Vol 3 Chapter 113: Can't detect pulse (one more)

After Qi Shu left, Ye Xi shook his head and sighed at Su Fengnuan.
Su Fengnuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Xi, "Brother, what is this expression? What is wrong with what Qi Shu and I said?"
Ye Xi snorted, and said, "There is nothing wrong with it, it is a great point. You are afraid that Qi Shu will hate your cousin and hurt your brotherhood. During the conversation, you will maintain every sentence and dissect your cousin's hard work. National World Being connected with brotherhood is a painstaking effort."
Su Fengnuan smiled and said, "Initially, Ye Chang was very emotional, but Anguo Gongfu, Jingyanghoufu, and Pingjun Wangfu were all dragging him down. Shen Qi is dead, and she is far away in the west. Playmate, there is only Qi Shu left in the capital. The Pian Ping county king is involved in a corruption case today with such a large sum of silver.
Ye Xi looked at her, hating iron and steel, and said, "Junior sister, what do I say to you? When is it? Do you care about him to maintain brotherhood? Think about yourself! If your body is really frozen Cheng Bingren, what does Ye Chang talk about protecting brotherhood? He doesn't need to live anymore. In his eyes, brotherhood is not as good as you."
Su Fengnuan was speechless for a while.
Ye Xi stretched out his hand to her, "Take it over, and I will get your pulse again."
Su Feng Nuan handed him his hand.
Ye Xi checked Su Fengnuan's pulse. After a while, he withdrew his hand, his face solemnly and strangely said, "I can't detect your pulse anymore, what's the matter? There is icy air inside?"
Su Fengnuan shook his head, "I also found out this morning, and I can't detect my pulse."
Ye Xi's complexion changed drastically, "Even you can't detect your pulse? Does this mean that it has deteriorated again?"
Su Fengnuan said, "My body doesn't feel uncomfortable, it doesn't seem to be worsening." When the words fell, he said to him, "Although I can't detect my pulse, my mind seems to be able to perceive the situation inside. "
"This is so? What's the situation?" Ye Xi asked immediately.
Su Fengnuan said, "At the original origin, there is cold air swirling, covering the veins."
Ye Xi frowned and said, "What is the reason?"
Su Fengnuan told Ye Xi about the fact that his emotions seemed to touch the icy air in his body that day, and then he said, "For these two days, I myself have been trying to explore the origin of the ice in my body, but with I tried to find out, and it must have stirred the icy air in the ice cave in the original element, so I shrouded the pulse."
After hearing this, Ye Xi said in surprise, "This... why is there such a thing? It's simply unheard of!"
Su Fengnuan said, "It seems that in the next few years, I still need to go back to Wangdi Mountain, maybe back to Wangdi Mountain, to be able to solve the puzzle. I feel that the ice cave in my body is from the ice cave of Wangdi Mountain. Introduced and stayed inside me."
Ye Xi took a sigh of relief when he heard the words, his face turned pale, and he said in amazement, "Wangdi Mountain's ice cave is probably thousands or even tens of thousands of years old. If it's true as you guessed, then... what else do you have to survive? ?"
Su Feng Nuan pursed his lips and said, "I practiced the Extreme Cold Technique, and there is an ice cave in my body, maybe..."
Ye Xi stopped her immediately, "Don't forget, your meridian is almost completely damaged, and you have lost all martial arts, how can you use the exercises to turn the ice for your own use? It's impossible!"
Su Fengnuan was silent.
Ye Xi stood up and said to her, "No, I'm going to tell my cousin, I can't hide from him anymore."
Su Fengnuan grabbed him, "Senior brother."
Ye Xi said annoyed, "When is it? Are you still hiding from him? Do you have to wait for you to be frozen to death and be frozen before telling him?"
Su Fengnuan shook his head, looked at him and said, "Wait a minute, now I am doing business as usual, no different from a few days ago. Although I can't detect my pulse, I don't feel any signs of freezing. He is now handling a corruption case. If he knows that he will no longer care about any political affairs, then all his hard work since returning to Beijing will be abandoned. Letting him know now will only make him anxious and useless."
Ye Xi stretched out his hand and knocked Su Fengnuan's head fiercely, and said angrily, "Then why didn't you hide it from me? It's okay for you to hide it from me at first? Bastard girl! Are you bullying your brother? Protecting him, but making me worry about you all day? In what life did I owe you?"
Su Fengnuan was knocked twice on the ground by him, and said with a smile, "Master said, let us keep watch and help each other. Are you a brother, so naturally you have to bear more of your sister."
Ye Xi snorted coldly, turned and left.
Su Fengnuan grabbed his sleeve again, "Brother, don't tell..."
Ye Xi was so angry that he opened his sleeves, "I won't tell him, he is your darling, he can only protect and only say good things, and never let him worry about telling him bad things. He has accumulated virtue in his previous life, and I did it in the previous life. It’s evil, and deserve to be tortured by you."
