Vol 3 Chapter 59: Save a pulse (one more)

After Qiuhua's parents went to Wangdi Mountain, the detoxification of Ye Shang was put on the agenda.
After the two rested for a day, the next day, the master of Wangdi Mountain, the master uncles, and the brothers of Su Fengnuan sat together to study the detoxification of Ye Shang.
After Qiuhua's mother gave Ye Chang's pulse, her face was solemn. After listening to Su Fengnuan's detoxification method, she pondered for a long time and nodded, "This is indeed the best detoxification method. It should be the only method in the world. One method can solve this extremely overbearing fever."
The eldest master said, "In this case, let's discuss what we need to pay attention to in the process of detoxification and the arrangement of our legal protectors."
Qiu Huaniang nodded.
Therefore, a group of people waited and discussed carefully.
In the end, the finalized plan was that Su Fengnuan detoxifies Ye Shang, and the closest to them is Qiuhua's father and mother. The two are husbands and wives, and they are connected with each other. Qiuhua's medical skills are superb. In response to the medical skills, Qiuhua’s dad practiced soft and soft exercises, which can assist Ye Chang. The three masters sit on the periphery of the four. If necessary, assist the two with skills, and the rest of the uncles and brothers. We sit outside the three masters to respond to emergencies.
After the negotiation, everyone rested for a day and went to Hanchi Mountain to detoxify the next day.
That night, Su Fengnuan took advantage of Ye Chang's three masters called to get familiar with Wangdi Mountain's absorption forbidden technique, and went to Qiu Huaniang's room.
Qiu Huaniang was preparing medicinal materials. Seeing her coming, she glanced at her, and said, "I came to me so sneakily, do you beg me for something?"
Su Fengnuan smiled, "I can't hide anything from Master Uncle."
Qiu Huaniang snorted, "The little girl is brave enough to dare to use the forbidden technique. For thousands of years, no one dares to use this technique in countless generations of my masters in Dishan. Now you are the first person. ."
Su Feng Nuan said flatly, "I have no choice, I can't let Ye Chang die. If he dies, I can't live."
Qiu Huaniang sighed, "The word love is really helpless." After the words fell, she said to her, "What's the matter? Let's talk!"
Su Fengnuan approached her and said in a low voice, "Uncle Rong'an, although Prince Rong'an came from the clan and Ye Chang is a descendant of the clan, he is a single pass to Rong'an Prince. I will marry Ye sooner or later. Chang, I want to give birth to children and leave blood for him. But I am afraid that the technique of extreme cold will hurt the uterine body, and the heat poison will hurt the root. In any case, I always have to preserve the blood. So, Even if all the skills are abolished at that time, even if the injuries are multiple and become useless, but you and Uncle Master must help me protect the abdomen of the uterus, I can do nothing, but I must have this, and there is no loss."
Qiu Huaniang looked at her after hearing the words. After a while, she sighed deeply and touched her head and said, "You have been in Wangdi Mountain since childhood. You are the only female disciple of Wangdi Mountain for thousands of years. It is also the descendant of Emperor Shiling. Although she is a woman, she is better than countless men in the world. If you don't want anything, you will be a real useless person since then."
Su Fengnuan looked at her, "I'm not afraid, you must promise me this. It is the most important thing to protect me tomorrow."
Qiu Huaniang nodded, "Well, since it's what you asked for, I will promise you."
Su Fengnuan stretched out her hand and hugged Qiu Huaniang, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Master Uncle."
As soon as she reached Qiu Huaniang's body, Qiu Hua's father walked in from the outside and hit her with a palm of his hand. Su Fengnuan immediately dragged Qiu Huaniang to block, Qiuhua's father was afraid of hitting his beloved wife, so he immediately took it back, Su Fengnuan dragged Qiu Huaniang to Qiuhua's father and turned his head to hold Qiu Huaniang again. Rubbing hard, he was very provocative to Qiuhua's father.
Father Qiuhua stared with anger and cursed, "Smelly girl!"
Su Fengnuan snorted, madly at him, "Smelly old man!"
Father Qiuhua was even more angry, almost roaring at Su Fengnuan, "Where am I getting old? Where am I getting old?"
Su Fengnuan said casually, "It's old everywhere, much older than my Ye Chang."
Father Qiuhua choked, he was indeed older than Ye Chang.
Niang Qiuhua was happy, and stretched out her hand to push Su Fengnuan, "Little girl, let's go, you will provoke his donkey temper for a while, and I have to coax him, beware that he runs down Wangdi Mountain in anger, you are stupid."
Su Fengnuan nodded obediently and left Qiu Huaniang obediently, but he still stuck out his tongue at Father Qiuhua, then turned and ran.
Qiu Huaniang laughed.
Father Qiuhua stared for a long while before humming, "Smelly girl, now she can still run around alive, and when she detoxifies that kid Ye Chang, I think she can still run around like this?"
