'an Prince's Mansion has already been said, and everyone naturally can't wait to see this Su Fengnuan like Ye Shizi so much.
Now that I see it, I can’t help but compare him with Xu Yunchu, thinking that although the two have their own merits, but in terms of appearance, Ye Shizi really deserves to be "unparalleled in the world, with the crown of the world." In the world, but ordinary men are afraid. No one can match.
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