Vol 3 Chapter 91: Heard and asked (one more)

The next day, Sun Qingxue came to Rong'an Prince's Mansion at Su Fengnuan's invitation, and brought her many good medicines from the Guozhang's Mansion.
Su Fengnuan pondered over and over again, but still felt that to see her in the meeting room of the Royal Palace of Rong'an, after all, Sun Qingxue is a real lady of everyone, so she must not see her live in the same courtyard with Ye Chang unmarried. Once she invites her to the main courtyard, she is very smart and bound to Will think of another layer.
The housekeeper invited Sun Qingxue into the mansion and led the way to the living room.
Su Fengnuan was already waiting, and there were two large warm stoves in the house, and she was waiting for Sun Qingxue while making tea.
After Sun Qingxue entered the living room, she saw Su Fengnuan holding a stove hook to poke the charcoal in the stove, and she smiled suddenly, "There is no maid in the Royal Palace of Rong'an. It seems that Sister Su can only do these things by herself."
Su Fengnuan smiled and greeted her to take her seat. At the same time, she said, "I was not patient to be served by others, so I am used to doing what I can."
Sun Qingxue sat down and looked at her, "Sister Su's injuries seem to be as serious as the rumors say. She is not a little bit thinner than I saw you before leaving Beijing, and her complexion looks pale."
Su Fengnuan poured a cup of tea for her and said indifferently, "Just keep it for a while."
Sun Qingxue said admiringly, "The Yanbei fought, the western region captured the city, and the negotiations and negotiations with the Northern Zhou Dynasty, etc., I listened to the storytellers in the teahouse, and they were just like the obedient book. The two countries are fighting, and the women who can go to the battlefield in ancient times, There are very few, not to mention that you are the only one who is famous for defeating the Northern Zhou Dynasty and negotiating the peace. Sister Su made a sigh of relief for our women in the world, which I admire."
Su Fengnuan laughed, "Sister Sun is serious."
Sun Qingxue shook her head, "It's not serious, don't you know. In those days, Yanbei was on the verge of danger, and my father said that Yanbei might not be able to keep it. Unexpectedly, you saved it and beat Beizhou to retreat. Later. There were frequent reports of victory over the city in the West, and my father sighed after returning to the mansion, saying that it is a pity that you gave birth to a daughter. If you are a man, make meritorious deeds, Gao Xun will be crowned king."
Su Fengnuan said jokingly, "The Prime Minister looks at me highly, whether it is Yanbei or the West, if I am alone, there is no soldier, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. It is because Yanbei can save Yanbei. , The result of united efforts. The defeat of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in the Western Region is not my personal credit. During the period, Zhang Lin brought the 30,000 soldiers and horses of Jinglu, the Emperor's Imperial Forest Army and the Western Reinforcement Army that Zhang Lin brought with me. Work."
Sun Qingxue laughed, "All the warriors in Yanbei and the Western Territory were rewarded by the emperor. The Zhang Lin you brought in was originally a vice general. After returning to Beijing, the emperor promoted him to command the Beijing Lu army, but he didn’t give any reward. Sister Su. It is rumored privately in Beijing that it is because Sister Su you are a daughter. You have not been rewarded for such a great skill. Many people feel it is a pity."
Su Fengnuan thought that she didn't have the reward. She exchanged a few great merits for a sacred decree, but this sacred decree could not be promoted during the emperor's lifetime. She smiled and said, "I am a daughter's family, what should I do? Besides, the emperor rewarded me for marrying me and Ye Changci."
She said this bluntly, and Sun Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, and said to her, "My younger sister loves Ye Shizi. It seems that she really feels like the sea. Just marrying into the Royal Palace of Rong'an is enough."
Su Fengnuan smiled and nodded, "Yes!"
Seeing that she was not ashamed, Sun Qingxue laughed again and said,
Sister Su’s temperament is what I really like, but it’s a pity that Ye Shizi gave you a decision. Otherwise, if you marry into the prime minister’s house, from my point of view, I think Excellent."
Su Fengnuan also laughed, wanting to say that I wanted to turn you into the Su Mansion to marry my third brother, but that idiot was not thinking about it. He couldn't stand his eyebrows for fear of marrying you and couldn't stand his private ills. She can only smile and say, "This is the Royal Palace of Rong'an. Ye Chang is stingy. Beware that he knows that you talk like this and abduct me. I won't let me see you next time."
Sun Qingxue covered her mouth and smiled, "Yes, I forgot that this is the Royal Palace of Rong'an, but I hope that there are a lot of Lord Ye Shizi, and I don't care about the words of my little girl."
Su Fengnuan laughed.
The two were chatting while drinking tea. Before noon, Sun Qingxue was shocked to leave and said to her, "I heard that you have to go to the household to accompany Ye Shizi every day. Ye Shizi is here for you. The Ministry of Household has opened a kitchen, and I have to take the cook to the Ministry of Household to have meals with him every day. I have been delayed for so long today..."
Su Feng Nuan smiled and said, "Sister Sun, you don't have to be polite, and you don't have to rush away. I won't go to the household department today. Lunch is in the house, so you can stay with me!"