Qiu Huaniang sighed when she heard the words, and said, "This child has been talented and extremely talented since he was a child, and he is wiser than ordinary children, and more sensible than ordinary children. No matter what he learns, he will learn as soon as he learns. But maybe because she is too Smart, living too thorough and understanding, so God is too perfect for people, there will always be a little incomplete, just like now, maybe everything will be reduced to nothing, it's a pity."
Father Qiuhua also sighed, "Time is also fortune and fate, I can't help it."
Su Fengnuan returned to his residence, Ye Chang had already returned. He was sitting at the window reading a very old book in his hand. Seeing her back, he raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows, "Why are you in such a good mood? ?"
Su Fengnuan asked Qiu Huaniang to agree to her business and bullied Qiuhua's father again. She was naturally in a good mood. She walked to him, glanced at the ancient book in his hand, and said with a smile, "This is not Wangdi Mountain. According to the secret, several masters even let you study it, which shows that they really like you."
Ye Chang said, "Because of you, I love the house and the black."
Su Fengnuan stretched out his arm around his neck, hung it on his body, and said to him, "This ancient book covers all the forbidden arts in Wangdi Mountain. Just look at it. Don't get into your heart. Forbidden arts will benefit you. Hundreds of harm."
Ye Chang nodded.
Su Fengnuan sat aside and watched with him for a while. It was getting late, and the two went to bed to rest.
The next day, a crowd of people waited to Hanchi Mountain to relieve Ye Shang's fever.
Coming to Hanchi Mountain, according to what was discussed yesterday, Su Fengnuan and Ye Chang only wear single clothes, and Qiuhua’s father and mother are guarded by them. The remaining three masters, four masters, and a group of brothers guard Outside the four.
Su Fengnuan and Ye Chang sat cross-legged with their palms facing each other. When they were ready, she activated the absorption technique to explore the heat poison in Ye Chang's body. After finding the poison vein, she activated the forbidden technique to absorb the heat poison in his body. The law leads to oneself.
Qiuhua's father and mother and a group of people did not dare to be careless, and helped Su Fengnuan to guide the hot poison into her body smoothly.
The heat poison in Ye Shang's body has been entrenched for many years, and he is very stubborn. Su Fengnuan can only pull out the coiled poisonous thread. But after these poisonous threads are out of Ye Shang's body, it will cause a rush to face. People roasted, and the snow on Hanchi Mountain turned into water drops before it fell.
When the process was halfway through, Father Qiuhua suddenly said, "Little girl, is there a possibility that you don't need to refine this hot poison with your body's cold exercises, but instead, use the cold energy of the entire Hanchi Mountain, Refining this heat poison?"
Su Feng warmed his hands and everyone woke up.
Daddy Qiuhua said, "You can try to output your cold and absorption techniques at the same time, and after the heat poison is drawn out, move to the countless ice layers of Hanchi Mountain in a way that is easy to change the universe. We use Hanchi Mountain's method of consolidating and restoring the foundation to assist you."
Su Fengnuan hadn't answered yet, Ye Chang said immediately, "You can give it a try according to what Uncle Master said."
Qiu Huaniang said immediately, "There are two possibilities for doing this. One is that it is really implemented, so that the little girl does not have to be greatly harmed. The other is that the little girl and Xiaoshang may both be in danger, or they may be killed. worry."
Ye Chang said, "We can live and die together, just use this method."
Qiu Huaniang looked at Su Fengnuan.
Su Fengnuan bit her lip. If the huge Hanchi Mountain could dissolve the heat, it would be better than putting the heat in her body to refine it, but it was indeed extremely difficult to do. If it doesn't work, she and Ye Shang will be bitten by the heat. She looked at Ye Chang.
Ye Chang nodded affirmatively to her.
Father Qiuhua said on the side, "Little girl, are you not trying to pass on your family to a stinky boy? The heat has entered your body, and our ability to intervene to protect your abdomen is limited. It is better not to let it enter your body, but Export your Extreme Cold Technique and transfer it to this Cold Lake Mountain. We will gather the strength of all of us and refine it together."
Su Fengnuan gritted his teeth when he heard the words and nodded, "Okay, just listen to Uncle Master."
As a result, everyone temporarily changed the already negotiated decision, and implemented it according to what Qiuhua said.
This is no different from the most difficult thing. Not long after, Su Fengnuan’s forehead has already dropped large drops of sweat, Ye Chang’s eyebrows are twisted together, but his complexion is as hot as when a fever attacked. Suffer great pain in it.
The group of people sitting around the two were uncomfortable. The heat poison in Ye Chang's body was like a raging fire. After being triggered, a raging flame spewed out of his body, like a volcano, almost swallowing everything, warmed by Su Feng. The law was held together, spread by everyone, and moved little by little to the cold ice cave where the chill of Hanchi Mountain was.
When the first wave of craze reached the ice cave, the eldest Master couldn't help but exclaimed, "Success!"
Everyone was overjoyed and their spirits were shaken.
Successfully, that is to say, the heat poison in Ye Chang's body can be refined through Hanchi Mountain instead of through Su Fengnuan's body. In this way, Su Fengnuan will no longer suffer countless heat poisoning into his body. Unpredictable harm.
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