Su Fengnuan coughed, feeling that nature was indeed excessive.
Ye Xi glared at her fiercely, and left a word, "I'm going to send a letter to Master Yu Ling, my uncle now has no worries about his life, let Master Yu Ling quickly look back at Dishan to check the ancient medical books for you. "
Su Fengnuan nodded.
Ye Xi left the study and hurriedly returned to the Royal Palace of Rong'an.
Su Fengnuan sat back on the low couch in the study again, and the sunlight came in from the window, very bright. She lay down in front of the window and looked out the window. Several birds were chirping on the branches of Begonia. She remembered that those Begonia plants were planted when she was very young. At that time, she liked that the Begonia branches were full. She begged her three brothers to plant crabapples with her.
The eldest brother said that Begonia is a delicate species, very difficult to grow, and needs careful care.
Later, Su Mansion left Beijing and the mansion was left vacant for many years. Now when she returns to the mansion, she finds that the begonias are still alive and not dead for more than ten years.
Not as delicate as the older brother said.
Its flowers are delicate, but it does not mean that the roots and trunks are also delicate. In such a winter, the wind and snow are severely cold, and its branches are not dry.
Maybe her body won't reach the worst point, there is always a way to make the impossible possible.
She turned her head and said to Qianhan, "Qianhan, go and move some braziers."
Qian Han was startled, "Does the girl feel cold? I want to make a stove in the study?"
Su Fengnuan shook her head, "No." After the words came, she reached out and pointed, "Do you see the few crabapples outside? Later, when you move to the stove, we will put the stove under the tree and give them more Build a warm shed for the tree, and maybe in this cold winter, you can cover a few crabapples to bloom."
Qian Han looked at her and asked suspiciously, "If this is the case, can Begonia bloom in the winter?"
"Try it." Su Fengnuan said with a smile, "Anyway, there is nothing left and right, and I am idle."
Qian Han nodded and turned around.
Su Fengnuan got down on the soft couch and walked out of the study door. He called the housekeeper and asked him to call some servants to build a warm shed for some crabapple trees.
The butler looked at Su Fengnuan and saw that the young lady was in a good mood, so he swallowed the suspicion and went back.
Not long after, the little servants came to the courtyard outside the study with some things and started to build a warm shed. Qian Han moved a few stoves and placed them under the trees according to Su Fengnuan's instructions.
This incident shocked Madam Su. Upon hearing the news, Madam Su came to the study courtyard and said angrily to Su Feng Nuan, "I heard that you are going to cover the flowering crabapple trees in the winter? How could it be possible? I see you. I'm so idle, I have nothing to do, so I can find something to do for myself."
Su Fengnuan smiled and took her arm and said, "Mother, when I was a child, I liked Begonia flowers. These are some Begonia plants, but I planted them by myself! We have not been in Beijing for many years, and we have not seen them bloom. I may have to go out for a long time. I don’t know how long I will be back. Maybe I will miss their flowering time. It's better to let them open when I am here."
Madam Su was startled, "You are going to go far in the next year? Where are you going?"
Su Feng Nuan smiled and said, "It's a matter of the teacher to go back to the teacher's door with my brother."
Mrs. Su asked, "Did you tell Xiao Chang?"
Su Fengnuan shook his head, "I haven't said yet. I'll talk to him again after a new year. Now he is busy all day long, so I don't bother him."
Madam Su nodded and smiled and said to her, "I haven't heard that crabapples bloom in the winter? You have to see if you can understand these strains of crabapples. Don't turn your head on and off in vain."
Su Fengnuan stuck his tongue out to her, "There is nothing impossible, only effortless work."
Madam Su nodded her forehead, "Well, I am also waiting to see your crabapples! If your crabapples opened in the winter, it would be a wonder."
Su Fengnuan watched that the warm shed was quickly set up, and surrounded several begonias. The warmth in the shed was warm, and he smiled and nodded, "If I really cover the begonias in the winter, when the time comes Not only the mother can appreciate it, but you can also invite the ladies who are close to you to come to our house to appreciate the begonia. It is not as good as the others."
Madam Su laughed, "Planning to go so far? Let's wait until you can really cover Haitang."
Su Fengnuan smiled and raised his eyebrows.
After setting up the warm shed, Su Fengnuan returned to his yard and just stepped into the door, Qian Han suddenly drew out his sword and drank, "Who?"
Su Fengnuan turned her head when she heard the words, and saw two figures standing in the courtyard. It was the two senior brothers from Wangdi Mountain. She immediately laughed and said to Qian Han, "My own person." Smiled at the two, "Senior Brother Seven and Senior Brother Eleven, it turns out that the two of you are here, and you have worked hard all the way."
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