Sun Qingxue immediately said, "How can that work?"
Su Feng Nuan said, "Okay."
Sun Qingxue looked at her, "What about Ye Shizi? If you don't go, he..."
Su Fengnuan smiled and said, "Half an hour ago, the cook in the mansion had already gone to the household department. I have already sent a letter to him, it's okay."
Sun Qingxue said in surprise, "You have been talking to me, when did you pass the letter to him?"
Su Feng Nuan blinked his eyes with a smile and said to her, "Qian Han is outside. I glanced at him and signaled him to go to the household to inform Ye Chang, and he knew that he was going to send the letter."
Sun Qingxue sat down and said with a smile, "Qian Han is Ye Shizi's guard, and now it is assigned to you. It seems that Ye Shizi is really nervous about you. If that's the case, I'm not welcome."
Su Fengnuan smiled and said, "Sister Sun, you are welcome. In this capital, you are the only one who fell in love with me. Thank you for coming to see me in this mansion today, and you also brought a lot of good medicine."
Sun Qingxue whispered, "I don't know what you need for medicinal materials. My brother prepared them last night."
Su Fengnuan smiled and thanked him, "Thank you Grand Master for me. I still owe you a meal of roasted game, but now I am so strong that I can't blow the cold wind, just remember!"
Sun Qingxue laughed, "Don't be in a hurry, just keep it in mind, and you will get better in the future, then make it up."
The two gossiping for a while, the kitchen brought up the prepared lunch, and Su Fengnuan invited Sun Qingxue to lunch together.
After lunch, Sun Qingxue stayed for a while, and saw that Su Feng was exhausted, so she got up to leave.
Su Fengnuan put on a thick cloak and sent her out of Rong'an Palace. When she was at the door, Sun Qingxue glanced at the gilded plaque of Rong'an Palace. After hesitating, she approached her ear and said, "There is a word, I think twice. , I think it’s better to talk to Sister Su. The emperor attaches great importance to Ye Shizi, and Ye Shizi himself is also a dragon and phoenix. This Rong'an Royal Mansion has attracted people's attention in the past, and I am afraid it will be difficult not to attract people's attention. I see Sister Su here. The injury in the back is extraordinary, and the bones must be taken care of and careless."
The meaning of this is self-evident.
Whether it is the glory of the Rong'an Royal Mansion itself, or Ye Chang is alone, or the emperor's love and respect now make him even more interesting, or a peach blossom is sent to the door to miss him.
In short, it is not a good thing.
If her body is not well raised, the offspring is a major issue. For women, being infertile is a big deal.
Su Fengnuan thought that she hadn't looked in the mirror for many days, and even people who didn't know how to martial arts Sun Qingxue could see that the injury she suffered this time was extraordinary, let alone someone who knew martial arts. No wonder Lin Zhixiao stared at her for a long time yesterday. She sighed secretly, but said with a smile on her face, "Thank you Sister Sun for your kindness, I know."
Sun Qingxue shook her hand and said, "Sister Su, don't be too busy with me. We women are always women. No matter how powerful they are, they can't avoid being admitted to the backyard by men. You are a queen and live in the harem all year round. , Facing the emperor’s three thousand fans.
When the words fell, she covered her mouth and said consciously,
I’m so rebellious. Sister Su should forget about it. Of course, Ye Shizi is different from others. It’s good, you don’t need to say it, it’s known all over the capital now."
Su Fengnuan thought of something, and smiled lightly, and said to her, "Sister grandson was right." After the words fell, the smile deepened and said, "Ye Chang is indeed different from others. I grew up with him since I was a child. It’s great, and I’ve kept it for many years, but it’s nothing more than perfection.
Sun Qingxue looked at Su Fengnuan. Although the weather was bright today, it was still cold in winter after heavy snowfall. She was wrapped in a thick cloak, her face was soft and calm in the cold day, she suddenly felt that perhaps what she said was unnecessary, such a clever woman, she knew everything.
After sending Sun Qingxue away, Su Fengnuan turned and returned to the house.
As soon as she returned to the main courtyard room, a flying eagle flew into Rong'an Prince's Mansion, circled around the roof, and swooped down and pecked at the window.
Su Fengnuan opened the window and Feiying entered the room. It touched Feiying's head and took off the strip of paper tied to its legs. I saw a letter from Mr. Feng from Fengyang Escort, with only a brief sentence written on it: "Lin Ke, born in Wangdi Mountain. Forty years ago, Wangdi Mountain abandoned his son. The father has nothing to check, and the mother has nothing to check. There is no investigation on his life twenty years ago. Twenty years ago, he fell into the Lin family as a guest Qing. After Lin Zhixiao was born, he has been with him as a teacher. He has not married yet."
In a short sentence, Su Fengnuan was shocked.
Lin Ke was born in Wangdi Mountain? Is it the abandoned son of Wangdishan? She is in charge of Emperor Wangdishan's order, and has access to the deepest secrets of Wangdishan, but for many years, she has never heard that Wangdishan has abandoned a child.
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